The Newsletter of The Italian Club of St. Louis
Internet Edition
October 1999
It's Opera in October
Vicenza and Palladio
President's Corner Community Activities
Sutera for Marconi Award
Tribute to Columbus

Giovanni Della Casa
Storia d'Italia
Italiano per piacere

La Rondine is published monthly by The Italian Club of St. Louis



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Franco Giannotti
Internet Edition
(Click on name for email)


Gene Mariani
Vice President: 
Roger Gennari
Barbara Klein
Marie Cuccia-Brand
Peter Puleo 
Carol Stelzer 
Marie Wehrle
Program Committe:
Roger Gennari 
Pete Puleo 
Tony Perrone 
Vito Tamboli 
Patty Viviano 
Gene Mariani
Newsletter Editor:
Luisa Gabbiani Flynn
Italian Club Website:
Franco Giannotti 
Panettone Players:
Carol Stelzer

The club meets every 
third Wednesday at DaBaldo Restaurant





La Rondine

Volume 3 - Issue 10
Visit our website at
October 1999


One of the most emblematic icons of Italian culture is opera or opera lirica as known in Italy.  Despite the undeniable importance of the non-Italian repertoire, it seems that as soon as one hears the word opera, the famous Italian works, composers, performers, and arias spring immediately to mind in a near automatic reaction.  So our October program will be devoted to a closer look, and listen, to this topic so dear to the hearts of most, if not all, Italians and Italian-Americans. 

Our speaker will be club member, and unabashed opera enthusiast, Vito Tamboli.  But Vito gives us fair warning by saying that in this presentation the topic may be treated, at least to some peoples’ way of thinking, a bit irreverently, but always con amore and a sense of fun.

In our October program we will listen to a famous aria (or part thereof) from each of the four giants of Italian opera:  Gioacchino Rossini  (Il Barbiere di Siviglia), Pietro Mascagni (Cavalleria Rusticana),  Giacomo Puccini, (Madama Butterfly), and Giuseppe Verdi (La Traviata).  In his presentation, Vito will discuss the history of each work and provide a bit of information about the composers and some of the more famous performers. 

Vito Tamboli is a retired business executive, a retired Colonel in the US Army Reserve, and an adjunct professor at the SLU Business School.  In addition to being a frequent contributor to Il Pensiero, he makes regular host appearances on the Italian Radio Show on Sunday afternoons.  Members may recall his last year’s presentation on the Battle of Monte Cassino.

Next Meeting October 20 
Cocktails 6:30 PM - Dinner 7:00 PM 
Da Baldo's Restaurant 



At the September meeting, club member Luisa Gabbiani Flynn gave an informative presentation on the topic Vicenza, città del Palladio, her city of origin.  She explained how Andrea della Gondola (1508-1580), the son of a miller and a stonecarver, was called to work at a villa that Count Giangiorgio Trissino was building on the outskirts of Vicenza and from then on his life was changed:  Trissino became his mentor and and he became Palladio, one of the greatest architects of all times.

Palladio wrote the famous books I quattro libri dell’architettura, in which he revolutionized western architecture of the 17th and 18th century and produced the School of Architecture of the 19th century.  It was translated in every language and is still in print today.

His greatness is the result of his ability to arrive at universal principles from the study of the past applied to contemporary needs.  He did not follow the trends of his days, but maintained his originality and became the dominant figure in his field throughout his lifetime and the following centuries until the present.

Palladio built villas, palaces and churches.  All his churches were built in central cities, especially Venice.  All his palaces and civic structures were built in Vicenza and other small towns of Veneto.  The Venetians were probably more alert than the mainlanders to signs of financial instability and did not start any palaces after 1560.  On the contrary, Palladio’s patrons wanted their homes to be a public affirmation of their wealth and status and most of them managed to finish the façade and entranceway, but in the majority of the cases did not have the means to complete them. 

