Pamela Vale at <<>>

I am writing to you since, there is no other easy way to directly communicate 
with your father, Jerry Vale. I hope you will pass on my thoughts.

It was so disconcerting that your father would have promoted "Mob Hits I &II".
Now with his promotion of "Mob Doo-Wop Hits", he goes beyond the pale.

Either he is completely oblivious to the harm that he is doing to the Italian 
American Community, Or he realizes it, but is too tempted and willing to 
sell his heritage to the highest bidder.

First, "Mob Hits" had nothing to do with the Mob. They were fun or lovely 
Italian Favorites being "mobbed up" (and negatively associated). In the Few 
cases where the tunes were from a Mob Movie, the songs were a Wedding 
Dance, and Love Songs, and had NOTHING to do with Mob activities! 

Now comes a "double whammy", "Mob Doo Wop Hits" gets to add insult to 
injury By putting two negative stereotypes, "Mob" and "Wop" in the same title.

Yes, of course I know that Doo Wop was a music genre, ( I was a Record 
Executive at that time). But Doo Wop has NOTHING to do with the Mob!!!!! 

He is tarnishing a personal legacy that could be terminally sullied, and is 
making great headway toward becoming "persons non grata" in the 
Italian-American Community.

Very Disappointedly,
A former avid fan

Richard Annotico

PS. "Jerry Vale's Favorite Italian Music" couldn't have made it?