I am a resident of the Hill. I live on Shaw Ave. with my fiance and 10 month old daughter. I am writing you in hope of getting some kind of a response on what we can do about the horrible and ridiculous car theft problem we are having. Three weeks ago, my car was stolen right in front of my house. In August 2003, a gun was pointed at my fiance for his car right in front of our house. Now, this morning at 5 am, his car was stolen. Apparently, there is a new No Chase Law that has been passed where the cops can not chase thefts due to the endangerment of innocent bystanders. My family and I cannot even sleep at night. We grew up on the Hill, our whole family lives on the hill. My fiance works at a local store. We don't even feel safe anymore. Why aren't cops patroling our area. Rumor has it 4 cars have been stolen in the last month. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Vincenza Scarpaci, author of a Portrait of Italians in America (Scribners, 1982) plans to produce a new and revised book for Pelican Publishing Company (proposed publication date November, 2005). Scarpaci is an immigration historian who specializes in Italian Immigration to the US and has written about many aspects of the Italian experience in the United States. She has taught courses in immigration history at universities in Baltimore, California and Oregon. Her goal is to document the story of Italians in America with photo memories of the immigrants themselves. She has found that often photos still in family albums can tell the personal story more expressively than photos in official archives, because the families have documented details about the people and their lives. Therefore, she welcomes fellow Italian Americans to share family pictures, so that she might consider them for her book. All donors whose photos are selected will receive a credit line in the book. (Photos will be copied and returned to the donors.) The kinds of pictures that make the best stories are ones showing daily family life, different occupations, and Italian communities in different locales across the US and Canada. Scarpaci will look also at the persistence of ethnicity among Italian Americans reaching into the 3rd and 4th generations with such activities as visiting Italy to search “roots,” joining Italian American organizations, retaining Italian traditions in daily life. If you wish to participate in this project, please contact Scarpaci at scarpaci@uoregon.edu or write to History Dept. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. |
WWII author seeks info re: Italian
4/29/02 This letter solicits the help of your members in locating Italian survivors of a historically important incident that occurred in Florida on December 7, 1941. I am compiling and editing a narrative history about Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941. One of my correspondents, Leonard Kiesel, was a young Marine stationed at Jacksonville Naval Air Station at Jacksonville, Florida, on that day. After hearing about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 30 Marines, including Mr. Kiesel, were ordered to capture three Italian freighters in the Jacksonville harbor. The ships were ramming the harbor drawbridge in an attempt to “escape” to open sea. After capturing the ships–Ircania, Confidenza, and Villarperosa–the Marines took all crew members into custody; the crew members were subsequently incarcerated in a makeshift prison area at the JNAS. The ultimate fate of the Italian sailors–mostly merchant marines, is unknown. Mr. Kiesel shipped out for the Pacific not long after the incident. According to Mr. Kiesel, the event has long been suppressed by the U.S. Navy. Why? Because the U.S. was not at war with Italy until four days after Pearl Harbor. It is my feeling that there are probably a few elderly native Italian gentlemen still living who were crew members aboard the three freighters that day. If so, I would like to hear from them. They are our last hope of substantiating Leonard Kiesel’s story. I have talked to Mr. Kiesel many times, and there is no doubt in my mind but that his story is true in every respect. He has spent many years attempting to secure official acknowledgement of the JNAS incident. Mr. Kiesel is a war hero who received the Purple Heart for serious wounds sustained at Gavatu. Locating one or more of the surviving Italian merchant marines would be an excellent project for a history student. But time is running out. Thank you for any help you can give Mr. Kiesel and I. Best regards, Larry McCabe, Director, McCabe WWII History Project
Saluti dal Belgio
1/22/02 Cari italiani in America, vi saluto a tutti. Mi presento: mi chiamo Edoardo Romano e abito in Belgio. Sono siciliano della provincia di Agrigento (Castrofilippo) mi piace essere in contatto con italiani nel mondo in America ci sono tanti miei paesani che voglio salutare. Ho visto il vostro sito, peccato che e` in inglese io non capisco tanto. Saluti a tutti Edoardo Romano [edoardoromano@hotmail.com] (Belgio) Caro Edoardo, |
1/13/02 Your web site is one of the classiest around. May it be the one that finally unites and unifies Italian- Americans and their many anti-bias organizations into one big central one... for REAL muscle power. "All for one and one for all". Sempre avanti. Walter Santi - Bloomingdale,Illinois. |
Sicilian Cultural Association
Christmas Party:
1/2/02 To all who attended the Christmas party in December a warm thank you. My Fiancé' and I attended as casual observers and left as family. We wanted to get involved with the Sicilians in our area so that we could interact in a respectful way when we go to Sicily in March for our honeymoon. We learned a great deal and are now sure that that Sicily was the best choice we could have made for our honeymoon. With Respect and Warmth, Stanley Crocker and Suzanne Johnson |
From Italy:
A tutti gli italo-americani, i nostri sentimenti di cordoglio e di solidarietà per la tragedia che ha colpito la vostra Nazione, ma che quì in Italia sentiamo comune www.napolinapoli.com From France:
Carissimo Calogero, Ringraziamo sentitamente per la vostra espressione di sostegno e amicizia in questa brutta parentesi della nostra storia. Il vostro messaggio sara` esibito in prima pagina del nostro sito. Ricambiamo affettuosamente i cordiali saluti, Franco Giannotti |
Calcio, anyone? From: Stefano Astolfi - Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 - Subject: calcio Mi chiamo Astolfi Stefano e sono allenatore di base di calcio, vorrei avere indirizzi utili o notizie x poter svolgere la pofessione di allenatore di calcio giovanile o calcio dilettantistico negli USA. email: obelix60@inwind.it |
From Italy
6/12/01 Ciao a tutti !
