Thursday, July 01, 2004
Want to Know How Many People Speak ANY Language in Any US Area???
Thanks to Professor Ben Lawton,
Chair, Italian Studies, Chair, Film Studies, Purdue University

I found this Map.... Fascinating.... and Suprising in some respects.

The MLA (Modern Language Association) Web Site has a "Language Map"
that gives you the opportunity to see either National, and by State, and
by County or Zip Code, the numbers of people that speak any one of 37 Languages.

View the Map


View the Map View an interactive map showing the numbers of speakers of thirty-seven languages and language groups. Click the map to zoom in on a region. Add or remove county and city names, rivers and lakes, and highways. A bar graph beneath the map provides the actual numbers of speakers by state; for numbers of speakers by zip code, town, city, or county, use the Data Center.

Compare Languages and Places Generate interactive maps for two languages in the same state, or compare the concentration of the same language in two states. Zoom in on both national maps to focus on regions; zoom in on state maps to focus on clusters of counties or zip codes.

Find Out More Detailed Information Visit the Data Center for information about numbers of speakers of languages in a specific state, county, zip code, metropolitan area, or town or to view charts that illustrate the distribution by percentage of the languages in each state. Compare speakers of different languages by two age groups: 5-17 and 18 and over.


215,423,557 English
46,951,595 All languages other than English combined
28,101,052 Spanish or Spanish Creole
2,022,143 Chinese
1,643,838 French (incl. Patois, Cajun)
1,383,442 German
1,224,241 Tagalog
1,009,627 Vietnamese
1,008,370 Italian
894,063 Korean
706,242 Russian
667,414 Polish
614,582 Arabic
564,630 Portuguese or Portuguese Creole
477,997 Japanese
453,368 French Creole
418,505 African languages
365,436 Greek
317,057 Hindi
312,085 Persian
262,900 Urdu