Wednesday, May 17,

Italian Films Enjoying Renaissance, with Box Office Booming and Critical Accolades


34% of Italian box office receipts come from local films over the first four months of this year, compared with 23% for all of 2005 and less than 15% in most years.

The industry is still a long way from its heyday after World War II and lasting until the 1970s, when it was often a trend-setting business dominated by revolutionary directors like Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio De Sica, Federico Fellini and Pier Paolo Pasolini. But most observers agree momentum is improving.

Seeds for the rebirth of Italian films were laid in the late 1990s by a series of new laws backed by then-Minister of Culture Walter Veltroni (now the mayor of Rome).

Among the changes were rules that made it easier for new production houses to open and others that required such TV networks as RAI and Mediaset to increase spending on films. Those laws, combined with later cutbacks in government backing for film production, gave the private sector a larger role.

Additionally, several Italian regions have developed funding programs that encourage directors to locate parts of their projects in those regions, a process that some say leads to more ambitious -- and often better-written -- scripts.

On the artistic side, privately produced films are freer to touch upon controversial topics than those partially funded by the state.

The current trend will have legs, as many of the newest generation of directors -- such as Paolo Sorrentino, who along with Moretti will be flying the Italian flag at Cannes -- are only in their 30s. It is also helped by the fact that there seems to be more money in the sector than there has been for years.

"The talent in Italy has always been there, and now it has the freedom and the resources to reveal itself.



Hollywood Reporter 


 By Eric J. Lyman

 Mon 15 May 2006 

ROME (Hollywood Reporter) - Italian films, for years maligned even in their own country, are enjoying a renaissance, with box office booming and critical accolades rolling in.

According to Italian cinema monitoring company Cinetel, some 34% of Italian box office receipts have come from local films over the first four months of this year, compared with 23% for all of 2005 and less than 15% in most years.

Figures have been buoyed by such commercial successes as Carlo Verdone's "My Best Enemy," Fausto Brizzi's "Night Before Finals," Nanni Moretti's "The Caiman," Michele Placido's "Crime Novel," and Cristina Comencini's "Don't Tell" -- all of which have raked in more than EUR5 million ($6.4 million). "My Best Enemy" heads the pack, approaching EUR20 million ($25.7 million) in ticket sales.

Italian television tells a similar tale of local success: Some estimates are that four out of five films shown during primetime on national networks are Italian, compared with an estimated one in five or less a decade ago.

Italian productions are garnering critical acclaim abroad too. Earlier this year "Don't Tell" was the first Italian film nominated for the foreign-language Oscar since Roberto Benigni's "Life Is Beautiful" won seven years earlier. And films from Italy will have a strong presence at the Cannes Film Festival, which opens this week, including two movies in competition.

"Italian cinema just seems to have woken up after a long slumber," says Paolo Ferrari, head of Warner Brothers-Italia and the newly elected president of the Italian Association of Cinematographic Audiovisual and Multimedia Industries. "There are a lot of factors in play, but once it gets started, the newfound quality feeds on itself. It inspires more quality."

The industry is still a long way from its heyday after World War II and lasting until the 1970s, when it was often a trend-setting business dominated by revolutionary directors like Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio De Sica, Federico Fellini and Pier Paolo Pasolini. But most observers agree momentum is improving.

According to industry insiders, seeds for the rebirth of Italian films were laid in the late 1990s by a series of new laws backed by then-Minister of Culture Walter Veltroni (now the mayor of Rome and one of the key backers of the Rome Film Festival, which will debut in the fall).

Among the changes were rules that made it easier for new production houses to open and others that required such TV networks as RAI and Mediaset to increase spending on films. Those laws, combined with later cutbacks in government backing for film production, gave the private sector a larger role.

Additionally, several Italian regions have developed funding programs that encourage directors to locate parts of their projects in those regions, a process that some say leads to more ambitious -- and often better-written -- scripts.

On the artistic side, privately produced films are freer to touch upon controversial topics than those partially funded by the state. Moretti's "The Caiman," which takes jabs at the business career of outgoing Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, is only the latest such project.

"Films produced under the auspices of the state never have the same creativity, intelligence and originality that private projects have," Riccardo Tozzi, president of Cattleya production studios, says.

"It wasn't too long ago that when Italians would see an Italian film showing they would avoid it on purpose," Tozzi says. "Now I think most Italians seek Italian films out."

According to Massimo Amici, an Italo-Canadian director and head of Acaluma production studios, the change in viewership patterns is a key factor.

"It takes time to (lure audiences back). The quality and variety of Italian films has been improving for years, but the change is really gathering momentum now because moviegoers are realising that there is a lot of good stuff coming out," Amici says.

Most insiders predict the current trend will have legs, as many of the newest generation of directors -- such as Paolo Sorrentino, who along with Moretti will be flying the Italian flag at Cannes -- are only in their 30s. It is also helped by the fact that there seems to be more money in the sector than there has been for years.

"Provided that the laws are not reversed to the way they were before, I think this new trend will last," Tozzi says. "The talent in Italy has always been there, and now it has the freedom and the resources to reveal itself."

But some are less sure, taking a more philosophical view of Italian cinema's recent successes.

"I'm always cautious when people talk about the rebirth of Italian film because many are the same people who talked about a crisis in the past," says Claudio Trionfera, director of communications for film distribution giant Medusa. "Depending on the perspective, Italian films are always in crisis, always being reborn. There is a strong period going on right now, but nobody can know the future."

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