Palladio’s first and best known public commission was La Basilica, the great meeting hall of Vicenza’s Council of the Four Hundreds.  The magnificent building dominates La Piazza dei Signori, where he also built La Loggia del Capitaniato.  Other important palaces by Palladio adorning the streets of Vicenza are Palazzo Thiene, Palazzo Chiericati, Palazzo Iseppo da Porto, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto, and Palazzo Valmarana.  The Teatro Olimpico was designed by Palladio but completed after his death by Vincenzo Scamozzi, who took great liberties with the original plan.  Palladio, however, is probably best known for the ville he built on the Veneto countryside. 

By this time the great maritime power of Venice had been affected by three major events:  the capture of Costantinople by the Turks in 1453; the discovery of the New World in 1492; and the discovery of a new sea route around the southern tip of Africa by Vasco de Gama in 1497.  As a result, the wealthy merchants of Venice seeking more stable investments began to acquire properties on the mainland.  Palladio saw the need and came up with the solution, designing the type of buildings that were grandiose and economical, that could house in one complex the residence of the landlord and storage for the animals, the harvest, and the tools.  The result are the ville, which in later centuries would be adopted by the British squires and the American plantation owners, country gentry who had social situations and needs nearly identical to their predecessors in the Veneto.

L'angolo del presidente
by Gene Mariani


The Board of Directors of the Italian Club consists of four officers and three directors. Elections for officers are held every two years whereas an election for a director is held every year.  This year the Director election will be at the November meeting. 

The director will be elected for a three-year term commencing at the January 2000 meeting.  Interestingly, he or she would be the first Board Member elected to office in the new millennium.  At the September Board meeting, the President appointed a Nominating Committee responsible for conducting the election and for preparing a list of members who wish to be candidates for the position. 

The names will be announced to the membership at the October meeting, with the elections taking place at the November meeting.  In addition, candidates can be nominated from the floor at the time of the election in November.  The Nominating Committee consists of the following members: Marie Wehrle, Chair (644-1645); Carolyn Stelzer (772-3355); Nick Mazzola (481-6508); Norman Merlotti (644-4068), and Judy Ronzio (772-8380).  Any member interested in becoming a Club director should inform a Nominating Committee member as soon as possible. 

An explanation is due concerning the fact that this election will be held in November rather than in October as specified in our by-laws:  we failed to notify our members in time, therefore, in order to give adequate notification, the Board has decided to hold the election in November rather than in October.  In the future, elections will be in October.


September 25 to October 23:  Festa d’Italia at Niemann-Marcus (as previously announced).  A Celebration of Italian Culture in cooperation with the Federation of Italian-American Organizations Italian Marketplace.  Tastes from Italian Restaurants, Markets, and Bakeries.  At Frontenac Plaza.  For more information contact Gene Mariani (352-5484)

Sunday, October 3:  Columbus Day Corporation’s Annual Recognition Banquet will be held at Orlando’s Garden on Watson Road.  Price is $20/person.  For tickets or more information, contact Marianne Peri-Sack (837-8830) 

Sunday, October 10:  The annual Columbus Day Celebration will be held in Berra Park.  Festivities begin with a Parade starting at 12:00 PM from Southwest Bank.  The parade will wind its way through the Hill neighborhood to Berra Park for the Columbus Day festival.  As we do every year, the Italian Club will participate with a booth.  We could use some help with the booth.  If you are willing to work with us for an hour or two that afternoon, we would greatly appreciate it.  Please call Gene Mariani (352-5484) or Carolyn Stelzer (772-3355). 

Tuesday, October 12:  Wreath-laying ceremony at Columbus Statue in Tower Grove Park by the Federation of Italian-American Organizations at 10:30 AM.  For more information contact Gene Mariani (352-5484).

