Monday, March 06, 2006

If Your Name is Italian, You MUST be MAFIA!! - Toronto Sun




An episode that was described as Not Merely a Farce, but more of an OUTRAGE occurred within the past week in Mexico,

involving Italian Canadians, wherein merely because as victims of a brutal slaying, and that they had an Italian last name, 

the Mexican State Attorney General immediately announced that it was a Mafia Hit and that two upstanding Canadians perfectly innocent Woodbridge couple were afflicted with the spectre of a Mafia connection with the ONLY evidence, being their Italian last name.

The Victims were the Parents of the Bride at a Wedding Celebration weekend at the seemingly idyllic Mexican resort Barcelo Maya Beach.  The Mexican State Attorney General Melchor Rodriguez y Carrillo IMMEDIATELY concluded that the fatal slicing of the throats of the parents was a professional, pre-meditated mafia hit, and stated unequivocally that the professional assassins were two Canadians who conveniently flew home from the resort shortly after the murders.

Quite a feat of detective work, considering Mexican police never secured the crime scene or even interviewed any of the hotel guests near Room 4134 where the couple's throats were purportedly "expertly" slashed between midnight and 3 a.m. Monday.

Rodriguez y Carrillo suggested he had blood results linking the Canadians to the murders -- a speedy forensic turnaround that would make even CSI's Grissom spin in admiration.

By Thursday, Rodriguez y Carrillo claimed the two hit MEN were actually three Canadian WOMEN and that a trail of blood had followed the killers down the hall to their room. Pretty sloppy, wouldn't you say, for professional assassins?

As for these alleged hired killers who risked airport security cameras to travel all the way to Mexico to murder the couple, two of his prime suspects appear to be a couple of horrified Thunder Bay Soccer Moms. 

Yet, almost a week into his "investigation," Rodriguez y Carrillo had not bothered to contact any Canadian police agencies -- not to check on the Ianieros' background, not to inquire about his suspects, not to interview witnesses nor to identify possible motives.

Instead the Mexican prosecutor insisted that while he has the case solved in record time -- including names, photos, and addresses of three Canadian killers --and he had no need for RCMP assistance until he files arrest warrants and extradition papers some time next week, an approach that left Canadian police agencies dumbfounded, and even his own department confused.

In fact, a spokesman for the state attorney general's office contradicted his boss and told The Canadian Press he didn't think there was a third suspect or any photos.

And yesterday there were sudden reversals on two fronts. After days of suggesting this was a professional hit, Rodriguez y Carrillo suddenly said the Ianieros were not victims of organized crime after all.

This RIDICULOUS and negative "association" can all be attributed to the rather "Passive" manner in which Italian Americans have historically dealt with slurs, slander, defamation, and discrimination.

Our grand parents wrongly reasoned that the Best Way to Deal with the Slurs and Slander:

1. keep a low profile. You will be less of a Target.

2. The more attention we bring to ourselves, the more grief we will bring on ourselves.

3. Don't stir the [feces], it only stinks more.

4. Those who slander and slur us are ignorant, and you can't reason with Ignorance.

5. It will eventually go away.

6. If we all act the part of upright citizens, the slanders and slurs will stop.

Many of our Community have been preaching that "Passive Mantra" for almost 100 years, but it has Not produced Results.         Rather it has mired us in more of the same 

On the Other hand, the Jewish Community has taken an "Assertive" Stance  of "react to every slur", AND "be ever vigilant.

If we just look historically which system has been more successful, I think I need not state the obvious.

UNITE. Join an Italian American Organization that is more than a ”dinner" or "awards" organization.                                                

Convince the leaders and other members that  the fight against Italian Defamation should be #1 on their Agenda 

Next should be Knowledge of the Italian American Experience and Italian Culture!!!!!


Toronto Sun

By Michele Mandel

Sun, February 26, 2006

Coffins, when there should have been proud smiles. A funeral cortege, where there should have been a wedding party.

This will not be the homecoming that should have been. And now that the bodies of Domenico and Annunziata Ianiero will soon be returned from Cancun, their stricken family must not only cope with their continuing grief and shock.

They must also deal with a Mexican Inspector Clouseau in charge of finding the killers.

Surely they deserve better.

Two upstanding Canadians have been murdered in cold blood at the Barcelo Maya Beach Resort, a seemingly idyllic Mexican resort that was supposed to host their daughter's sunset wedding. Yet so far the bungling murder investigation resembles the plot of a bad Pink Panther film.

It is more than a farce; it is an outrage.


Where to begin? Within hours of the slayings, state attorney general Bello Melchor Rodriguez y Carrillo concluded this was a professional, pre-meditated hit, tainting a perfectly innocent Woodbridge couple with the spectre of a Mafia connection with little more evidence, it seems, than their Italian last name.

Leaving their poor family to endure not only their private devastation, but also a foreign police investigation quick to smear the Ianieros' good name. "She feels she needs to stand up and defend her parents' honour," said a friend of Rosina's, the couple's oldest daughter, as he read her statement to reporters the other day.

"All the stories out there are all lies. It's just ludicrous."

About as ludicrous, it appears, as the Mexican prosecutor's prime suspects.

Again, within mere hours of the slayings, Rodriguez y Carrillo stated unequivocally that the professional assassins were two Canadians who conveniently flew home from the resort shortly after the murders. Quite a feat of detective work, considering Mexican police never secured the crime scene or even interviewed any of the hotel guests near room 4134 where the couple's throats were purportedly "expertly" slashed between midnight and 3 a.m. Monday.

Continuing in this miraculous crime scene investigation, Rodriguez y Carrillo suggested he had blood results linking the Canadians to the murders -- a speedy forensic turnaround that would make even CSI's Grissom spin in admiration.

By Thursday, he claimed the two hitmen were actually three Canadian women and that a trail of blood had followed the killers down the hall to their room.

Pretty sloppy, wouldn't you say, for professional assassins?

As for these alleged hired killers who risked airport security cameras to travel all the way to Mexico to murder the couple, two of his prime suspects appear to be a couple of horrified Thunder Bay soccer moms -- one a medical student and the other a health care worker -- who have hastily notified their local police that they had nothing to do with the slayings. Not exactly Uma Thurman and Lucy Liu in Kill Bill.

But let's not let logic get in the way of this runaway coverup. As long as Rodriguez y Carrillo can shift the focus to Canadian gringos rather than on any locals, he can salvage the country's impending spring break season.


Still, if you're going to blame Canada, you would think he would have contacted authorities up here. Almost a week into his "investigation," Rodriguez y Carrillo had not bothered to contact any Canadian police agencies -- not to check on the Ianieros' background, not to inquire about his suspects, not to interview witnesses nor to identify possible motives.

Instead the Mexican prosecutor insisted that while he has the case solved in record time -- including names, photos and addresses of three Canadian killers -- he has no need for our assistance until he files arrest warrants and extradition papers some time next week, an approach that left Canadian police agencies dumbfounded and even his own department confused.

In fact, a spokesman for the state attorney general's office contradicted his boss and told The Canadian Press he didn't think there was a third suspect or any photos.

And yesterday there were sudden reversals on two fronts. After days of suggesting this was a professional hit, Rodriguez y Carrillo suddenly said the Ianieros were not victims of organized crime after all. Meanwhile, the RCMP confirmed they have finally been called in.

What a disgraceful mess. And with the Keystone Kops on the case, the trail of the real killer or killers grows as cold as a Mexican cerveza.
