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International Conference on Italian Immigration

from Barbara Klein, 4/8/03

The Ecoistituto della Valle del Ticino is pleased to announce its International Conference on Italian Immigration to be held in Cuggiono, Italy on July 19 and 20, 2003.  Cuggiono is located approximately 20 miles west of Milan and 10 miles from Malpensa Airport, in the midst of the beautiful Ticino River Valley Park. 

During the last two centuries, many Italians from Cuggiono and the surrounding communities immigrated to the United States and settled in cities such as St. Louis, Herrin, Detroit and Chicago. 

The conference will be divided into eight seminars analyzing the reasons for immigration, the immigrants' dreams, their establishment of "Little Italy", immigrant integration into American society, the contributions of immigrants to their new land, the Italian-Americans of today, and a discussion regarding the establishment in Cuggiono of a Center for the History of 
Immigration.  Local excursions are planned and the conference coincides with the local "Festa Patronale" of "Madonna del Carmine". 

Conference sponsors are honored to have the participation of Prof.Gary Ross Mormino of the University of South Florida and Prof. Rudolph Vecoli, Director of the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota, both experts on Italian immigration.  In addition, professors from Italian universities will participate. 

A diplay of photographs and documents related to immigration will be held in conjunction with the conference.  Individuals with documents or photographs related to immigration from Arconate, Cuggiono,Inveruno and other towns in western Lombardy who would like to include such items in the display may submit scanned copies.

Interested persons should contact Oreste Magni at or Prof. Eugene Mariani at 314-352-5484. 

Click here to view the agenda for the Conference.