The Newsletter of The Italian Club of St. Louis
Internet Edition
Luisa Gabbiani Flynn
November 2002

Artist Bill Kohn
What's with all those olive oils?
Election of officers
Welcome New Members
Virgil's Aeneid seminar
IC-Bocce Club Film Series
I nuovi italiani
IC Board of Directors
Salvatore Quasimodo
Marco Claudio Tacito e Marco Aurelio Probo

La Rondine is published 
monthly by The Italian 
Club of St. Louis
(Optimized for 800x600
viewing on Internet Explorer)
Editor and Publisher
Franco Giannotti
Internet Edition
(Click on name for email)
Copyright © 1997-2002 All rights reserved 



La Rondine

Volume 6 - Issue 11
Visit our website at
November 2002


   At the November meeting, artist Bill Kohn will present his interpretations of the powerful and monumental dome of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore, showing slides of his new series of paintings (Brunelleschi ed io).  You will also hear and see the DVD presentation of Brunelleschi e noi, a brilliant, new collaborative music-video - created by Kohn, composer Rich O’Donnell, photographer Dale Dufer, and filmmaker Debbie Lum, - which captures the sounds and music of the city combined with fantastic interior and exterior views of its cathedral. 

   Bill Kohn has had a long and distinguished career as a painter and teacher.  Born in St. Louis, he graduated from the Washington University School of Art.  After graduation he worked in Paris at the Atelier 17, then studied at the National University of Mexico and subsequently obtained a Master from Mills College in Oakland, California.  With a special interest in architectural subjects, throughout his long career he has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the American Southwest, India, Afghanistan, Peru, Guatemala and Mexico always stopping to absorb the architecture and to reconstruct and interpret his discoveries in paintings and drawings.  In the 1990s, he began making regular visits to Italy spending two summers (1996 and 1999) teaching in Florence for Washington University.  In 2000 he spent five months in Florence, returning again in 2001 and 2002 for Brunelleschi ed io.

Next Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2002 
Cocktails 6:30 PM - Dinner 7:00 PM 
 Da Baldo's Restaurant
RSVP  Marie  Wehrle
 (314) 544-8899
or by email

What really is the difference
between all those olive oils?

   Anyone who grew up in an Italian household knows that olive oil is an integral part of Italian culture and life.  Today people love olive oil more than ever - and for a good reason:  a good oil, like a good wine, not only makes things taste better, but is good for you.  As people have become increasingly aware of the proven health benefits of the famous Mediterranean diet, the sales of one of its key components, olive oil, have skyrocketed because of its important cholesterol reducing properties.  But despite all of that, a nagging question always remained:  just what is the real taste difference between all those brands of olive oil seen on the grocery shelves? 

   The purpose of our October oil tasting was to attempt to answer that specific question.  The program began with a brief but very informative presentation on the history of olive oil by Armando Pasetti, proprietor of the Volpi Company.  As Armando explained, the best oil comes from countries around the Mediterranean basin where the climate is ideal for the cultivation of the olive tree.  Although it may take as long as 30 years before an olive tree begins to bear fruit, the species has astonishing longevity, with trees still producing olives after more than 1000 years.  Spain is the largest producer and exporter of olive oil, followed closely by Italy.  Although oil of outstanding quality is available from Spain, Italy still reigns as supreme in terms of overall reputation.  It is Italy's consistency and expertise in the complex arts of refining and blending that makes it the unquestioned taste and quality leader. 

   Regardless of grade, Italian oils differ in taste depending on the region where the tree is grown:  Ligurian oils are lighter and sweeter without a strong olive flavor; Tuscan oils, often considered the best, tend to be intensely fruity; Sicilian oils are powerful and nutty with medium fruitiness.  There are four grades of olive oils: extra-virgin (the one generally seen on the store shelves); 100% pure oil grade; the light oil grade (incidentally, the word "light" does not refer to lower caloric content but to taste and color); and, lastly, a grade called Pumace, generally used in blending.  The grading and rating of oils is controlled by the International Olive Oil Council based in Madrid, Spain, an organization with strict rules for how a tasting should be conducted and with precise terminology to describe an oil's taste and odor characteristics.

   Obviously, much simpler rules were used in the Italian Club's oil tasting, at which five extra-virgin oils from Liguria, Tuscany, and Sicily, representing different price levels and manufacturing processes (filtered and unfiltered), were compared.  A completely blind tasting was conducted, with the only criteria for comparison being taste preference.  Freshly baked bread for dipping (grazie a Baldo!) was placed on each table along with five small dishes, one for each of the five different oils.  Rating sheets were provided and people were asked to rank the oils.  The ranking sheets were then collected and scored from 1 to 5, with the oil ranked most-liked getting 5 points and the oil rated least-liked getting 1 point.  At the end the preferred oil was the one from Castelvetrano, Sicily. 