About www.ItalyStl.com
6/4/2001 Ciao Franco, I know it's a busy week for
you with the Consul General's visit. Just wanted to tell you how
wonderful the website is- it continues to get better and better! We sincerely
appreciate your willingness to post all of our announcements whether it
be for St. Ambrose Church, the Italian Club or FIAO Young Artist
4/11/2001 Cari amici,
In my humble opinion, "ITALY IN ST LOUIS" sets the Standard for the type of Web Site that every City in America should have, in order to properly serve it's Italian American Residents. The Fact that Franco Giannotti, Owner of the Site, is a Professional Web Master certainly is a strong factor contributing to it's high quality. If you are in the St. Louis area you are very fortunate. If you are not, you just may want to visit it to see what you are missing. While you are there, you may want to visit the "Annotico Report", a selection made by, of currently 35 posts from this RAA Network, featuring contributions by Consul General of Chicago, NY State Sen. Serphin Maltese, Italic Studies Institute, Prof. Emeritus James Mancuso, Prof. Ben Lawton, Prof. Larry DeSantis/Una Storia Segreta, Prof. Al Rosa, Manny Alfano/IAOV, Anthony Grippo Esq./AIDA, Diana Crespy/ Order Sons Of Italy, Anthony La Piano/ I-A Civil Rights Act, Bob Miriani, John Matteo, Bob Masullo, Bill Del Cerro & many others. Click on the "Annotico Report" in the extreme upper right hand corner of the Home Page. If you know of any City Sites that compare, please advise, and we will share them.... 3/22/2001
Don't each of you wish you had a Web Site dedicated
to the Italian Americans in your City that is as tasteful and informative
as "Italy in St Louis". It takes a giant step toward what each American/
Canadian City deserves. Franco Giannotti, the Publisher has
my respect for having the Vision, and
Caro Dr. Amendola,ITALIAN CLUB OF ST. LOUIS February 6, 2001 - Similarly, the News ITALIA PRESS picked up and published a story about the showing of Il Gattopardo as well as the particulars of our Christmas Dinner and the Panettoni Players performance. Barbara Klein It's a small world, Webmaster
Egregi signori,
Looking for a job... |
July 18, 2000 - I have a friend from Naples who has just received his degree in Marketing/Accounting. He has also taken a course in English and speaks very well. He wants to find a job in the US. If anyone knows of any companies or businesses who help to support Italian immigrants please let me know. He is very aware of the work visas and the legality of staying in the states so he has to find a company that would be open to hiring him from Italy. Any information on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Grazie |
January 21, 2000 - Can we add the Italian Mass to the list of upcoming events? The Italian Mass is at St. Ambrose the first Sunday of each month at 11:00a.m. Many people already come who are not parishioners, but it would be great to get the word out even further. Grazie, Marie Cuccia-Brand Excellent idea, why didn't we think of it? Consider
it done, grazie mille, Webmaster.
Looking for a pen pal...
Ciao Fede, grazie per l'interesse e spero che qualcuno dei nostri concittadini ti risponda (click on signature for email), Webmaster July 15, 1999 - Ciao a tutti, Mi chiamo
Federico Riva e sono un ragazzo italiano. Ho 26 anni e vivo vicino a Milano.
Mi sembra che il vostro sito sia molto ben fatto e interessante e, visto
che sono sempre stato interessato alla vita degli Italoamericani [o comunque
degli italiani all'estero] mi farebbe molto piacere comunicare con qualche
Italiano [o discendente da Italiani] che vive a tanti km. dalla terra d'origine.
