Monday, October 18, 2004
"Shark Tale" ready for the Cioppino ??

The Bad News is that "Shark Tale" came in First at the Box Office this Weekend for the 3 Straight week.

The Good News is that the Box Office volume has dropped 30% from last week, from $37 million to $22 million, again with light competition (for one more week),
for a 3 week total of $118 million. Nothing to cause dancing in the Executive Offices of Dream Works.

Remember, it cost $75 million for production, and it could equal that amount with Marketing and Distribution Costs!!!!

If you feel like giving a "bad review" to "Shark Tale" on any of the Movie or Portal Lists, don't hold back if you have the time. :)

"Sharks Tale" had almost 4,000 screens to others of 2,500 to 3,000, yet had only
the 5th highest gross per screen.

Again "Shark Tale may have one more week of light competition before it starts butting heads with the Movies that it puposely avoided by changing it's opening date.

Those will be:Disney/Pixar's " The Incredibles" (Nov 5th) further crowded with such family movies as " The Polar Express" (Nov. 10) and "The Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie" (Nov. 19).

Currently,"Friday Night Lights" came in 2nd, again in its 2nd week, with $13 million.

I was hoping for more competition from "Team America: World Police" that booked $12.3 million in it's first week, at number 3, and is an irreverrant movie from the creators of "South Park"

4th was "Shall We Dance (New) at $11.6 million,
5th was "Ladder 49" (3) at $8.6 million

Weekend Box Office October 15-17, 2004