The May 1 General Strike is UnAmerican and Dangerous,
General Strikes are common in
General Strikes were Not used in Civil Rights Movement. Mass Marches Yes. General Strikes, NO!! The Civil Rights Movement was asking for Equal Right, Not Special Rights. MLK was Not asking for Pardon for Trespass-Border Violation/Criminal Behavior, and Citizenship on Demand. A general strike is not to be confused with a normal strike. A normal strike takes place when workers refuse to work until a specific set of demands is met by those who have been employing them. Sometimes the workers get what they want; sometimes they reach a settlement; sometimes the strike is simply broken, as occurred during the strike of the air traffic controllers under Ronald Reagan. But the general strike is not targeted at any particular businesses or industries -- its target is the state itself. It is designed to intimidate the state into acceding to the political objectives of those who have called for the general strike. The very idea of a general strike runs contrary to all the traditions of American politics. Instead of working within and through the traditional political system, those who championed the general strike have used it as a method of forcing the government to give into their demands by tactics such as taking to the streets and paralyzing the normal course of life, or attempting to intimidate Congress. What is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the current call for a general strike. Many of those who will be closing down cities, in order to influence the policy of the American Congress, are not themselves American citizens. This means that non-Americans will be using the radically un-American tactic of a general strike in order to pressure Congress into acting in their interests, rather than in the interests of the American people.
But take it a step further, not only are most of the protestors Not Legal Residents , But are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, and in many cases are INFILTRATORS in that they think that South West USA Really belongs to Mexico, and they feel like they are a part of a Non Military INVASION of the USA
Georges Sorel was one of the
greater advocates of The General Strike, and his heroes were Lenin and
Napoleon, and those who learned from
Parò General! The Return of the General Strike TCS Daily Technology Commerce Society By Lee Harris 01 May 2006 The photograph showed an elderly Hispanic man holding up a placard with the words Parу General written on it, and it accompanied an internet article about the strike of immigrant workers scheduled for May the First -- a strike that its sponsors pledged would "shut down" cities. As I glanced at the picture, groping through my very limited mental Spanish lexicon, I made the connection: Parò General is the Spanish phrase for general strike. No wonder, I thought to myself, that so many responsible Hispanic leaders have expressed concern about the possible backlash from the projected Parу General. For most Americans, the phrase "general strike" may not pack much of a wallop. But it was once a revolutionary slogan, and one that was embraced by one of the more fascinating and original thinkers of the first half of the twentieth century, Georges Sorel. In his most famous book, Reflections on Violence, published in
1906, A general strike is not to be confused with a normal strike. A normal strike takes place when workers refuse to work until a specific set of demands is met by those who have been employing them. Sometimes the workers get what they want; sometimes they reach a settlement; sometimes the strike is simply broken, as occurred during the strike of the air traffic controllers under Ronald Reagan. But the general strike is not targeted at any particular businesses or industries -- its target is the state itself. It is designed to intimidate the state into acceding to the political objectives of those who have called for the general strike. The very idea of a general strike runs contrary to all the traditions of American politics. Instead of working within and through the traditional political system, those who championed the general strike have used it as a method of forcing the government to give into their demands by tactics such as taking to the streets and paralyzing the normal course of life. This, for example, is what occurred quite recently in Yet, by giving in to these demands, the French government was in fact betraying the traditional democratic political process on which its own legitimacy rests. By showing people that the quickest and most effective way to get what they want is by paralyzing a society through the use of the general strike, the French government was in effect telling its citizens: "If you want something real bad, you don't have to go through the tedious and unpredictable channels of normal politics, such as voting and organizing political parties, funding candidates and canvassing for their support -- there is a much better way of achieving your goals: all you have to do is riot long enough in the streets, shut down cities, and viola! you win, and those fuddy-duddies who foolishly relied on the ballot box and representative government, they lose." Any general strike poses a danger to constitutional government by offering a path to political power that short-circuits the normal rules of the political game that everyone else has been playing by. That is why, whenever a government permits itself to be influenced by the tactics of the general strike, it is unwittingly preparing for its own dissolution -- it is de-legitimatising itself by legitimatising the streets. The moment people believe that the traditional rules of the political game get them nowhere, and that the most effective means of procuring what they want is by taking to the streets, then everyone, sooner or later, will end up taking to the streets, and no taking to the streets, then everyone, sooner or later, will end up taking to the streets, and no one will see any point in playing by the old traditional rules of the political game. In many ways, the key to the stability of those nations founded on Anglo-Saxon political institutions has been their refusal to permit political decisions to be decided in the streets, and their stern insistence that change could come about only through the ballot box and not by manning the barricades. Unfortunately, many Americans today, on both the right and left, have come to look upon masses of people filling the streets with their protests and demands as a healthy exercise in democracy. In fact, once those who control the streets learn that they can force governments to change their policies, or even to bring down governments altogether, then power automatically goes to whatever group can be most effective in organizing the streets to their own ends, at which point constitutional government simply ceases to exist, and the rule of the survival of the fittest comes into force. For Georges Sorel, however, political anarchy
was not an unintended consequence of the general strike; such anarchy was its
ultimate objective, its whole raison d'кtre.
This is because Sorel believed that it was only by
returning to the law of the jungle that power could be put back in the hands
of those who deserved it -- the warlike, the heroic, the ones willing to die
for their beliefs. For It should come as no surprise, then, that Lenin was one of Men like this only come to the fore when power has left the state and has
descended into the streets. That is why the mere call for a Parу General, with its shift of power away from the
legitimate sources and into the streets, represents an intrusion of a very
alien element into the Anglo-Saxon tradition of politics that has given the
American nation its enormous stability. No matter what actually happens on
the First of May, 2006, the simple call for a general strike as a means of
obtaining political power sets a dangerous precedent. Yes, this is how many
political questions have in fact been determined in No one understood this truth better than Martin Luther King. The whole
point of the civil rights movement was to permit black Americans to do
politics the American way, by voting, by running for office, by influencing
political parties to support your cause. At no point did King ever threaten
to close down cities. At no point did he take to the streets the way the
French students and their supporters took to the streets in The false analogy drawn between the Parу
General and the civil right movement brings us to what is perhaps the most
disturbing aspect of the current call for a general strike. Many of those who
will be closing down cities, in order to influence the policy of the American
Congress, are not themselves American citizens. This means that non-Americans
will be using the radically un-American tactic of a general strike in order
to pressure Congress into acting in their interests, rather than in the
interests of the American people. Yet what right do non-citizens have to
influence political decisions about the American nation at all? People who
are not citizens of the In short, those who think that the Parу
General is a flashback to the heroic civil rights struggle of the sixties are
seriously deluding themselves. The Parу
General is a revolutionary gambit, though of the Latin variety,
and one that may well be fraught with consequences of the gravest impact on
the future of politics in The Latin character differs from the American character in one very
obvious way. The Latin character is exciting; the American character is a bit
humdrum. Latin music, dance, and food -- they're all exciting. But so, alas,
is Latin politics. Just read a history of We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws, and the
first rule that every newcomer to this country has had to learn is respect
even for the laws you think are wrong, and even more importantly, respect for
the tiresome and tedious procedures that are involved in changing the laws
you don't like. Yes, it is a frustrating and often maddening process; but at
least it has kept us out of the streets for two centuries -- and that is a
boast that few other nations can make. Here we are ruled by those who sit quietly in their own homes, and not by those who
can throw their weight around in the streets -- and this, more than any other
factor, explains why the Lee Harris is author of Civilization and Its Enemies |
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