Hill 2000
Mission Statement

The HILL 2000 Inc. neighborhood Organization is organized for purposes of community organizing, community leadership and advocacy, community planning, education and charitable works within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, including, but not limited to, the following specified purposes:

A. To combat neighborhood deterioration in the geographical area mentioned herein below by educating the residents within the area as to the threats to the continued well-being of the same community and as to methods of combating such threats through neighborhood improvement and new neighborhood development

B. To combat deterioration of the area by promoting and organizing events to educate the general public regarding the advantages of living, working and doing business within the geographical area

C. To raise and expend funds for the not-for-profit rehabilitation of certain derelict properties within the geographical area to the ultimate purpose of preserving the well-being of the said community, but with the express proviso that none of the aforesaid funds so expended shall inure to the benefit of anyone individual or legal entity, but shall inure to the benefit of the entire community as a whole

D. To combat juvenile delinquency within the geographical area by sponsoring youth recreation and employment programs

E. To promote the education of adult and young individuals within our geographical area by promoting and funding community schools which make use of public and parochial school facilities within the geographical area

F. To assist the needy and unfortunate residents within the geographical area in keeping their property in acceptable condition and to maintain adequate case records with regard thereto

G. To create and maintain a strong cohesive and viable residential business neighborhood in and around the general area of the section of St. Louis known as "The Hill"

H. To maintain and enhance residential and business property values regarding property located in the aforementioned geographical area

(The area of HILL 2000 shall be bounded by:)

· Kingshighway Boulevard on the East
· Hampton Avenue on the West
· Manchester Avenue on the North
· Southwest Avenue from Kingshighway to Columbia, and Columbia Avenue from Southwest to Hampton Avenue on the South

email: pridebuilds@earthlink.net

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