I write this article with a very sad heart because I have
been blessed to be both an Italian, having to have been born in Italy and
an American having been raised all my life in America. I am consequently
torn between the Italian way of life and the American way of life. I have
dual citizenship with a home in the town where I was born and a home here
in Chicago. I look upon the “Italian Americans” not only as a different
people but as a distinct culture separated from both Italy and America.
As I have traveled through Italy and spoken to numerous Italians who totally
enjoy the Soprano’s television program because of the
true history
of the
Italian Americans in America. The Hollywood reliving of the
members of the past mafia is a
reality, but only a part of the reality.
Al Capone was a real character, as was Joe Bonanno, John Gotti and numerous
others who were associated with crime, brutality, drugs, prostitution and
alcohol. This was a part of our history here in America.
We cannot hide it nor deny it as was mentioned by Dr. Monti
in her article “Do the Soprano’s Give You Heartburn” in the November 2002
issue of “Neighbors”. Only a few of American Italians in the past really
acted as depicted in this “Hollywood” representation of this television
popular series. Have we lost the identification with these popular characters
of the past? The word popular in the American Heritage Dictionary has various
meanings: 1) Widely liked or appreciated. 2.) Liked by acquaintances.
3.) Of, representing or carried on by the people at large. 4.) Originating
by the people at large. Have we now as a people lost this identification
with these few Italian Americans from the past? The answer is yes,
but NO!
As I speak to Italians in Italy they point out several facts which
I as an Italian and an American take offense to, but must agree with because
they are factually and intellectually correct in their findings.
The enjoyment of the Italians as they are watching the Soprano’s and other
Italian gangster movies is as though they were watching “The Ten Commandments”
or other biblical movies, “Pearl Harbor” or other war movies, Lady Chatterley’s
Lover or other sexual movies. The Soprano’s is a comical depiction of what
they permit themselves to imagine that this is still the Italian American
way of life . One of the Italian doctors that I spoke to didn’t bring his
wife to a Medical Convention in Chicago because she thought that gangsters
still run around with machine guns in Chicago. What is the reason for this
type of mentality?
Why? Why? Why?
As Italian Americans, let me pose some questions to you.
Please read this entire article before you put it down or ridicule it.
However be honest with yourselves. Look into the mirror as you answer the
questions! Look at your wives or look at your husbands Look at your children.
Fathers, look at your sons. Mothers, look at your daughters then answer
these questions!
1.) What do you know about Italy today? What do you know
about its past? What do you know about its present day business? What is
the lira worth as compared to the Euro? What do you know about its future?
Does it make any difference to you? The answers are probably either nothing
or no!
2.) How many of you at home speak Italian? How do you communicate
with your spouse or your children? Do your children speak any Italian?
Is there any form of dialect spoken? Or is it all English? Is Italian too
difficult to learn? Is it too demeaning to ask your schools to teach Italian?
When my father came to this country, he had to learn English to take a
drivers license test! Seven years ago, when I returned to Chicago, they
asked me if I wanted to take the test in English or Spanish? When you dial
the telephone, they say press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish. They
don’t they say press 3 for Italian. Is this condition the Americans’
fault? No. It takes too much time, money and effort to expend some time
for us to learn Italian. There is no pride for you to be able to speak
Italian! Even at the numerous “Italian American” Associations and events,
the spoken language is English. When I was part of the board in an Italian
organization that gave scholarships to Italian-Americans, I asked that
one of the prerequisites be that recipients should have some familiarity
with the Italian language. I was outvoted! I am embarrassed
when I sit at a table with Italians that, because one person doesn’t speak
Italian, all of the Italians are forced to speak English. The Polish
people teach their children to speak polish, as well as the Ukrainians
and the Spanish population. The Italians in Italy speak English, they listen
to American music, they eat at McDonalds and other American foods, and
they wear blue jeans and play American rock music. They want to be Americans.
Do we want to be Italian?
