In a message
dated 8/7/01 9:36:09 PM Central Daylight Time, writes
why he, Bill Maher, doesn't pick on some other ethnic group to hold up
for ridicule, e.g., like his own, Bill quipped: "Italians are more colorful
and they don't complain as much"
Perhaps that's the VERY
reason we find ourselves ridiculed and degraded and falsely generalized,
as the polling study showed that 74% of all other Americans viewed Italian-Americans
as mob related. Maybe a little more complaining in the form of Federal
complaints of discrimination and law suits and letters, letters, and more
letters might just put an end to our being "more colorful and they don't
complain as much" preconceptions, which, thus far has made us fair game.
I hate to say it, my genetic brothers and sisters, BUT no one will come
to our rescue but ourselves and it appears that at present many are content
to "be colorful" and "not complain" -- not to mention the Judases
amongst us who will portray and betray us any which way they need to for
the almightly do$$ar.
To those of you who
are complaining, keep up your wonderful observations, which you are sending
out to the "offenders," as they seem to be having some effect, although
one would not know it from the likes of Bill Maher, ad nauseam. One
suggestion: when you send out your letters, you might include cc's
to any pertinent organization and individual which/who you feel might be
interested in what you have to say. In this way your voice will be
heard in more places than in just the place you are complaining to.
Saw this cc's to the world work once exceptionally well in getting rid
of a dictatorial boss who had ridden her way to top management on the back
of those below her. She proved too embarrassing of a detriment for
management to endure when everyone on the cc list found out what type of
person she was. She very soon accepted an "early" retirement, which
top management assured the cc recipients had nothing to do with the cc's
which blanketed the world. Too, if your letters are telling and precise
in their accuracy about the offender (we must ALWAYS be polite, of course,
as we don't want to be thought of as being merely another "colorful" Italian)
then too the offender doesn't want too many people to know of such accuracy
regarding their crassness and stupidity and they'll tread lighter on us
for fear of being humiliated in the eyes of their peers and others, especially
those from whom they draw their enjoyment$. Too, such cc's will show
a ground swell developing and there is nothing worse that our politicians
or media people fear than a ground swell, which may be directed at them
because they don't or won't deal with a problem brought to their attention.
Bill Maher might find us "colorful" and "not complain as much" but if he
finds us "irritating" and creating problems for him and his network I'll
bet that he and they will find another group on whose back they derive
their comfort$ very quickly.
Benjamin Franklin said,
"Constant complaint is the poorest sort of pay for all the comforts we
enjoy." Thus, IF we can get enough complaints to enough people then,
perhaps, those who get their comfort$ at our expense will find the toll
they have to pay for such comfort$ a bit too much for their efforts.
Who knows, we might just WIN!!!!!
What do we have to lose,
except being thought of as "colorful" and a group who will continually
take insult and ridicule in a supine position and "not complain as much"?
Can you imagine describing such contributions by such luminaries and heroes
as Da Vinci, Brumidi, Humbert Versace, John Basilone, Amerigo Vespucci,
Jake La Motta, John Ciardi, Jim Cirillo, Christopher Columbus, et al as
"colorful"? What a put down of Italian contribution to the world.
Such a shallow view of Italianism, but then there is "Nothing more daring
than ignorance" nor "None so blind as the blind man" or when "Ignorance
thinks the rest of the world blind" yet "The sky is no less blue because
the blind man does not see it." Keep exhibiting your fighting spirit,
my fellow activists, for we have "miles to go before we sleep," for I do
not believe such ignorance as categorizing Italians as merely "colorful"
will disappear without our taking some strong opposition against such blindness
and ignorance. "Patience is bitter but it fruit is sweet," said Rousseau,
and as individuals of Italian ancestry we have always fought against many
such aggressors attempting to overwhelm our Spirit and ALWAYS WON by our
patience and persistence.
We have but to look
at what we turned into from immigrant wheelbarrow pushers and ditch diggers
to what we are as a people and individuals today, as an example of what
strength flows through our veins and minds. We must keep faith with
those who came before us to this land and the benefits they gave us by
their sweat and toil, our pride and independence being the least amongst
many, and what they might expect of us, their offsprings, when people dismiss
their contribution as but "colorful." The secret to our success is
ours already: CONSTANCY OF PURPOSE!!!
Bob Miriani