my Grandfather died in the late 1960's, my Grandmother came to live with
us for a short time. It was a wonderful way to learn about my heritage
and I got to listen to her stories about when my Father was growing up
in San Francisco. I remember a story she told me about when my Dad
was around eight years old, about the same time Little Caesar was in the
movie theaters. One day he came home from school and told my Grandmother
that some kid at school told him that all Italians were cutthroats.
My Grandmother got very upset and told him to ignore comments like that,
that all it did was reveal the ignorance of the person making that remark,
and to always take pride in who you are and your Italian heritage.
My Dad looked at my Grandmother and very innocently asked her, "Ma,
what's a cutthroat?"
forward around 70 years. My daughter comes homes from school, about
the same time The Sopranos was released on HBO, complaining that some kids
at school were teasing her and calling her "Mafia Girl." I
wish I could say that things have gotten better for Italian Americans and
how they are portrayed in popular television and film in the last 70 years,
but unfortunately I think it has actually gotten worse. What I call
the Mafia Minstrel Show, actors in olive skin face playing mobster for
the benefit of those people who lust for violence and racism, is now as
insidious as lice. Thanks to our friends at HBO, the Mafia Minstrel
Show has been legitimized as a mainstream genre, not unlike westerns or
love stories. So why has the Mafia Minstrel Show survived for the past
70 years? It is very simple, IT MAKES MONEY!!!!! I remember
reading the obituary for Mario Puzo. It listed the sales of his books,
his wonderful novel about Italian American immigrants, The Fortunate Pilgrim,
had sold maybe 10,000 copies and The Godfather, a novel that featured the
Mafia Minstrel Show, had sold 15 million copies. Mario Puzo, a man
who admitted he had never known a gangster before he wrote The Godfather,
obviously was given a lot of cash to write a novel about the Mafia Minstrel
Show. Just like David Chase, a man who originally wanted to tell
a simple story about his relationship with his Mother, was given a lot
of cash to add gangsters, gratuitous sex, and gratuitous violence to turn
his simple story into something completely different. Both men talented
Italian American storytellers, both men seduced by the almighty dollar
into selling out their heritage.
to The Sopranos and the 100 billion-dollar media corporation that benefits
from its hateful and racist portrayal of Italian Americans, the battle
to fight this type of racism is confined to the Internet and a rare panel
discussion on CSPAN. Do you think we would ever see an honest debate
on this subject on CNN? Of course not, instead we get a "I love you
so much" Sopranos infomercial on The Larry King Show.
what options do we do? We promote the positive and we
FIGHT the negative. I wish all we had to do were promote the positive.
I wish it was that simple. Unfortunately we have a 100 billion-dollar
media corporation that is promoting the negative, and our voices will never
be heard, unless we use every resource we have to show our outrage.
The first amendment is not the exclusive property of HBO; we have the right
to use it as well. Unfortunately today, whoever controls the electronic
media, has greater access to the first amendment. This means we just
have to be resourceful, clever and creative; qualities our peasant heritage
has prepared us for.
the most destructive legacy to come out of The Sopranos, is how it has
divided the Italian American community. All you have to do is look
at some of the posts on this website in the past month to realize the anger
and the animosity this series has caused. It has opened some deep
wounds and the destruction this series has had on all Italian Americans
is beyond repair. The arguments have become so absurd, that the people
who are in the position of defending The Sopranos, are actually making
their point by defending all Italian American defamation. The Sopranos
is simply the worse thing to have happened to Italian Americans and Italian
American culture since Little Caesar was released in 1930. I wish
it would just fade away from our popular culture, but I'm afraid that is
not going to happen.
I would
love to say that after The Sopranos finishes its final season, that it
will fade away from our popular culture. Unfortunately, this is not
the case. Right now, The Sopranos is watched by around 10 million
people. That is a lot of people, but only a fraction of the total
population of the United States. If you think the negative defamation
against Italian Americans is bad now, wait until The Sopranos makes the
next leap into our living rooms. After the last season has shown
itself out on HBO, you will see The Sopranos leap into another 80 million
households. Remember my words, you will eventually see The Sopranos
on basic cable in the next few years, most likely on AOL Time Warner owned
TNT. At that point, The Sopranos, will be in around 60% of the homes
in America. That little experiment on broadcast television in Canada
was also a test on how The Sopranos should be released in the USA.
It was to see how much heat they would take in North America if they released
The Sopranos on network television. Obviously they liked the results
and have gone for another season in Canada. They will use the same
words they used on the Canadians when the show is released on TNT.
They will say what an important program it is, that the language, violence,
racism, and nudity need to be left in, in order to keep its artistic integrity.
They will gladly lower the bar of good taste almost to the floor, so television
can justify showing this tasteless, hateful, racist program and make as
much money as they can on our olive skin. This is what we have to
look forward to. You won't be able to turn your channel on television,
without seeing an Italian American stick a knife into someone. This
is our future, unless we are willing to take a stand and fight.
