1. | Mohammed | ||
2 | Isaac Newton | ||
3 | Jesus Christ | founder of Christianity | |
4 | Buddha | founder of Buddhism | |
5 | Confucius | founder of Confucianism | |
6 | St. Paul | proselytizer of Christianity | |
7 | Ts'ai Lun | inventor of paper | |
8 | Johann Gutenberg | developed movable type; printed Bibles | |
9 | Christopher Columbus | explorer; led Europe to Americas | |
10 | Albert Einstein | physicist; relativity; Einsteinian physics | |
11 | Louis Pasteur | scientist; pasteurization | |
12 | Galileo Galilei | astronomer; proclaimed heliocentric solar system | |
13 | Aristotle | influential Greek philosopher | |
14 | Euclid | mathematician; Euclidian geometry | |
15 | Moses | major prophet of Judaism | |
16 | Charles Darwin | biologist; described Darwinian evolution, which had theological impact on many religions | |
17 | Shih Huang Ti | Chinese emperor | |
18 | Augustus Caesar | Roman Ruler | |
19 | Nicolaus Copernicus | astronomer; taught heliocentricity | |
20 | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | father of modern chemistry; philosopher; economist | |
21 | Constantine the Great | Roman emperor who completely legalized Christianity, | |
22 | James Watt | developed steam engine | |
23 | Michael Faraday | physicist; chemist; discovery of magneto-electricity | |
24 | James Clerk Maxwell | physicist; electromagnetic spectrum | |
25 | Martin Luther | founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism | |
26 | George Washington | first president of United States | |
27 | Karl Marx | founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism | |
28 | Orville and Wilbur Wright | inventors of airplane | |
29 | Genghis Khan | Mongol conqueror | |
30 | Adam Smith | economist; expositor of capitalism; religious philosopher | |
31 | Edward de Vere
a.k.a. William Shakespeare |
literature; also wrote 6 volumes about philosophy and religion | |
32 | John Dalton | chemist; physicist; atomic theory; law of partial pressures (Dalton's law) | |
33 | Alexander the Great | conqueror | |
34 | Napoleon Bonaparte | French conqueror | |
35 | Thomas Edison | inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc. | |
36 | Antony van Leeuwenhoek | microscopes; studied microscopic life | |
37 | William T.G. Morton | pioneer in anesthesiology | |
38 | Guglielmo Marconi | inventor of radio | |
39 | Adolf Hitler | conqueror; led Axis Powers in WWII | |
40 | Plato | founder of Platonism | |
41 | Oliver Cromwell | British political and military leader | |
42 | Alexander Graham Bell | inventor of telephone * | |
43 | Alexander Fleming | penicillin; advances in bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy | |
44 | John Locke | philosopher and liberal theologian | |
45 | Ludwig van Beethoven | composer | |
46 | Werner Heisenberg | a founder of quantum mechanics; discovered principle of uncertainty; head of Nazi Germany's nuclear program | |
47 | Louis Daguerre | an inventor/pioneer of photography | |
48 | Simon Bolivar | National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia | |
49 | Rene Descartes | Rationalist philosopher and mathematician | |
50 | Michelangelo | painter; sculptor; architect | |
51 | Pope Urban II | called for First Crusade | |
52 | 'Umar ibn al-Khattab | Second Caliph; expanded Muslim empire | |
53 | Asoka | king of India who converted to and spread Buddhism | |
54 | St. Augustine | Early Christian theologian | |
55 | William Harvey | described the circulation of blood; wrote "Essays ...", the basis for modern embryology | |
56 | Ernest Rutherford | physicist; pioneer of subatomic physics | |
57 | John Calvin | Protestant reformer; founder of Calvinism | |
58 | Gregor Mendel | Mendelian genetics | |
59 | Max Planck | physicist; thermodynamics | |
60 | Joseph Lister | principal discoverer of antiseptics which greatly reduced surgical mortality | |
61 | Nikolaus August Otto | built first four-stroke internal combustion engine | |
62 | Francisco Pizarro | Spanish conqueror in South America; defeated Incas | |
63 | Hernando Cortes | conquered Mexico for Spain; through war and introduction of new diseases he largely destroyed Aztec civilization | |
64 | Thomas Jefferson | 3rd president of United States | |
65 | Queen Isabella I | Spanish ruler | |
66 | Joseph Stalin | revolutionary and ruler of USSR | |
67 | Julius Caesar | Roman emperor | |
68 | William the Conqueror | laid foundation of modern England | |
69 | Sigmund Freud | founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis | |
70 | Edward Jenner | discoverer of the vaccination for smallpox | |
71 | Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen | discovered X-rays | |
72 | Johann Sebastian Bach | composer | |
73 | Lao Tzu | founder of Taoism | |
74 | Voltaire | writer and philosopher; wrote Candide | |
75 | Johannes Kepler | astronomer; planetary motions | |
76 | Enrico Fermi | initiated the atomic age; father of atom bomb | |
77 | Leonhard Euler | physicist; mathematician; differential and integral calculus and algebra | |
78 | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | French deistic philosopher and author | |
79 | Nicoli Machiavelli | wrote The Prince (influential political treatise) | |
80 | Thomas Malthus | economist; wrote Essay on the Principle of Population | |
81 | John F. Kennedy | U.S. President who led first successful effort by humans to travel to another planet | |
82 | Gregory Pincus | endocrinologist; developed birth-control pill | |
83 | Mani | founder of Manicheanism, once a world religion which rivaled Christianity in strength | |
84 | Lenin | Russian ruler | |
85 | Sui Wen Ti | unified China | |
86 | Vasco da Gama | navigator; discovered route from Europe to India around Cape Hood | |
87 | Cyrus the Great | founder of Persian empire | |
88 | Peter the Great | forged Russia into a great European nation | |
89 | Mao Zedong | founder of Maoism, Chinese form of Communism | |
90 | Francis Bacon | philosopher; delineated inductive scientific method | |
91 | Henry Ford | developed automobile; achievement in manufacturing and assembly | |
92 | Mencius | philosopher; founder of a school of Confucianism | |
93 | Zoroaster | founder of Zoroastrianism | |
94 | Queen Elizabeth I | British monarch; restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary | |
95 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Russian premier who helped end Communism in USSR | |
96 | Menes | unified Upper and Lower Egypt | |
97 | Charlemagne | Holy Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD | |
98 | Homer | epic poet | |
99 | Justinian I | Roman emperor; reconquered Mediterranean empire; | |
100 | Mahavira |