3.) When was the last time you were in Italy or took your
children to Italy? Have you shown them the marvels of Venice, the art of
Florence, the glory of Rome, the romantic Amalfi Coast and the luscious
green island of Sicily? (Oh, yes you took a one week bus trip about
five or ten years ago as the English translator told you about the sites
you were about to see.) Did your children go with you? When
was the last time you took your children or yourselves to an Italian opera
or a movie in Italian? When was the last time you listened to an
Italian radio program? When was the last time you heard Italian songs sung
in Italian? Not Frank Sinatra singing “When the moon hits your eye, like
a big pizza pie, that’s amore” or listen to Vic Damone singing “Volare”!
The Spanish population has at least three television news programs and
at least three sitcoms on television. Are we two ignorant or lazy to have
at least one Italian television news station in America! It would take
funding by some wealthy Italian-Americans who I know to have sponsored
American programs. Italian television programs exist in Canada. Are the
Italian Canadians richer than Italian Americans in the United States?
4.) Are you really ITALIAN Americans who have maintained
the Italian culture and traditions or just Americans who wish they were
Italian Americans? We CANNOT be negative! The only way to attack the negativity
is to be POSITIVE Italian Americans. We can’t scream out “Don’t watch the
Soprano’s” but we can portray a very positive Italian-American image.
The Jews maintain their culture with bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs and seder
dinners. Every Polish neighborhood has a Polish video and music store.
Where are the Italian video and music stores in the Italian neighborhoods?
Or do you just go to Blockbusters or Hollywood Video? I am sure that
you will point out the various Italian food stores that exist (perhaps
the only part of our culture that we now are recognized for!) When
a Miss Italia USA contestant was asked how she would further the Italian
culture in America, her answer was along the line that she would teach
everyone to cook Italian. Has our Italian Heritage gone from our brains
to our stomachs and further below?
5.) With a deep admiration and respect for Mr. Don Fiore,
President Pro tempore of the Italic Institute of America, I beg to
disagree with his eloquent response to Dr. Monti
Mr. Fiore is perhaps so inspired by his Italian loyalty as to not accept
the extent of love Americans and some of the Italian Americans have for
the Soprano’s. Not because it captures every evil aspect of the recent
past Mafiosi of the Italian Americans of the 1990’s. But because this drama
is surrounded and embellished with our deep rooted cultural traditions
of the family, love, loyalty, love for country, food, the arts, and science
which emanated prior to inserted true gangster portrayal of life. I believe
it is these aspects of the series, which have combined to grab the hearts
of the Americans. We cannot deny the added villainy.
6.) As a heart surgeon, I would like to carefully
dissect Mr. Fiore’s following statement and have you realize what we should
do in a positive way to change our “image” in America. Mr. Fiore stated
“ In reality, Italian Americans, being Euroethnic (and widely perceived
to be socially conservative to boot) have never been afforded politically
correct status by the academic and intellectual elite
who created the very concept.” Please examine the statement with me. First
of all the word is in reality divided into the prefix euro
and the word ethnic. The American Heritage College
Dictionary (3rd Edition) defines the word Euro as European
(where our roots began) and the word ethnic as: Of relating to
sizable groups of people with a common, distinctive racial, national,
religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage.
Let us begin the dissection with the word common.
a.) Are we really
one common people as Italian Americans in America. How many of our
organizations do not speak to each other? How many vie for positions in
various parts of Chicago? How many arguments are fostered between these
Italian organizations for them to stand out above the rest. Don’t we need
another Garibaldi to bring harmony and peace among ourselves so as to stand
as One?
b) When
do we come together to celebrate Italian National events except
for Columbus Day? Do we know of the Italian Independence Day or other
national holidays that exist in Italy?
c.) Besides the
numerous Feasts of our Catholic religion that we attend, where are
the Italian-American churches where masses are celebrated in Italian as
are the Spanish masses. Aside from the Shrine of Our Lady Of Pompeii and
Villa Scalabrini, I know of few other truly Italian gathering places for
the Italian-American people.
d.) Linguistic?
I believe that subject has been amply covered. We don’t speak Italian.
