FIAO, The Federation
of Italian American Organizations in St. Louis, charged with representing
some 19 It-Am associations in the metro area, has communicated the result
of its recent election with a slate of new officers who will serve for
the next two years.
Elected were: Joseph
Colagiovanni, President; Ed Berra, Vice President; Kay Mazzorati, Treasurer;
Antoinette Poole, Secretary. Interestingly, none of the candidates
seem to have ever held office in any of the member organizations and, with
one exception, none were appointed by the member organizations nor will
they have voting power. Mr. Colagiovanni is the lone exception as
he was recently appointed by the Bocce Club to represent it.
Good luck to the new
leaders and perhaps the lack of experience will offset any preconceived
mores? As they say: "Se son rose fioriranno".