I wish
I wasn't such a thin-skinned Italian American. My life would be so
much simpler. I've probably written a couple hundred letters and
made a couple hundred phone calls fighting Italian American defamation
in the past 20 years. I don't care; it is simply something I have to do
because of my love and respect for my Father and my family. I wish
everyone could know my Father. One of the finest people I have known
in my life, he has sacrificed everything for his family. The son
of Sicilian immigrants, he volunteered to fight fascism during World War
II in the Army Air Corp. He was the first in his family to go to
college on the G.I. bill and there was never a minute, never a moment,
that I didn't know where he was when I needed him. He is unselfish,
honest, spiritual, loving, generous, gentle, respectful of women, and kind
to a fault. All the qualities that don't exist in Tony Soprano
or the other players in the Mafia Minstrel Show that represents our culture
on television and film. But I would guess that the real life James
Gandolfini is very similar to the type of Father I was raised by.
I'm very serious. By all accounts James Gandolfini is a loving Father
and husband who is devoted to his children, has a gentle non-violent nature,
and respects women. When I watch the Mafia Minstrel Show, I can't
help but think of my Father, my Grandparents, and my own children.
These characters look like us, they have beautiful Italian names that are
similar to our names, but their behavior doesn't resemble anything I recognize
in my Italian American family or probably in James Gandolfini's Italian
American family.
has been the policy of HBO and AOL Time Warner to answer any controversy
about The Sopranos with a no comment. When they tried to bribe the
mayor of Providence by offering to buy his Pasta sauce if he sanctioned
their premiere a few years back, all they said to the controversy was "No
Comment." Their official policy is to disengage from any controversy.
That is how they fight the battle and it is a smart move. In the
case of The Sopranos, no controversy is good news. They also have
recruited respected Italian Americans in the community to promote their
series. Another smart moves. Almost from the beginning, Rudy
Giuliani has embraced the series publicly. Call it a coincidence,
but when the series was released he was actively campaigning for the Senate,
and he made numerous appearances on Time owned CNN's Larry King show.
About a month ago, Larry King even did an anthology tribute to Rudy Giuliani.
What I want to know, is how could Rudy form an opinion on The Sopranos
so early on that he was willing to embrace the show publicly just a few
months after it was released? Especially since he was such a vocal
opponent of art that could be considered obscene. You would think
the nudity, the violence, and the Italian American defamation would have
bothered Rudy. Apparently all those appearances on Larry King made
the decision to embrace the show a little easier for him.
is some good news my friends. There appears to be a leak in the dyke.
James Gandolfini has questioned the violence on The Sopranos and has vowed
never to play another mob figure. A great actor, of humble hardworking
Italian American roots, he seems to see The Sopranos now for what it is.
He was noticeably absent from the Larry King love fest and the Canadian
press conference this past month. I wonder what is really going on?
It sounds like he is tired of playing in the Mafia Minstrel Show, and tired
of putting on the olive skin face and playing buckwheat paisan. I'm
sure some guy from HBO, is sitting in a room with James right now, showing
him a suitcase full of money, begging for him to come back to do a couple
more seasons. I hope he has the strength of conviction to say no.
The Sopranos without James Gandolfini is like All in The Family without
Carroll O'Connor. There is no Sopranos without James. Stand
firm James, you know the truth about Italian Americans and how we really
live, better than anybody. Celebrate the sacrifice your parents made
by doing something positive about our heritage.
know, I always thought James Gandolofini would make a wonderful Marty.
That brilliant film and teleplay about a lonely Italian American butcher
who has been frustrated in his attempts to find love. One of the
most tender love stories I have ever seen, that shows Italian Americans
for who we really are. Compassionate, loving, kind, family oriented
men and women who love their children, their parents, and their beautiful
heritage. Not the cold hearted murderer, pimp, drug dealer, and wife
beater that we get in Tony Soprano, but someone who is more like the real
life James Gandolfini.
that I have endeared myself to the writers, producers, and actors of The
Sopranos, I wonder if I could ask them for one little favor. Why
not make the last season of The Sopranos substantially different than the
past three. Why not step out of the series and show the lives of
the actors and producers. Just like in the Larry Sanders show, say
cut, and then tell the tale of the real people involved in a mob series
behind the scenes. I'm sure they have a thousand stories for all
the flak they encountered from the many Italian American cultural organizations
and individuals that have fought the series. Why not tell the story
of James Gandolfini being asked to speak at an Elementary Schools, as if
a cold-blooded murderer should be considered as a role model for children.
If David Chase wanted to, he could even tell the story about his real life
relationship with his Mother. They could also talk about stereotyping
and the real life angst that James Gandolofini feels about playing violent
mobster roles. It would be a creative switch at a time when the plot
lines of the current series have become tiresome and repetitive.
Why not end the series on a positive note about the real hardworking, educated,
and dedicated family oriented Italian Americans who are involved in the
series. Show the world that you can tell entertaining stories, without
using the Mafia Minstrel Show as a crutch. Oh was just
an idea.