Cornwall celebrates Marconi milestone
The remains of Marconi's wireless
station in Cornwall and, beyond, his memorial |
BBC News Online's Helen Briggs
On 12 December, 1901, three
faint clicks tapping out the Morse code for the letter "s" were picked
up by an aerial held aloft by a kite on the coast of Canada.
The signals had been sent
for the first time across the Atlantic from a makeshift wireless station
on a cliff at Poldhu in Cornwall, England.
The Italian inventor Guglielmo
Marconi masterminded this visionary experiment, earning a place in history
as the "father of wireless".
This week's centenary of
the first transatlantic radio signal will be marked by the opening of a
museum dedicated to Marconi and his achievements.
Dawn of radio
A few days short of the 100th
anniversary, Carolyn Rule, chair of the Poldhu Amateur Radio Club, sits
in front of hi-tech radio equipment looking out at the field from which
the first transatlantic radio signal was sent.
All modern day telecommunications,
including radio, TV, mobile phones and satellites can be traced back through
this milestone of wireless communication.
"It's quite an emotional
thing to be sitting here looking out on to the wireless field," she says.
"You can see the ruins over there just ahead of us which is the actual
remains of the original wireless building that Marconi would have used."
On 11 December, 1901, the
first attempt at transmission from Poldhu took place - and failed. |
Marconi's station at Poldhu,
which sent the signal...
Image: Marconi plc |
Marconi, who was in Newfoundland,
had sent a message back to England, via the underwater telegraph cable,
to tell the Poldhu transmitter to send radio signals between 12 noon and
3pm local time.
here to view the original article and to listen to Sir Ambrose Fleming
- whose equipment was used in the Atlantic experiment - talking about the
early days of wireless.
Poldhu pilgrimage
A weak signal was received
in Canada but the wind was so strong that the balloon holding the aerial
aloft was swept away. |
The following day, after
losing one kite, a second was launched with the aerial attached and the
signal from Cornwall was heard by both Marconi and George Stephen Kemp,
his assistant.
"The chief question," Marconi
said at the time, "was whether wireless waves would be stopped by the curvature
of the Earth. All along, I had been convinced that this was not so. The
first and final answer came at 12:30 when I"
| Newfoundland, where
Marconi picked it up Image: Marconi plc |
In an age when
transatlantic radio and television broadcasts are routine, Marconi's Atlantic
success seems unremarkable. But it was a scientific milestone that changed
global communications.
Each year, hundreds of radio
enthusiasts from all over the world make a pilgrimage to Poldhu to pay
homage to Marconi.
Historic remains
The ruins of the original
building built by Marconi to send the signal across the ocean are still
visible in the cliff-top field at the edge of the Lizard Peninsula. |
All that remains are the
scars left by the main mast, crumbling chunks of brick and some of the
original floor tiles of the hut.
Beyond that, over a dry-stone
wall, lies a memorial to Marconi and then the ocean stretching more than
2,700 kilometres (1,700 miles) to Canada.
"It's hard to believe that
these ruins started it all - radio, TV and internet," says Debbie Peers,
of the National Trust, which owns the land. |
Carolyn Rule: "Amazing things
went on here" |
"[The original station]
was actually taken down in 1934 and demolished," she says. "But it's quite
evocative - you can still see on the ground plan parts of the transmitter
and the original rooms the engineers worked in."
Due respect
To celebrate the centenary,
the National Trust has constructed a new building on the site with the
help of Marconi plc and a local grant. |
"It's been built in the
spirit of Marconi rather than an actual replica of the buildings that were
there," says Debbie Peers. "It's made entirely of wood and it's been built
so that it takes in environmental considerations but also so that it blends
in with the background."
The building houses radio
equipment, an exhibit on Marconi and computers that link with Marconi plc's
archive collection on their founder. |
Debbie Peers of the National
Trust outside the new Marconi centre |
"This building
is a permanent memorial to his great work," says Carolyn Rule. "Amazing
things went on here and we can now mark it in a proper way."
The 100th anniversary will
also be commemorated by a re-enactment of Marconi's historic transmission.
Signals from Mars
Members of the Poldhu Amateur
Radio Club will send the "s" signal across the water to radio enthusiasts
in Newfoundland, just as Marconi did all those years ago.
Carolyn Rule admits that
it is a little easier nowadays. "We can cheat a little with e-mails and
mobile phones," she says.
Marconi proved what many
respected scientists doubted - that a signal could be picked up thousands
of kilometres away in Canada.
At the time it was thought
that wireless communication over long distances would never be possible
because electromagnetic waves, which travel in straight lines, would be
radiated into space or absorbed by the curve of the Earth.
Marconi achieved his dream
of seeing a network of radio stations linking the world.
But he could scarcely have
imagined that one day it would be possible to stand on the same Cornish
cliff-top and send a fax, e-mail or text message anywhere in the world;
or that giant telescopes would be tuning in to radio waves sent from deep
Marconi was often asked whether
he had ever heard signals from Mars. He always replied: "I am concerned
enough at present with business upon Earth." |
Two pound Marconi memorial
coin |
Across the Atlantic and
Beyond - a special programme on Marconi's historic transmission will be
broadcast on Wednesday, 12 December, at 15.30 GMT on BBC Two in the South
West. |
here to view the original article and to listen to Sir Ambrose Fleming
- whose equipment was used in the Atlantic experiment - talking about the
early days of wireless. |