Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Harnessing the Power:UNITY and INTERNET: Now, The Next Step ?

Here is an example of what an "orchestrated" use of the INTERNET can accomplish.
The combination of UNITY and the INTERNET is a Powerful force.

A Sullivan County newspaper column characterized Governor George Pataki as "Don Vito Pataki" and stated that the County will take three casinos, but not the cannolli.
(You had to be there :)

The Italian Community was encouraged to protest the "linking" of the half Italian Governor to Don Vito Corleone of the Godfather series.

Mr. Lewis, Editor of the Sullivan County Review, and Author of the column was stunned by the outpouring of protests from across the country.  He stated that he never imagined he would receive such an outcry.

Mr. Lewis in a lengthy conversation with Dr. DeSanctis of OSIA, said as a Jew he knew the pain of defamation and discrimination.

Lewis apologized for his insensitivity and in a note to IAOV said: "I certainly meant no offense to the Italian American community...Again, I apologize to you and others who feel that I was demeaning to the Italian American community."

And the following note to sent to Dr. DeSanctis:

Ms. DeSanctis,
Deputy Executive Director

That is an impressive web site. Clearly your organization sees Education as a key component in telling not only the history of Italian-Americans, but the constant struggles that are faced today. I'm glad you called, and I thank you for taking time to listen.

Once again, I respect the feelings that you and other Italian- Americans have shared with me. I sincerely appreciate the comments and I hope they serve me in the future.

Thank you,

Barry S. Lewis
Sullivan County Editor

THEREFORE: Does it NOT occur to many of you, that it would be wise to initiate
an "Italian Internet Initiative" (III), to get as many members in your organization's chapters as possible to be "Internet Literate" so they can swell your numbers,
so that you can respond with even a greater outpouring, in a louder voice, to accomplish more, against larger adversaries???!!!

This "Italian Internet Initiative" can be set in gear by appointing just one person in each chapter to coordinate a program to STRONGLY ENCOURAGE  the neophytes to attend a low cost group training course, that would be made available, plus recommendations for low cost computer purchases, and even continuing classes for those who are already users who want to increase their skills. It is an important informational Project, and and Enjoyable!!!

And it IS the FUTURE! As a matter of Fact it is TODAY!!

More members of your Army, equipped with Modern Equipment, More Power!!!

Either your National Office can be helpful, or I can give anyone interested in input.
I've been at it awhile.:)