Saturday, October 09, 2004
Despicable Savages Tommyhawk Italians and Columbus- Denver Post

Preface: Have you sent your E- Columbus Day Cards out??? Do a Google Search.
Then Read Robert Royal's  Defense of Columbus, w hyperlink at end.

Please excuse my "harsh" talk, but when I hear "war drums", and "rancarous rantings" , I put away the "peace pipe", and go into "warrior mode".

The Savages Say: "This is our land; we were here first," "Go back to Italy.

I wouldn't say it, But it could be Said, The Savages were NOT here First, they came over the Bering Land Bridge from Asia/Mongolia, and exterminated the previous residents.

No, we won't go back to Italy. We built this land. Would you consider going back to the Reservation, or better yet. Mongolia ???!!!

Those Savages engaged in Human Sacrifice, Slavery, Murder, Conquest, Constant Raiding, Raping, Pillaging, Female Subjection, (When Europeans were engaging in Gallantry), and every other Vice, known to Europeans, and a few not known.

It could be Said, that the Savage's Civilization was so Primitive, that a few Conquistadors were able to conquer the entire Americas. The Savages conquered when they were able to. The Europeans conquered when they were able to. The Savages Lost. Get Over it!!!

The Savages Say: Columbus was a murderer, liar, thief, slave trader - all those things are historically verifiable." Really???

I could be Said: The Savages constantly "Symbolically" charge Columbus for ALL acts committed by Anyone in the Western Hemisphere, in the last 500 years!!!
The Savages are terribly hyperbolic in their claims. No, I would say "imaginative"!!

The Savages say: You're celebrating racism.".
It could be SAID: You're wearing your Feather Bonnet too tight. We are Celebrating one of the most wondrous accomplishments in the last Century.

The Savages Say: Columbus Day is a state-supported act of hate speech, How??
It could be said: Washington had Slaves, and Lincoln said he would Not free the Slaves, if he could save the Union. Why aren't you objecting to President's Day??

Why aren't you objecting to all the Presidents that made Treaties, and broke them?

And if that isn't enough, we have a couple Italians who apparently have NO idea how much effort it took to Establish Columbus Day, or How Much it means to Italian Americans, so, state Rep. Michael Cerbo, D-Denver, who is 1/2 Italian, said he will introduce legislation next session to repeal Columbus Day as a state holiday.

Denver Italians should have a SERIOUS talk with this "semi-paisan", or ride him out of Office! Best you set an example of him, or else.

And what is honorary vice consul of Italy for Colorado and Wyoming, Maria Scordo Allen, 57, opening up her big yap for? The Italian Consul is reluctant to "help" Italian American, using the excuse that they fear "interfering" in American Internal Affairs, but Maria is happy to "hurt" us, by suggesting we seek alternatives to Columbus.
Maria, Put a sock in it !!!! What have you done for the Italian American Community, that gives you the right to get on your soap box????


Denver Post
By Amy Herdy
Staff Writer
October 08, 2004

Serenity Redshirt could not sit still. As the Columbus Day parade in 2002 wound down a Denver street, the 11-year-old, who is Lakota, joined six of her friends as they stepped into its path. Wearing jeans and a white poodle shirt, she sat cross-legged and shouted with the other girls.

"This is our land; we were here first," she said. "Go back to Italy. Columbus was a murderer, and you're celebrating racism."

Yet for Italian-Americans, the parade remains a symbol of their desire to be recognized as they choose.

"No one can tell us, as Americans, what we can celebrate and what we can't," said George Vendegnia, 55, a founder of the Sons of Italy-New Generation and a primary organizer of the parade. "This is the holiday we've chosen. This guy discovered this country."

On Saturday, thousands of people are expected to attend the annual Columbus Day parade in downtown Denver, an event that has seen its share of violence and arrest. Some plan to protest the parade again this year.

Tonight, the Four Directions All Nations March, an alternative event to transform the Columbus Day legacy into a celebration of all nations, will also take place.

Because of the recent controversy, state Rep. Michael Cerbo, D-Denver, said he will introduce legislation next session to repeal Columbus Day as a state holiday.

"I've watched it over the years, the division this causes every year," said Cerbo, 50, who is half Italian-American. "I don't think the state should be sanctioning it."

Some in the Italian-American community are looking for new traditions to celebrate their culture, said Maria Scordo Allen, 57, honorary vice consul of Italy for Colorado and Wyoming

Alternatives include introducing Italian-language instruction in Colorado schools and events such as September's Italian festival in Lakewood.

In 1905, Denver printer Angelo Noce persuaded Gov. Jesse McDonald to proclaim Oct. 12 Columbus Day, and in 1907, the Colorado legislature followed suit, becoming the first state in the nation to do so.

In 1990, after a hiatus of nearly 40 years, the Federation of Italian American Organizations revived Denver's parade. Two years later, protesters shut it down.

In 2000, the Sons of Italy- New Generation restored the parade. That year, Denver police arrested more than 140 protesters after they sat down along the parade route and refused to leave. Most charges were dropped.

This year, the Greater Denver Ministerial Alliance, a coalition of major black churches, endorsed the "Transform Columbus Day" efforts to be held this year. Protesters see it as a positive sign that support for the parade is waning.

"My argument about Columbus Day is that it's a state-supported act of hate speech," said George "Tink" Tinker, 60, an Osage and professor of American Indian cultures and religious traditions at the Iliff School of Theology. "The history is lost. ... When he couldn't find gold, he decided to trade slaves instead. So when people say Columbus was a murderer, liar, thief, slave trader - all those things are historically verifiable."

Vendegnia views that history differently and is adamant about his right to express that.

"I just want to make sure, for my Italian children and grandchildren, no one takes advantage of their rights as Americans," he said.

Staff writer Amy Herdy can be reached at 303-820-1752 or .

The Columbus Day controversy is the focus of two television reports by Denver Post staff writer Amy Herdy. Today on "9News at Five": the origins of the parade dispute. Tomorrow on "9News Saturday Morning": efforts beyond the parade to honor the heritage of both sides. - LOCAL NEWS,1413,36~53~2453628,00.html

Columbus on Trial: 1492 v. 1992 by Robert Royal,
Foreword and Epilogue by Cecilia Kirk

The Annotico Report is a commentary on Current News items of interest to those of Italian ancestry, that appear in US, Italian, and International publications.

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