Dear Friends:
For several decades our nation has
been engaged in increasingly critical "culture wars" which have seriously
impacted the ethos of Italian-Americans and other groups. As stated
in our Millennium brochure, "As the generations pass, preservation of Italian-American
culture can only happen through the conscious efforts of groups like AIHA."
Many AIHA members have expressed
a belief that the enterprise of "preserving Italian-American culture" should
undergo a serious examination of just what "Italian-American culture" is
and what it is not. Because of this growing sentiment, our organization
has decided to launch a $5000 essay contest on the topic: Italian-American
Culture: Its Genesis, Shape and Prospects. The prize money
is being donated by Salvatore R. DeBlasi, a long time AIHA member.
All AIHA members are eligible to
submit essays, except those on the judging panel. Please advise non-member
acquaintances of yours that they can also qualify to enter the contest
by joining AIHA. For this purpose, a membership application is enclosed.
Contestants should define Italian-American
culture: what it is, what it is not, its relationship to American
culture (how it is a part of it, complements it, and/or works against it),
how it relates to the many other sub-cultures/minorities in America including
ethnic, racial and gender classes. Emphasis should be placed on both
how Americans of Italian descent identify themselves and how they are identified
by others. The essay must include the roots of IA culture, how it
came to be what it is today, and the likely direction it will take in the
years ahead. In essence, where and how does the Italian-American
culture fit into America? Will it be able to help America defeat
terrorism or any other enemy inimical to America's cherished institutions?
Will it be able to help America deal with its "culture wars" and continue
to be a world leader in espousing democratic and humanitarian principles?
Do the values of the organized crime stereotypes represent the essence
of Italian-Americans or are they more closely akin to the Antonin Scalias,
Lee Iacoccas, and countless unsung heroes of this world? Essayists
are encouraged to incorporate in their submissions the work of AIHA and
its members where appropriate.
The winning essay will become the
property of AIHA, and will be published in a special collection. The Executive
Council encourages full participation in this contest. As a sign
of its commitment, AIHA will award a set of its annual proceedings to the
top three essays and one volume of proceedings to each entrant. Essays
will be limited to 5000 words and must be postmarked or received by
September 3, 2002. We encourage email entries (
and will accept entries in the US mail sent to 169 Country Club Road, Chicago
Heights, IL 60411. Entrants must fill out an entry form. All papers
must at minimum address all THREE required elements of the topic (the GENESIS,
Please join in this effort to define
Italian American culture. The rewards for your efforts (other than
monetary) will be priceless. If you have any questions, please contact
the Executive Director.
American Italian Historical Association
"Italian American Culture: Its Genesis,
Shape and Prospects"
Essay Contest Entry Form-
To enter the competition you must
be a PAID UP current of new member of the American Italian Historical Association..
Renewal payments and new-member payments must accompany this form.
If you submit your entry electronically, please time your membership materials
and payment to reach the Executive Director BEFORE your essay is sent electronically.
Electronic submissions should be sent as an email message and as an attachment
which can be opened up by a PC. Please send 5 copies of all hardcopy
submissions. DEADLINE ---Entries must be postmarked or received by
September 1, 2002. Please consult the Essay Contest Announcement
Letter for additional guidelines.
City ______________________________________
Telephone ____________________
Email ______________________
The panel of Judges, still in formation,
is led by Professor Jerome Krase, Brooklyn College CUNY and it includes
AIHA President, Professor Mario Aste, University of Massachusetts at Lowell;
Professor Angela Danzi, SUNY Farmingdale; and AIHA Executive Director Dominic
Contact Information: AIHA Essay
169 Country Club
Chicago Heights,
IL 60411
Phone 708 756-7168
SALVATORE R. DeBLASI is the donor
of the prize money for this competition. He is a native of New York
City and resided there until 1990, when he moved to Carlsbad, CA.
Sal spent better than 45 years working, but in his "spare" time he investigated
and researched organized crime and how the media, especially the
print media, reported organized crime. He worked as a Management
Analyst for the Federal government (35 years) and spent 10 years with
the N.Y. State Workers' Compensation Board (statistics, claims).
In the early Seventies Sal was, briefly, a reporter for Congressman
Santangelo's THE CHALLENGE, but during most of the 70s he was the
Editor of the ITALO-AMERICAN TIMES (also writing his column Vinctus Invictus
for the IA TIMES). His views about organized crime expressed
in these papers ruffled the feathers of some Italian Americans.
He is passionate about the gigantic contributions of Italians to Western
civilization and to the role Italian Americans are obligated to play in
defeating those forces which seek to disparage, distort and defame those
monumental contributions.
The American Italian Historical Association
169 Country Club Road
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
Mario Aste, President
Carol Bonomo Albright, Vice President
Frank Salamone, Secretary
Denise Mangieri DiCarlo, Treasurer
Angelo Tripicchio, Curator
Executive Director
Dominic Candeloro
Newsletter Editor
Paul Giaimo
H-ItAm Listserv Editor
Ben Lawton,
Executive Council - Term
Emelise Aleandri (2003)
Bruno Arcudi (2003)
Mary Jo Bona (2002)
Frank Cavaioli (2003)
Teresa Cerasuola (2003)
Maria Elisa Ciavarelli (2002)
Angela Danzi (LI President)
Mary Russo Demetrick
Dawn Esposito (2003)
Fred Gardaphe (Past Pres.)
Josephine Gattuso Hendin (2003)
Luicano Iorizzo (2002)
Richard Juliani (2003)
Jerome Krase (2003)
Salvatore LaGumina (2003)
Adele Maiello (2002)
Edward Maruggi (2003)
John Mitrano (2003)
Gloria Nardini (2002)
James Periconi (2002)
John Paul Russo (2002)
Frank Sorrentino (2003)
Anthony Tamburri
Lydio Tomasi (2003)
Janet Worrall (2003)
Founding President
Rudolph J. Vecoli