Comunicato Stampa - 12 marzo, 2007 

Maitland Primrose Group lancia la sua prima pellicola in distribuzione

Phoenix, AZ - La Maitland Primrose Group, societa' controllata dall'imprenditore italiano Gennaro Buonocore rende pubblica la notizia del lancio della sua prima pellicola in distribuzione. 

Ad oggi, la societa' che tra l'altro e' proprietaria della prestigiosa testata cinematografica Moving Pictures risulta titolare dei diritti distributivi di almeno altri cinque films di alta qualita'. Sotto la guida di Buonocore, nella foto insieme all'attore Kevin Bacon, l'azienda a completato uno spettacolare "turnaround" dopo un periodo di flessione che l'aveva vista perdere almeno il 30% delle quote di mercato accumulate nel corso dei primi quattordici anni di esistenza. Il gruppo che fa capo alla famiglia Buonocore e' la prima entita' privata a detenere il pacchetto di maggioranza dell'azienda dopo l'avvicendarsi di blasonati proprietari come RCS Corriere della Sera e Reed Elsevere. Segue il comunicato aziendale: 

I am writing you to let you know about our new exciting film release coming out this month from Maitland Primrose Film Distribution and Moving Pictures. This thought-provoking film, called THE AMERICAN RULING CLASS was acquired at the Tribeca Film Festival last year.  Part fiction, part documentary and part musical, THE AMERICAN RULING CLASS asks the question, “Does America really have a true ruling class?” 

The answer is explored through two fictional Yale students who embark on very different life paths. One follows his dreams as an artist and the other joins Wall Street as an investment banker. The two are guided on the journey by Harper’s Magazine sagely Editor Emeritus, Lewis Lapham, who introduces our young graduates to such notable figures as Kurt Vonnegut, Walter Cronkite, James Baker, Hodding Carter and the late Robert Altman, to name only a few.  This is one of Robert Altman’s last on-camera interviews.

This film is educational, insightful, funny and highly entertaining!

The movie opens on March 23, 2007 at the Harkins Valley Art Theatre in Tempe.  There will be a special screening with a reception sponsored by Moving Pictures Magazine. There will be complimentary food and refreshments, along with gift bags. The event starts at 6PM, for a 7PM Showtime. Immediately following the film, there is a special Q&A with director, John Kirby, producer Libby Handros and the films writer and star, Lewis Lapham.  The event will be hosted by F. Miguel Valenti, Assistant Director of the School of Theatre and Film at Arizona State University. 

Attached is the poster for the film and the event.

Please tell your friends by forwarding this email to anyone that may be interested.  The film and event is suitable for all ages, although small children may be unimpressed.  But, it’s ideal for high school and college kids, as well as anyone interested in American society and filmmaking. 

For more information, feel free to go to our web site at or and to purchase tickets, Group rates are available. 

Thank you for your support.

Ted Chalmers