July 14, 1999 - Hello - My name is Gloria Ferrara. My father is the attorney, Peter Ferrara who has practiced immigration law in downtown St. Louis for nearly 60 years. Dad told me a story about a client of his but he cannot remember the clients name. If anyone is familiar with this story or knows who the person might be, I'd really appreciate hearing from you. A young Italian immigrant in St. Louis was used as an errand boy - he was asked to deliver a package and unbeknownst to him the package contained an illegal substance. The youth was going to be deported. My father spoke to Mr. Henry Collarelli who was the head of INS in St. Louis. He said the only way to prevent deportation was to get a presidential pardon. My father says he did receive one from President Truman. He's not sure of the year, but we believe it is between 1945 and November of 1948. Dad saw the document - it had a beautiful big red seal in the lower right hand corner; at least that is was he thinks he remembers. This person today might be in his mid fifties or possibly early sixties as when this incident occurred, this person was a young teenager. I'm hoping someone in the Italian community will recognize this story and provide me and my father with a name. I ask for your help on behalf of my father. Thank you, Gloria Ferrara |
July, 1999 - La prima riunione di Italiano per piacere si è svolta
in un’atmosfera di entusiasmo e aspettativa che non è stata delusa.
Con la cordialità e il cameratismo che lo distinguono, Franco Giannotti
ha dato avvio ad una nuova attività che promette di avere molto
successo. Auguri... e congratulazioni per il discorso inaugurale
sui partiti italiani che ha suscitato interesse e promosso interessanti
November, 1998 - La vita e` bella (Life is beautiful) is a masterpiece and an absolute emotional rollercoster. Roberto Benigni graduates cum laude from "buffone" to "grande regista". This is a film that will find its rightful place among the greatest in the archives of your mind. Currently playing in Frontenac Plaza -- don't miss it. Following are some excerpts from the critics. Franco Giannotti |
"Solo il riso - irrisione sistematica, falsetto autoderisorio, smorfia convulsa - garantisce che il discorso è all'altezza della terribilità del vivere e segna una mutazione rivoluzionaria" Italo Calvino ("Only laughter - unrelented, almost self-inflicting, grotesque - can rival life's terrible moments and create a unique contrast") "La vita è bella - un film che ha un'anima" Irene Bignardi ("Life Is Beautiful - a movie with soul") "..una splendida dimostrazione di come l'umorismo, al suo grado più alto, possa permettersi di affrontare qualunque argomento. Di come si possa far ridere raccontando una delle pagine più brutte della storia dell'umanità, senza per questo essere irridenti; anzi preservando intatta la carica drammatica degli eventi narrati..." Pietro Farro ("... a splendid demonstration of how humor, in its highest form, could overcome adversity. To be able to laugh while narrating one of humanity's ugliest moments, yet with no irreverence but rather preserving the dramatic force of the narrated events...") |
March 30, 1998 - I thought Tony Perrone was so good at the last meeting.
He captured the psychology of the various pietas so well. And the sonnet
at the end so captured Michelangelo's struggle with art versus death and
how even art does not save us from the ultimate pain. Powerful stuff and
great. Roger Gennari
(La Rondine - April 1998) |
December 1998 - We cannot let 1998 expire without concluding this controversy. Having received no further claim to the contrary, we must declare Luisa Flynn a winner. Venetian it is! Ed. March 30, 1998 - I was puzzled reading in the last issue of La Rondine
that Marco Polo was a Sicilian, since I've always known him to be a Venetian.
My history books place him in Venice at his birth in 1254 and at his death
in 1324, but in this age of revisionism one never knows. Luisa Flynn
November 18, 1997 - Vorrei dire che io e mia moglie siamo andati a HiPointe Theatre dove danno il film "Wings of the Dove". E' un film che descrive Londra e Venezia verso l'inizio del secolo. La cinematografia e' meravigliosa, specialmente riguardo le scene di Venezia. Inoltre, si parla un po d'Italiano senza traduzione. Raccomando di vedere questo film a tutti che vogliono bene all'Italia e a Venezia. Roberto Pisoni |
![]() ![]() |
Nov 11, 1997 - I thought it was great. In my opinion - the girl who
played "Caterina" absolutely is the most beautiful woman in the world!!
Gene Mariani
Nov 7, 1997 -- Complimenti!! Ho trovato il nuovo web sito molto piacevole
ed anticipo di visitare molto spesso. Grazie mille. Roberto Pisoni
Oct 26, 1997 -- Congratulazioni e grazie per il lavoro che hai fatto!!! Ora comiciamo una nuova era!!! Peter A. Puleo Oct 20, 1997 -- I think the web page is very well done. It is easy to follow through and I think has a lot of good information... Richard Brand Oct 18, 1997 -- Franco, mille grazie per il "home page" del Club Italiano di St. Louis. Mi piace molto. Barbara Leoni Klein Oct 15, 1997 -- Bravo! ...congratulations on a great homepage. Judy Ronzio Oct 8, 1997 -- How exciting! Thanks for getting the club into the 21st century. Marie Cuccia-Brand Oct 8, 1997 -- Welcome to the Internet! The home page is interesting and useful and a great idea. Congratulations! Luisa Flynn Oct 5, 1997 -- The Italian Club web site is absolutely marvelous.... Gene Mariani |