Monday, February 16, 2004
What is REALLY Important in Retaining Italian Identity/Heritage

A debate ensued on the H-ITAM (History- Italian American) Bulletin Board questioning whether Paul Tagliabue, the Commissioner of the NFL, was less of an Italian for "americanizing" the pronounciation of his Italian Surname.

My response to the debate follows.

In Reality, of more concern should be whether those who have reached a level of success, show  respect for their Italian "heritage" by "giving back" to the Italian American Community!!
I would encourage us all to take a Macro, rather than a Micro view of this Tagliabue pronunciation debate.

Focusing on the strict correct pronounciation of an Italian Name is akin to making sure one knows how to pronounce a word, but not knowing what it means, or not be able to recognize its roots (etymology).

Also, great emphasis on the correct Pronunciation of an Italian Surname, and tying it inextricably to the losing of our Italian IDENTITY and SOUL, overlooks a LARGE Segment of our Kinsman, who often feel as strongly about their Italian "ties" as we do.

Many do not carry an Italian Surname because of INTERMARRIGE.

Many INHERITED a name, already "Anglicized" several generations ago.
(Examples: Tolliver, Chase, Cabot, etc. )

Or maybe they ADOPTED a "Entertainment name":(Earnest Borgnine, Dean Martin, Connie Francis, Connie Stevens, Bernardette Peters, etc )

Or they "Americanized" their name to be less of a target of the immense
BIGOTRY:(Al Smith [Presidential candidate in 1928 vs Hoover] etc.),

Or maybe their family ORIGINATED from another country, and immigrated to
Italy, and still live there, or even subsequently immigrated to the US:
(Camillio Cavour, Enrico Berlinguer, etc ).

Others, yes do have names with the PRONUNCIATION  "anglicized".

Have THEY irretrievably lost their Italian IDENTITY or their SOUL???

Not Necessarily.

For those who have lost there way, there is still a chance for REDEMPTION.

Knowing the Italian LANGUAGE helps, but that is only giving "Lip Service".

Awareness of Italian CUISINE is helpful, but the Italian History and Culture is not learned from the plate at your table.

Celebrating the TRADITIONS and it's Holidays is fun and helpful, but knowing their origins and significance in the Italian way of life makes them meaningful.

Researching our Lineage/ GENEALOGY is to show respect for our ancestors,
(unless we are looking only so we can claim some nobility, or great deeds), but to
so many it is only names, dates, and places, and no interest in the geography and history of that region and its relationship to Italy in its entirety.

Therefore, for me, Italian and Italian American HISTORICAL and CULTURAL Studies are the most important way for us to KEEP and PASS ON our Identity and Soul!!!!

My respect to those "unsung  heroes" of ours who recognize the enormous
importance of Italian American/ Italian Studies, and accomplish much with little support, and are deserving of MUCH more.

The rest is only a Veneer. A "False Flag" behind which to march.

"To Not know from whence you CAME, is to Not KNOW who you ARE"

My thanks to Leon Radomile, whose book "Heritage- Italian American Style", I keep constantly at my side for reference and verification, and Bob Masullo, who is always so diligent in sending me noteworthy articles to disseminate.

Richard Annotico

An-Not-tee-co, or Ann-o-Tee-co. Both melodious, mellifluous. :)

In either case, it always gives me at least a 5 minute opportunity to educate the person, with a little Italian history and geography. :)