Link to ItalyStl Portal
Copyright © 1997-2002
All rights reserved


What happened to the link to RAI Radio?
... laments a frequent visitor of our Portal after we streamlined our main page which had become too large and cumbersome to load for readers connecting with dial-up modems.

  A classic example of how more is not always better!

  In our eagerness to give ample exposure to everybody who deserves it, we have lost track of how frustrating it is for users who connect via a dial-up modem to watch their favorite site  
s - l - o - w - l - y  paint on their screen line -  by - line.  Not everybody is blessed with fast T1, DSL or Cable Modem connections and, I'd dare say, the majority of our readers fall within the dial-up modem category.

  A well designed web site must spread the wealth of information in balanced sub pages to allow readers to access what they are looking for with few quick strokes without being subjected to information which is not as important to them.

  Accordingly, we have enhanced some of our sub pages and moved the information there.  If you look at "Government", "Various" and "Media", all accessible from the "Favorite Links" menu in the upper left corner of the main page, you will see what we have accomplished.  As added benefit, once you are in those sub pages, you may be tempted to click on other related links and discover more interesting sites.

  As always we welcome your suggestions and comments, please take a moment to write to us at  Thank you for your support.