   Many thanks to Cav. Armando Pasetti for a wonderful program.  Armando and Evelina Pasetti have been active members of the Italian Club for many years.  They, along with other members of their family, are the owners of the famous John Volpi Manufacturing Company, a St. Louis institution and Hill neighborhood landmark celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2002. 





By Gene Mariani


   At the October 2002 election, the following members were elected to two-year terms of office: 

President  James Tognoni
Vice-President Marie Cuccia-Brand
Secretary Dorotea Rossomanno-Phillips
Treasurer:  Daniel Viele
Director Carlo Giordano (three year term of office). 

The terms become effective as of the January 2003 meeting.
Many thanks to the members of the Nominating Committee:  Peter Puleo (Co-Chair), Marie Cuccia-Brand (Co-Chair), Joann Arpiani, Roger Gennari, Carolyn Stelzer, Vito Tamboli, and Marie Wehrle.



   We are pleased to announce that Roy DeBellis and Ricardo Vasi were elected new members of the Italian Club at the October 16, 2002 meeting.  Mr. DeBellis’s family comes from Triggiano, provincia di Bari.  He was sponsored for membership by Anthony DiPaulo and Gene Mariani.  Mr. Vasi was born in Peru of Italian parents.  His father’s family is from Rimini and his mother’s family from the region of Emilia-Romagna.  He was sponsored for membership by Eugene Mariani and Marie Cuccia-Brand.





   The third and final session, War in Italy (Books VII – XII), of the three-part seminar on the Aeneid will be held on Thursday evening, November 7, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Southwest Bank at Kingshighway and Southwest Avenues.  Seminar leader will be Italian Club member, Dr. Anna DiPalma Amelung.  Admission is free. For information, contact Gene Mariani at 352-5484 or by email at 



Friday, November 15.  RIGOLETTO

   Verdi’s masterpiece of intriguing twists, turns, vendettas, seduction and betrayal.  The unhappy plight of court jester Rigoletto, his ill-fated daughter Gilda, and the debonair but ruthless Duke of Mantua (Luciano Pavarotti) – all told to some of the most glorious melodies, arias and choruses ever written.  At the St. Louis Bocce Club, 2210 Marconi Avenue.  Time 7:30 p.m. Admission is free.  For information, contact Gene Mariani at 352-5484 or by email at 





   As Italy’s population ages, with an overall birth rate close to zero and an increase in the average life span of both men and women, the need for a constantly renewed labor force is becoming critical.  The Federation of Industrialists, a group of major employers, is calling for a rise in immigration quotas, asking that the quota be increased to 105,000 annually, up from a total of 63,000 proposed by the Government for 2001. 

   At least 13,000 seasonal workers are expected to be allowed to immigrate temporarily to fill jobs in agriculture and the hospitality trade.

   The largest group of immigrants in Italy comes from Morocco (150,000), with Albanians second (130,000).  Filipinos and immigrants from Ecuador number 62,000 each and Rumanians are close behind at 60,000. 

   There are 45,000 Americans in Italy, 42,000 Tunisians, and 50,000 Chinese who run 500 enterprises in Rome alone. 

   About 763,000 immigrants are Catholics or belong to some other Christian church.  Muslims number about 544,000. 




Third Annual Young Artists Competition

   On April 27, 2002, the FIAO will hold its third annual “Young Artists Competition”.  There will be two categories:  piano and strings.  For each category there will be two age levels:  Level I, up to age 15; and Level II, from ages 15 to 28.  A $500 prize will be awarded to the winner in each level.  Application deadline is January 1, 2002.  For more information, or to receive an application form, call (314) 995-1474

Election of Officers

   The FIAO had its biannual election of officers on September 16, 2002.  The new President is Joseph Colagiovanni, Honorary Italian Vice Consul in St. Louis.  Edward Berra was elected Vice President; Catherine Marzorati, Treasurer; and Annette Poole, Secretary.  Both Colagiovanni and Berra are Italian Club members.

Italian Language Classes at Shaw Community Education Center

   The FIAO, with support of the Office of the Italian Consul General (Chicago), sponsors Italian classes for both adults and children at the Shaw School.  The winter/spring term of classes will begin in the week of January 27, 2003. 

   There will be an Open House/Information Session at Shaw on January 21.  Adult enrollment has been very successful; however, we are disappointed in the low number of children enrolled.  If you know children from 5 to 15 or 16 years of age who you think would be interested in learning Italian, let them know about it:  this is a program not to be missed! 

   For more information, contact Gene Mariani (314) 352-5484.  The Shaw classes are excellent, with experienced, dedicated, and enthusiastic teachers – and tuition is very reasonable.






