Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Pizza Cuts Cancer Risk?

Thanks to my "cuz" Laura

How nice is this??? Pleasure Food that is also Healthy for you!!!!!??????
Pizza Cuts Cancer Risk?
Monday, July 21, 2003

ROME (Reuters) - Gorging pizza could help reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer -- Italian scientists say.

In a twist to the accepted medical wisdom that food you really enjoy tends to be bad for you, researchers at a Milan pharmacology center found that eating one or more pizzas a week dramatically reduced the incidence of some types of cancer.

A study of 8,000 Italians found that regular pizza-eaters were 59 percent less likely to contract cancer of the esophagus, while the risk of developing cancer of the colon fell by 26 percent.

"We knew that tomato sauce was protective against certain tumors, but we certainly didn't expect that pizza as a whole would provide such strong protection," researcher Silvano Gallus told Sunday's La Repubblica newspaper.
