Sunday, May 14, 2006

"Italian Americans and Federal Hill" (Providence R.I.) Promotes Positive, Counteracts Negatives

"Italian Americans and Federal Hill" (Providence R.I.) tells the largely untold  story of Italian immigrants, the hardships they faced, and their successful integration into American Society while preserving their customs and traditions, and attempts to correct the inaccuracies perpetuated by all the mob movies and their overwhelming negative Italian stereotypes.

Italian Americans and Federal Hill – The Documentary - Advance review
Press World.Com
May 14, 2006

The story of Italian immigrants, the hardships they faced, and their successful integration into American Society while preserving their customs and traditions has been a story largely untold if at all.

Inaccuracies of Italo-American society, family and history have been perpetuated by movies like 'The
Godfather'(Coppola'72),'The Untouchables'(DePalma'87), 'Goodfellas'(Scorsese'90), 'A Bronx Tale'(DeNiro'93), and 'Federal Hill' (Corrente'94).

While some stereotyping happens with all immigrants and nationalities, movies like these fill the minds of children with absolute rubbish and label people with Italian ancestry unfairly. Movies, plays, skits and even animated movies like the hit "Sharktales" poke fun at Italians as comic relief and stoop to give the bad guy an "Italian hoodlum" feel.

By contrast, an upcoming documentary movie holds promise of a different view and fill the huge void left by the
Hollywood crowd.

Filmed in Prov! idence,
Rhode Island on Federal Hill, this documentary film is to be released in
September 2006 and is reportedly the result of a five year effort to document the history and cultural evolution of Italian Americans in their neighborhood and depicts a determined Italian immigrant population who prospered through education, hard work and community involvement.

Aptly called "Italian Americans and Federal Hill", this film serves up historical reality, nostalgia, traditions, food, family values and the importance of education as related by Italo-Americans themselves in their own words.

Featured speakers in the movie include Judge Frank Caprio, Rev. Msgr. Galliano J. Cavallaro, Prof. John S. Chiaro, Jr., former Mayor Vincent A. "Buddy" Cianci, Jr., City Council President and former Mayor John J. Lombardi, Rev. Ramond P. Luft, former Italian Vice Consul, Grande Ufficiale Joseph R. Muratore, former Mayor Joseph R. Paolino, Jr. (also former United States Ambassador to!
Malta), Rev. Vincenzo Rosato, and other Italo-Americans from the neighborhood.

Reportedly, even the soundtrack was recorded live and features traditional Italian folk music (according to their publicist) a far cry from the music usually associated with Italian stereotypes.

While filmed in the same neighborhood as Corrente's movie, this film by producer Jon Ra
ben promises to be far more useful in furthering a true, fair and accurate depiction of Italian culture and heritage. It contains no violence or foul language.

The official web site is at

The producer can be reached at

company: Italian Documentary Review
contact person: Ernesto Cassertano
phone: 40127279



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