The Italian Club of St. Louis

President: Gene Mariani
Vice-President: James Tognoni
Treasurer:  Barbara Klein 
Dan Viele
Secretary:  Marie Cuccia-Brand
Directors: Carol Lozano 
Vito Tamboli
Gloria DiMartino Etling
Program Committee: Gene Mariani
Tony Perrone
Pete Puleo
Vito Tamboli
Patty Viviano
Newsletter:  Luisa Gabbiani Flynn
Website: Franco Giannotti



I capolavori della poesia italiana

Salvatore Quasimodo (Modica, Ragusa 1901 – Napoli 1968) 
   Nella poesia seguente il poeta affronta il tema della sacralità arcaica della terra e degli uomini.

Dormono le cime dei monti
di Salvatore Quasimodo

Dormono le cime dei monti
e le vallate intorno,
i declivi e i burroni;

dormono i rettili, quanti nella specie
la nera terra alleva,
le fiere di selva, le varie forme di api,
i mostri nel fondo cupo del mare;

dormono le generazioni
degli uccelli dalle lunghe ali.


(Continua dal numero precedente)

Marco Claudio Tacito, 200-276 (Imperatore 275-276).

   Alla morte di Aureliano, l’esercito proclamò Tacito imperatore, ma il motivo di questa scelta è sconosciuto;  Tacito aveva già 75 anni ed aveva lasciato da tempo le cariche pubbliche per ritirarsi nella sua casa in Campania.  Comunque il Senato approvò la scelta dei pretori e Tacito fu costretto ad accettare la carica. 
Tra i primi atti del suo impero deificò Aureliano e diede posizioni importanti ai membri della sua famiglia, tra cui il fratellastro Floriano.  Il suo regno, che durò soltanto sei mesi,  avrebbe potuto essere tranquillo se non fosse stato per le invasioni barbariche che continuavano ad attraversare i confini sia in oriente che in occidente.  Tacito decise di affrontare i Goti e insieme a Floriano si recò in Asia Minore, dove, nella primavera del 276 sconfisse il nemico.  Ma il suo successo non fu di lunga durata, perché di lì a poco morì, non si sa bene se assassinato o di malattia. 

   Floriano, 276.  Alla sua morte Floriano si autoproclamò imperatore e per qualche settimana ci fu opposizione contro di lui.  Floriano stava continuando la campagna contro i Goti iniziata da Tacito, quando arrivò la notizia che Marco Aurelio Probo, comandante dell’esercito in Siria e in Egitto, si era dichiarato il successore di Tacito.  Gli eserciti dei due rivali erano pronti a scontrarsi vicino a Tarso ma prima della battaglia Floriano fu ucciso dai suoi soldati.  Il suo regno era durato 88 giorni. 

Marco Aurelio Probo, 232-282 (Imperatore 276-282)

   Probo andò subito a Roma, dove non ebbe difficoltà ad essere confermato dal Senato.  Probo fu soprattutto un imperatore soldato, occupato in un susseguirsi di guerre contro le tribù del nord che erano state trascurate da Tacito e Floriano.  Combatté contro i Franchi, gli Allemanni, i Burgundi e i Vandali, e li sconfisse in tutte le battaglie.  Nel 278 gli invasori erano stati ricacciati oltre i confini. 
Nel 279 Probo andò in Siria per punire Giulio Saturnino, che si era proclamato imperatore.  Dopo che Saturnino fu ucciso dai suoi soldati, Probo combatté contro i briganti, i quali, al seguito del loro capo Didio, terrorizzavano la regione.  Li sconfisse, e per impedire che il brigantaggio risorgesse stabilì sul luogo colonie di veterani.  Stava preparandosi a fare una spedizione contro i Persiani quando gli ambasciatori del re persiano, Vavarone II, gli portarono doni e proposte di pace, che Probo accettò. 

   Dopo queste imprese vittoriose, Probo rivolse di nuovo la sua attenzione verso l’occidente, dove Procolo nella Gallia e Bonoso in Germania erano stati proclamati imperatori.  La crisi durò diversi mesi, ma alla fine fu domata e i ribelli uccisi.

   Verso la fine del 281 Probo tornò a Roma dove gli fu data un’accoglienza trionfale.  Nella primavera del 282 si avviò verso Sirmio, la sua città natale, con l’intenzione di prepare un’altra campagna contro i Persiani.  Nel frattempo, per risarcire almeno in parte le perdite economiche subite dall’impero durante le frequenti invasioni, ebbe l’idea di non lasciare i soldati inattivi ma di usarli per bonificare le paludi della zona, piantare vigneti e costruire ponti e strade.  Ma non aveva fatto tenuto conto del malcontento che la sua decisione aveva suscitato tra i soldati, che non erano abituati a questo genere di lavoro; nel 282 si ribellarono, proclamarono imperatore Marco Aurelio Caro, il prefetto del pretorio, e uccisero Probo. 

(continua al prossimo numero)
Ed Note:  The entire series, to date, can 
be viewed on this Portal at La Storia d'Italia