Regardless of moralistic
debates on Eugenics, two bold and brilliant minds, Severino Antinori and
Panos Savos, have emerged as a revival of Greco-Roman synergism.
As expected however, they have been immediately assaulted by the Anglo-Judeo
Media establishment; a group which could well have been substituted by
the Inquisition, or the hordes of Visigoths and Celts at the Gates of Rome
or Athens.
But most notably, aside from
the determination and the confidence of these two geniuses, is how
Dr. Severino Antinori exudes in his Italianita', in the face of biased
and disproportional criticism. I would imagine that many of us within
the Italian American community have been programmed by the media to cringe
at such a spectacle of exaggerated Italian mannerisms. One even might
question "this man is a scientist??? ....but he acts like what the
American Media portrays as the village baker, or a Mafioso." Even
the Fox Network, had Homer Simson uttering, "Smart Italians ??? Something
is wrong here".
YES "Homer" (Rupert
Murdock), many Italians ARE in fact extremely brilliant (as if he doesn't
know already) and talented indeed. In fact Italians are the reason you
now eat with a fork and your ancestors have stopped grunting and painting
themselves blue to howl at the moon.
Regardless, the more
animated and emotional Dr. Antinori becomes, so increases my pride in my
Italian heritage. He is truly one of us !!!! And
as much as the globalists, the pseudo-italianists, and the media
would like us to dilute our identity, so no-one and everyone can
claim the greatness of Italy, Antinori distinctly connects with all
Italians. The Italian American community, in particular, is
not accustomed to this overt emotional stereotype in a positive light (although
the media is trying to turn it into a negative stereotype).
Many Italian-Americans now
feel it is expected of us to act in a British manner? But look at
all the great people in Italian history and I am sure you will find that
most Italians have carried themselves in the same colorful and enthusiastic
manner as Dr. Antinori; a manner of which the American Media has unfortunately
OF IT. Try to imagine Michel-Angelo Buonarroti and his constant complaining
to Pope Julius II, and the Popes reciprocation; and indeed it may
very well have sounded like our grandmother's kitchens in the old days.
We are speaking of Italians, both north and south, that have not
changed their mannerisms for centuries. And it is truly refreshing to view
Romano Prodi, another brilliant Italian, leading the European Union
in what the Anglo-Saxon world disparagingly considers a colorfully animated
Even with Dr. Antinori, an
absolutely brilliant man, gesticulating and waving his arms, not ashamed
to speak broken English, so much reminding me of my own relatives. A very
Italian person indeed. An olive skinned man who looks completely Italian
in the real world, like my own people, as incidentally does Panos Savos,
a Greek who could easily pass for one of my uncles. As the Greeks
say of Italians "ilia fatsa, ilia ratsa." (same face, same race). And Italians
typically reciprocate in an almost identical manner.
It is time for Italians,
as well as our Greek brethren to roost indeed. As much as the
Media tries to discredit and to spin these two scientists, the world
cannot avoid their greatness, despite the controversy surrounding it.
But look at the spectacle
that is being created. I can't imagine that the media would mount such
an assault if these men where from England or Israel. In fact the castigation
of these scientists, is all too reminiscent of people such as Galileo
and the many other geniuses (many of them Italian) declared as heretics,
prior to the Renaissance.
And fortunately neither Steven
Spielberg nor Ridley Scott can render these great men to be physically
Anglo-Saxon, as they did the befreckled and fair-skinned patricians in
their historical revisions such as they portray in the movie Gladiator.
This envy and inability to spin history must truly be frustrating the media
in the case of these two Mediterranean brothers: Dr, Savos and Dr. Antinori.
We are actually witnessing
some of the real world, rather than the vicious fiction such as the Sopranos,
that Time Warner mass produces. And it should be noted that
this Media assault is a living example of what contemporary Anglo-Judeo
establishment has retroactively attempted to do to all of the greatest
historical achievements of Greco-Roman peoples; discredit, obscure
and ignore. And the facts remains that what was once considered the
Barbarians came to minimize the civilized peoples, manipulate their countries,
emulate their engineering and art, absorbed their sciences, all while looting
and burning their great cities. There is a reason that British and German
museums are filled with Greco-Roman, and for that matter Egyptian, artifacts
and antiquities. What we are seeing in Antinori and Pavos, is the
reemergence and acknowledgment of inherently brilliant cultures, who in
the New World have been maligned and trivialized to a level of "whatsamata
fa you" and "cheeburger... cheeburger…. no Coke…Petsi ! "
Philip Celeste