Thursday, May 25, 2006

 Italians Scientists Can Wipe Out Bad Memories

The Annotico Report


I can not Report on Every Science and Medical Advancement to come out of Italy, but Trust me, They Overwhelm those coming out of ANY other country. I am constantly amazed.


This Advancement particularly interests me, since I am so aware of how so many earlier Negative Memories become an enormous burdensome anchor to so many people, that allows them to function either minimally, or in self destructive and very counter productive manners.


Because we need to get the Mind straight, before anything else, since it influences every other organ, this is SENSATIONAL!!!!!






 'Mosaic' modifications in mice and men say scientists


(ANSA) - Rome, May 24, 2006 -


Unpleasant and even traumatic memories can be wiped out, Italian scientists say .

Working with mice, Turin University researchers have managed to modify the memory of sounds associated with electric shocks .

"Memories are fragile things, stored in various parts of the brain. There are a bit like jigsaw puzzles. It takes days to store away all the bits but only a few hours to reconstruct the mosaic," said lead researcher Piergiorgio Strata .

"We have managed to intervene when the parts are being brought back together from the amygdala, the hippocampus, the prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum" .

"It appears that the nastiest memories come out of the cerebellum. If we can block that bit, the memory comes out modified - it could even return as a pleasant one" .

Strata hopes to get sufficient funding to start experimenting with humans, especially trauma victims .

"It works in mice, so it should work with people! ," he said .

The Turin University neurophysiologist presented his findings at a Rome conference marking the 100th anniversary of Italian pathologist Camillo Golgi's Nobel Prize for studies of the nervous system .


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