Sunday, June 18,

World Cup: Ear Splitting Italian Pride vs "Italian Americans: Into the Twilight of Ethnicity


As in many TV viewing places, and many homes across America, the Italian Ancestral Pride was Ear Splitting, that brought into question, Richard D. Alba's prediction in "Italian Americans: The Twilight of Ethnicity" (Prentice-Hall).1985

Two decades ago, Professor  Alba indicated the profound changes which occurred among Italian-Americans during the twentieth century. These changes include the loss of the Italian language by the third generation; the dispersion of Italian immigrant communities; a considerable economic and occupational mobility of this group over the past decades; the erosion of past cultural values; and the Italian-Americans accelerating rates of intermarriage with other ethnic and religious groups. Alba demonstrates that ethnic traits associated with Italian-Americans are disappearing and that this disappearance is an outcome of socioeconomic conditions existing in the United States.

However, Prof. Alba failed to mention THE Most Important Factor: While Italian Ethnics (along with other European groups) are Denied ETHNIC STUDIES PROGRAMS in K-12, and University level, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans have FULL Access to a plethora of such programs, and Educational and Governmental Support of their Cultural Organizations, that Foster Ethnic Pride and Enhance Self Esteem.  

Meanwhile Italian Americans are stubbornly holding on to that Ethnic bond in a VACUUM of  such cultural awareness and support. How much longer can that little nurtured Pride continue, under such circumstances?????


US vs. Italy: An ear-splitting pride in the old country from Boston's North End fans

Outside Cafi Graffiti in the North End yesterday, dozens of men, women, and children chanted, cheered, jumped, and sang, ``Italia! Italia! Italia! " in an ear-splitting chorus of national pride.

They live here, but when it comes to the World Cup, they root for the old country: Italy.

``My country is the USA, but my heart lies with Italy when it comes to soccer," said Camille Ciampa , a writer from the North End who was wearing the team's national color, blue.

``My blood is Italian."

``My roots, my family, my father," said Melinda Gioia , 50, a North End restaurateur, explaining why she was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the word ``Italia" in big blue letters.

When the United States took the field, another chorus erupted, from a smaller crowd: ``USA! USA!"

Many here wore a T-shirt that showed a soccer ball and the US and Italian flags: ``My country," read the words beneath the stars and stripes; ``my heritage," went the saying beneath the Italian tricolor.

``I was born in America, but I come from Italy, so I'm torn between the two," said Luigi DeMarco , 35, the owner of Cafi Graffiti, who created the design.

``I'm not sure who to root for," DeMarco said.

And when the game ended in a 1-1 tie, some said it was just as well.

``Hopefully," said Gianfranco Pisano , 20, of Lynnfield, ``They can both advance."





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