I might forgive our older leaders of the community who shied away from
the language during World War Two. But that was fifty years ago.
What about our children?
e.) Cultural
Heritage? Did you or your children go to the recent exhibition
of the works of Michelangelo? Did you attend the pictorial exhibit at the
Mayor Daley Plaza depicting the flight of the first flight across the Atlantic
by an Italian aviator by the name of Francesco DiPinedo? This was before
the flight of Charles Lindbergh! The largest Mexican Museum outside of
Mexico is in Chicago on 18th street. Where is our Italian Museum in Chicago,
New York or San Francisco?
7.) Let us continue to dissect Mr. Fiore’s statement;”
never been afforded “ The dictionary defines the word “as
to be made available or to be given the opportunity” When did we as
Italian Americans wait to be given something? We will go out and search..
We will find! We will accomplish! We will work incessantly! My father
came from Italy and we were poor. My mother was a seamstress. My father
worked three jobs. He had no education in Italy. He taught me the building
arts and I worked with him in rebuilding our homes. Nobody gave us anything
except opportunity. It was not afforded to us! We worked
for it! He sent me to college and medical school and I worked harder my
American classmates! I worked for Professorships in Surgery and in Pediatrics.
Nobody gave it to me. We were poor, therefore, I stayed in Chicago for
my training, but my daughter went to Harvard and she worked hard. Nobody
gave her anything except the Italian way of family love. She earned her
scholarships. (She is now a lawyer who speaks Italian as well as
my son who is an artist). This is America! This is where we can dream,
and with hard work, those dreams can come through. This is the land of
opportunity where we of Italian heritage should ask for nothing, but GIVE
everything to accomplish. Mayor LaGuardia of New York asked for nothing,
nor did Mayor Giuliani. Governor Cuomo, Mother Cabrini, Lee Iacocca, Ron
Turano, Pat Arbor or Jasper Sanfilippo. There are too many others to mention
who asked for nothing and but gave everything! You must look at your children.
They are the Future Italian Americans who will either seize the
moment to accomplish with their Italian Heritage or will sit down every
week to watch the Soprano’s. You are their guiding lights. How bright can
you shine their pathway?
8.) To continue with Mr. Fiore’s statement of Politically
Correct which is defined in the dictionary as: Of, relating
to, or supporting a program of broad social, political, and educational
change, especially to address historical injustices. Can you not see
that it is not the Americans that have done this to us? We are at fault.
If we gave our children a true Italian social, economical and political
education, there would be no continued injustice because we would
be in command of our destiny. Look at recent events! Trent Lott
lost his position in the Senate because of a racial statement against the
African Americans! President Bush has filed briefs against an affirmative
action case at the University of Michigan! The Chinese people are screaming
at the comments that were made by Shaquille O’Neal’s calling the Chinese
basketball player a “Ying-Yong”! Why aren’t we protesting against the gang
like portrayal of Italian Americans?
9.) And finally the word elite, which in the dictionary
is defined as: a group of people enjoying superior intellectual, social,
or economic status or the best and skilled members of a group. Tell
me where you would historically find a group of people other than the Italian
nation of the pre-mafia era that would fit this description. WE MUST get
it back. Where are our scientists of the past such as Galileo and
Where are our explorers of the past such as Colombo or Vespucci?
Where are our musicians of the past such as Verdi, Puccini,
and Toscanini? Where are our Sports hero’s of the past such Joe
Di Maggio, Yogi Berra, and Rocky Marciano? . These are
your children! Are they studying Art, Music, Science, or even sports? Or
are they sitting in the Living room watching television, possibly the Soprano’s?
ITALIAN LANGUAGE CLASSES. And maybe take some yourselves?
Perhaps when we start speaking to each other in Italian,
perhaps when we begin feeling Italian and perhaps when our
hearts beat truly Italian, we can say “we don’t need to watch the
Soprano’s” because they are really portraying outdated images of only a
few of us? Perhaps we can say QUESTA GENTE IN TELEVISIONE NON SIAMO