Thursday, May 12, 2005
Christopher Columbus didn't really discover America. So what?


BUT, When Columbus Discovered America, It STAYED Discovered!!

Thanks to Robert Necci, NYSCS-CSJ


Canada Free Press
by Klaus Rohrich
Monday, May 9, 2005

An article in the weekend papers about Gavin Menzies’ book, 1421: The Year
China Discovered the World, states that if Menzies’ hypothesis is correct
it will "turn much of modern history upside down". Menzies’ claims that a
"distinguished Canadian architect" discovered the remnants of a medieval
naval base somewhere on Canada’s east coast and postulates that the alleged
base was established by Admiral Zheng He who commanded a fleet of ships
that discovered America’s east coast.

Periodically throughout the past 100 years numerous individuals have
stepped forward with evidence that America was actually discovered by a
number of other, earlier explorers and that credit for that discovery
should be taken away from Christopher Columbus. There is some evidence that
Leif Ericsson first settled America in about 1000 AD. There are also
stories about Irish monks having visited the shores of the new world in the
middle ages, as well as legends among some of the central American Indians
that detail visits from red haired, bearded adventurers over 1,000 years

Discrediting Christopher Columbus appears to have become a modern pastime,
as more and more "research" that touts other explorers who predated
Columbus comes to light. Many of the more politically correct luminaries in
North America today go so far as to say that Christopher Columbus’s
"discovery" of America was one of history’s great disasters, resulting in
the eventual establishment of North America’s current geopolitical reality.

That’s certainly a valid point of view, given that the indigenous peoples
of North America suffered greatly as a result of Europeans settling here.
But at the same time the reality of the here and now is that North America
is what it is and suggesting that the accepted discoverer of the continent
didn’t really discoverer it after all will not alter the current state of
this continent. Yes, the Vikings probably discovered America 500 years
prior to Columbus and yes; it’s entirely possible that many others
including the Chinese may have done so as well. So what?

The truth is that neither the Vikings, the Chinese nor any plethora of
others who may have discovered America centuries before Christopher
Columbus did anything significant with their discovery. It was Columbus
that returned to Spain to tell Ferdinand and Isabella about the fabulous
new land that he had discovered, setting off the great surge of exploration
that characterized the next three centuries.

One of the reasons claims such as those made by Menzies receive such rapt,
breathless attention here is that culturally we have attained an
unprecedented level of self-loathing. Participating in the destruction of
our historical icons provides the guilt-feelers among us a sense of
atonement. We now freely accept guilt for the crimes wreaked upon North
America’s aboriginals by individuals that have been dead for hundreds of
years. We accept responsibility for the slavery that was prevalent in parts
of North America, even though none of us has ever "owned" a slave or have
had any actual complicity in the slave trade. In fact, slavery is alive and
well in Africa today, without the participation of Europeans or North
Americans. Some of us want to blame ourselves for the terrorism that
fanatical Islamic fundamentalists want to bring down on us because of the
Crusades, even though the Crusades were about the liberation of lands that
had been forcibly taken from Christians by Muslims. When Osama bin Laden
talks about the "tragedy of Andalusia", what he is referring to is the
expulsion of the Muslim invaders from Spain. (This co-incidentally took
place in 1492, while Christopher Columbus was "discovering" America.)

While the original discoverer of America is a subject that will enjoy
years, if not decades of spirited debate, the point regarding the
significance of the discovery remains moot. Only Columbus understood the
implications of his discovery and as such can honestly claim credit as its

Klaus Rohrich is President and Creative Director of Taylor/Rohrich
Associates Inc. Email: