Minister for Foreign Affairs, Renato Ruggiero, met with the US Secretary
of State Colin Powell this morning at the Farnesina. Mr. Powell is in Rome
for today's G8 Ministerial Meeting in Villa Madama, the main topics of
which were at the centre of their talks, along with the reaffirmation of
the excellent state of bilateral relations between the two countries.
Foreign Minister Ruggiero
and Secretary of State Powell expressed the belief that in order to successfully
meet the major challenges of the 21st century, of which the fight against
poverty and underdevelopment are a top priority, increasingly close co-operation
is necessary among the eight countries, the international organisations
active in the field, and the other members of the international community
directly concerned. On this subject, the importance was also stressed of
undertaking appropriate initiatives to extend and deepen the dialogue with
civil society.
The hope was highlighted
that the Summit of Heads of State and Government in Genoa may lead to a
reinforcement of the common commitment shared by G8 countries to find a
solution to the most serious regional crises, and towards the affirmation
of the principles of democracy, peace, co-operation and development promotion.
With regard to international
current affairs, on which today's ministerial meeting will be focused,
the two Foreign Ministers spoke at length about the situation in Macedonia
and in the Middle East, about cooperation between the United States and
the European Union in the Balkans, and about the development of transatlantic
relations in the field of security, in relation also to the Atlantic Alliance.
As far as the Balkans are
concerned, both sides stressed the importance of continuing the positive
cooperation underway between the United States and the European Union,
with regard both to the action of support for the former Yugoslavia and
to the joint activities of their respective envoys in Macedonia, in order
to preserve its sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and to foster
a political solution to the crisis underway. The importance was underlined
of a renewed Russian commitment along the same lines as Europe and the
United States. The Secretary of State underlined the full appreciation
of the US of the role that Italy plays in the Balkans on the political
level, as well as its military commitment aimed at peace keeping and stability.
With regard to the European
security and defence dimension, the two Foreign Ministers placed emphasis
on the convergence of views between Italy and the United States, pointing
out that this is an element of reinforcement of transatlantic relations.
On the subject of the Middle
East – with regard to which both sides expressed their concern about the
situation and pointed out the urgent need to foster the right conditions
for the peace process to get back on track on the basis of the Mitchell
plan – stock was taken of the negotiation process and a review was made
of the possible initiatives to stop the spiral of violence which – it was
stressed – if not rapidly interrupted risks making the possibility of a
resumption of the dialogue between the sides increasingly uncertain.