Thanks to, and From Bob Masullo

Among the 403 fire and police personnel who died while rescuing 
thousands in the World Trade Center terrorist attack, apparently 
one-fourth (101) were Italian-Americans, as the following list shows.

The names were taken from the New York Post and represent 
my (Bob Masullo) best guess on who was Italic. Some may not, 
in fact, have been. But on the other hand, some whom I did not 
include because their names sounded Anglo, Irish, Jewish, 
Hispanic, or whatever, may, in fact, be Italic.

At any rate, we not only had real heroes in this tragedy, WE HAD 
FAR MORE THAN OUR SHARE. Remember that the next time 
President Bush -- or anyone else -- slurs our heritage.

Silently remembering or saying a prayer for these men  and one 
woman is highly in order:

1. Louis Arena 2. Robert Curatolo 3. Andrew Desperito 4. Peter 
Ganci Jr. 5.John Santore 6.Lawrence Virgilio 7. Joseph Agnello 
8. James Amato  9. Joseph Angelini 10. Joseph Angelini Jr  
11. David Arce 12. Carl Asaro 13. Gerard Baptiste 14. Gerard 
Barbara 15. Carl Bini 16. Michael Bocchino 17. Frank Bonomo 
18. Ronald Bucca 19. Salvatore Calabro 20. Michael Cammarata 

21.Brian Cannizzaro 22. Michael Carlo 23. Thomas Casoria 
24. Nicholas Chiofalo 25. John Chipura 26. Robert Cordice 27. 
Ruben Correa 28. John Cisci 29. Edward Datri 30. Michael Dauria 
31. Manuel Delvalle 32. Martin Demeo 33. David Derubbio 34. 
George Dipasquale 35. Francis Esposito 36. Michael Esposito 
37. Thomas Farino 38. Michael Fiore 39. John Florio 40. David 

41. Robert Foti 42. Thomas Gambino Jr. 43. Charles Garbarini 
44. Vincent Giammona 45. Jeffrey Giordano 46. John Giordano 
47. Jonathan Lelpi 48. David Laforge 49. Peter Langone 
50. Daniel Libretti 51. Carlos Lillo 52. Robert Linnane 53. Joseph 
Maffeo 54. Charles Margiotta 55. Kenneth Marino 56. Paul Martini 
57. Joseph Mascali 58. Steve Mercado 59.Robert Minara 
60. Thomas Mingione 

61. Louis Modafferi 62. Carl Molinaro 63. Michael Montesi 64. 
65. Vincent Morello 66. Christopher Mozzillo 67. John Napolitano 
68. Samuel Oitice 69. Jeffrey Palazzo 70. Frank Palombo 
71. Paul Pansini 72. John Paolillo 73. Robert Parro 74. Philip 
Petti 75. Vincent Princiotta 76. Lincoln Quappe 77. Leonard 
Ragaglia 78. Michael Ragusa 79. Joseph Rivelli Jr. 80. Nicholas 

81. Michael Russo 82. Thomas Sabella 83. Christopher Santora 
84. Gregory Saucedo 85. Dennis Scauso 86. Stanley Smagala Jr. 
87. Hector Tirado Jr. 88. Peter Vega 89. John Vigiano 90. John 
Dallara 91. Robert Fazio 92. Thomas Langone 93. Joseph Vigiano 
94. Dominick Pezzulo 95. Christopher Amoroso 96. Robert Cirri 
97. Anthony Infante 98. David Lemagne 99. Kathy Mazza 
100. Fred Morrone 101. James Romito.

May they rest in peace.

Bob Masullo