Sunday, October 24:  Misericordia Society’s 79th Anniversary Dinner Dance.  A Tribute to the Italian Churches.  The occasion will also serve as reunion for members of the former St. Charles Borromeo and Our Lady Help of Christian Parishes and for St. Ambrose Parish and will give special recognition to Rev. Msgr. Adrian Dwyer, Rev. Msgr. Salvatore Polizzi, Sister Felicetta Cola, and Sister Bridget Esposito.  At Carpenters Hall.  Price $30 per person.  For more information contact Marianne Peri-Sack (837-8830) 




Congratulations to Italian Club member, Salvatore Sutera, Ph.D., Spencer T. Olin Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Washington University on being awarded the Unico National 1999 Guglielmo Marconi Award for Excellence in Science and Engineering.  The presentation ceremony and dinner were held Saturday, September 25 at the Adams Mark Hotel in St. Louis. 



Henry Shaw, founder of Tower Grove Park (TGP) and great admirer of Christopher Columbus, at his personal expense commissioned the Munich sculptor Ferdinand Von Miller to create the monumental and famous statue of Columbus located in the Park.  The statue is among the first large cast bronzes in the United States and the only one showing the great explorer with a beard – a story in itself.

John Karel, TGP Director, after his recent Italian Club presentation on Italianate design influences in the Park mentioned that every October 12 (the actual Columbus Day) a memorial wreath is laid at the statue in honor of Columbus and as a sign of respect for Shaw, the Park’s great benefactor.  John also commented, in passing, that no Italian-American community organization was represented at this ceremony. 

At this year’s ceremony, the Italian-American community will be well represented indeed.  Joseph Colagiovanni, Honorary Vice Consul of Italy, as representative of the Italian Government, will be present and so will Vincent Garozzo, President of the Federation of Italian American Organizations, Cav. Antonino Lombardo, publisher of Il Pensiero newspaper, and other representatives of various Italian organizations. 

In addition, through the efforts of Joseph Torrisi, children from the Dewey International School, Shaw School, and possibly St. Ambrose will attend the ceremony, as well as delegations from the Italian Community Band and the Knights of Columbus.  In addition to the wreath laying ceremony, a tree will be planted by TGP in honor of Columbus.  Incidentally, all of the above named individuals are members of the Italian Club.

The ceremony will be held at 10:30 AM, Tuesday, October 12.  The Columbus Statue is located near the Grand Avenue entrance to the Park.  Members are urged to attend. The ceremony will take about 30 minutes




I capolavori della poesia italiana



14.  Giovanni Della Casa (Mugello, Firenze, 1503 - Montepulciano, Siena, 1556) è ricordato principalmente per il Galateo.  Fu uomo di chiesa e come tale ricoprì alti incarichi:  commissario, nunzio apostolico e arcivescovo.
Le Rime, la raccolta dei suoi componimenti lirici, vennero pubblicate postume nel 1558 a sua richiesta.  In questo sonetto il poeta invoca il sonno, figlio della notte,  perché lo liberi dal dolore e dalle sofferenze.

O sonno, o de la queta, umida, ombrosa
di Giovanni Della Casa

O sonno, o de la queta, umida, ombrosa
notte placido figlio; o de’ mortali
egri1 conforto, oblio dolce de’ mali
sì gravi ond’è la vita aspra e noiosa2;
soccorri al core ormai, che langue e posa
non have, e queste membra stanche e frali3
solleva:  a me ten vola, o sonno, e l’ali
tue brune sovra me distendi e posa.
Ov’è ’l silenzio che ’l dì fugge e’l lume4?
e i lievi sogni, che con non secure
vestigia5 di seguirti han per costume?
Lasso, che ’nvan te chiamo, e queste oscure
e gelide ombre invan lusingo.  O piume6
d’asprezza colme!  O notti acerbe e dure!

1dolenti.  2dolorosa. 3deboli.  4che fugge il giorno e la luce. 5con passi non sicuri.  6letto. 


