-----Original Message-----
From: Mcucciasbj@aol.com [mailto:Mcucciasbj@aol.com]
Monday, February 20, 2006 12:11 AM
Subject: Seven Wonders Competition in the Post- vote now for "The Hill" & 6 others!


Dear Friends:

Did you see the Seven Wonders competition in the Post? They solicited nominations of St Louis institutions for the Seven Wonders list to come up with a list of 15 finalists. They are (in alpha order)

1. Anheuser-Busch Brewery
Cahokia Mounds
City Museum
4. Delmar Loop
Eads Bridge
Forest Park
7. Fox Theatre
8. Gateway Arch
Great River Road
10. The Hill
Missouri Botanical Garden
St. Louis Cardinals
St Louis Cathedral Basilica
14. Ted Drewes
15. Union Station

Rules of voting

1. By email or US mail received at the Post-Dispatch by Sunday, Feb 26.

2. emails to: jholleman@post-dispatch.com with the word "wonder" in the subject field
US mail: Seven Wonders of St Louis, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 900 North Tucker Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63101

3. You must vote for 7 of the 15 finalists--no more, no less. Any ballot that does not select seven nominees will not be counted. No write-ins.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Stremlau [mailto:tstremlau@sbcglobal.net]
Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:25 PM
Subject: Seven Wonders of
St. Louis


It's TIME TO VOTE ! ! ! !


The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is doing an article on the Seven Wonders of St. Louis and "The Hill" is one of the fifteen finalists.  Please VOTE and make The Hill one of the "Seven Wonders of St. Louis"


Here is what you have to do -


1.  Send an e-mail to Joe Holleman at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch - The link is at the bottom

2.  Put the word "WONDERS" in the subject line.

3.  Vote for SEVEN of the 15 finalists.  not 6 and not 8 - but 7 !

4.  You MUST list seven (7) of the finalists or your vote will be thrown out.  Don't send an e-mail and list just The Hill.

5.  Here are the 15 finalists:

The Hill

Anheuser-Busch Brewery

Chokia Mounds

City Museum

Del! mar Loop

Eads Bridge

Forest Park

Fox Theatre

Gateway Arch

Great River Road

Missouri Botanical Garden

St. Louis Cardinals

St. Louis Cathedral

Ted Drewes

Union Station

6.  So - in your e-mail to Joe HJolleman - list The Hill AND six others -


Here's the link -  jholleman@post-dispatch.com