4.  I Greci.  Tra i primi a sistemarsi sulle coste italiane furono gli Achei, di origine Dorica, che fondarono Taranto, Metaponto, Posidonia (Paestum) e Sibari.  Dopo di loro arrivarono i Locri e i Calcedoni da Euboea, che fondarono Naxos (Taormina), Zancle (Messina), Pitecusa (Ischia), e Cuma in Campania.  I Corinzi fondarono Siracusa, i Megari Megara Iblea nel golfo di Augusta, e i Foci Elea (Velia) in Campania.
 Il complesso delle colonie fondate da questi popoli greci nell’Italia meridionale e nella Sicilia fu chiamato Magna Grecia.  Le più importanti furorno Cuma, Reggio, Napoli Siracusa, Agrigento, Sibari, Crotone, Metaponto e Taranto.  I loro abitanti si chiamarono Italioti e Sicelioti.  La civiltà della Magna Grecia fu il tramite tra la cultura greco-ellenistica e l’Italia prima che Roma conquistasse la Grecia.  L’architettura della Magna Grecia è caratterizzata da monumentalità e predilezione per lo stile dorico, come si vede nei tempi di Paestum.  Notevole è pure la produzione di rivestimenti fittili (di argilla) policromi, di tavolette votive, di statuette in terracotta o in calcare e di sculture in bronzo.  Molto interessante è pure la produzione ceramica con caratteristiche stilistiche e figurative diverse da quelle delle regioni limitrofe.
Durante la prima metà del primo millenio A.C., nell’Italia del nord cominciò la penetrazione dei Galli, popolazioni di origine celtica che attraversarono le Alpi e occuparono gradualmente l’intera valle del Po, mentre sulle coste tirrene dell’Italia centrale, nelle regioni della Toscana e del Lazio settentrionale si insediarono gli Etruschi.
Gli Etruschi.  Il primo storico che accenna agli Etruschi è Erodoto, nel V secolo A.C.  In una pagina delle sue Storie egli allude alla loro origine orientale, confermata più tardi anche dallo storico Ellanico.  Ma già nel I mo secolo A.C sorse una seconda tesi, secondo la quale le origini etniche di questa popolazione sarebbero da ricercarsi nell’immenso crogiolo di razze e di popoli della preistoria italiana, il che è comprovato anche da studi recenti.  Poiché erano una grande potenza marinara ed ebbero relazioni con tutti i grandi paesi del Mediterraneo, nell’elaborazione della loro civiltà gli Etruschi assimilarono elementi diversi, tra cui italici, siro-egizi e greci.  Politicamente erano organizzati in città-stato (lucomonie) riunite in una confederazione a carattere prevalentemente religioso comprendente dodoci città:  Volterra, Arezzo, Perugia, Cortona, Chiusi, Volsini, Populonia, Vetulonia, Vulci, Veio, Cere e Tarquinia.  Il potere era detenuto per diritto ereditario dagli aristocratici.  Gli Etruschi bonificarono la Maremma, svilupparono una fiorente industria e attivissimi commerci.  Appresa dai Fenici e dai Greci l’arte della navigazione, spartirono con i Cartaginesi il dominio del Tirreno.  Nel periodo della loro maggiore potenza raggiunsero a nord la pianura padana, ove fondarono Felsina (Bologna), Marzabotto, Adria, e il porto di Spina; a sud conquistarono Roma, spingendosi fino al golfo di Salerno dove incontrarono la resistenza dei Sabini e dei Greci.
(Continua al prossimo numero.)


La seconda riunione di Italiano per piacere si è svolta al ristorante Da Baldo il primo settembre scorso con un programma molto piacevole.  Dopo l’introduzione di Franco Giannotti, Gianfranco Garganigo ha parlato dei vini italiani dandocene il suo apprezzamento da buon intenditore ed esperto.  La serata si è conclusa con la poesia di Salvatore Quasimodo Ed è subito sera recitata da Luisa Gabbiani Flynn.  L’ottima a cena, come sempre preparata con cura dai coniugi Gandolfo, ha contribuito al successo della serata.  Amici italiani, arrivederci al primo dicembre, dove ci aspetta un altro programma di qualità.