Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Hypocrisy of the Columbus Bashers


All those who would  mistakenly attribute all the transgressions of Western Civilization on Western Hemisphere Natives on Christopher Columbus are wildly misguided.  Columbus was an Explorer, and is in the Top Ten of Most Important Persons in WORLD History.

Your use of him as a SYMBOL is a Travesty!!!!

If you must place Blame, focus on the Conquistadors, or the Westward Ho Homesteaders, or the Slave Traders, etc....

Or better yet, Look to Yourself!!!!!

If you are Not PURE Indian, you can best show your disdain of the deeds of Western Europeans, by returning to your ancestral home, rather than STAYING and Enjoying the fruits of those efforts, and then hypocritically Complaining about them.

And IF you Are PURE Indian, How can You Complain, since Indian Tribes engaged in the same behavior that you  Decry. You WARRED on Neighboring Tribes, You ENSLAVED other Native Americans, You engaged in HUMAN SACRIFICE,  and a variety of other InHUMAN Acts.

But, if perchance NONE of Your Ancestors, nor yourself have committed ANY InHuman acts, and therefore feel entitled to Stay, think again. 

You Few were also Immigrants, having come over the Bering Straits land/ice bridge from Mongolia, so you too should go back to your ancestral home. 

So Stop your  Silliness, the History of Homo Sapiens has been one of Migration all over the Globe in search of Water, and Food,                    being pushed by changing weather patterns, and calamities, etc.

If you wish to return to before 1492, why should I not want to return to the time of the Roman Empire, and reclaim all of Europe for Italy??????


Columbus Day Celebrates Italian Americans AND the US Immigrant Melting Pot

[Failing to Advance America]

The NY Sun

By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr..
October 6, 2006

....America is a country of immigrants from different lands and different religions, all drawn here by the lure of freedom, prosperity, and the rule of law. Yet despite the diversity of race, religion, and national origins, we Americans all get along pretty well. There is no Sunni district of America where a Shiite American is unsafe.Our small communities of Kurdish Americans have nothing to fear from the variegated Americans around them. Here the rule of law and the promises of our Constitution keep us living together in relative peace.

Next week this city holds its annual Columbus Day parade, celebrating the achievements of Italian-Americans, but open to all Americans to enjoy. We have all arrived here as immigrants, but we have all melted into the American melting pot and added our different spices to the American stew...

This year's grand marshal of the Columbus Day parade... is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace, a second generation American whose Italian parents arrived on these shores just before the Depression. A Marine, he is the first from the Corps to serve as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is also a fellow who has much to say about the success of immigration and tolerance here. Appearing before the Armed Services Committee not long ago, he was eloquent on the service of immigrants in the military who gain their citizenship by fighting for their adoptive country. Some 8,000 a year do this.

In that appearance, General Pace spoke of the hard work his parents undertook to raise their four children and of the children's achievements: a sister who is a lawyer, two brothers who graduated from the Naval Academy, a younger brother who is a successful businessman. "No other country on the planet," he told the committee, "affords so much to those who come here" as America. Then he added a line that ought to get the foul-mouthed dictators thinking: "I am still on active duty today for one primary reason, and that is I still owe those who served with me in Vietnam." He keeps two pictures on his desk. The first is of Lance Corporal Guido Farinaro, the first Marine to die under General Pace's command in Vietnam. The second is of Sergeant Matt Maupin, our only service member currently missing in Iraq.

General Pace remains a soldier out of his sense of duty, loyalty, and honor. On Columbus Day he will head out onto Fifth Avenue with pride in his Italian heritage and in his country, the good old U.S. of A. He will have Italy and America in his heart, but he will have Vietnam and Iraq there, too. Our troops serve abroad to protect freedom and to advance it. We failed to advance freedom in Vietnam  though the anti-war movement of the day insisted that if we withdrew, freedom would flower. A generation later, freedom has yet to flower in Vietnam. The general wants to do better in Iraq, and remember, in Italian, pace means "peace."

Mr. Tyrrell is founder and editor in chief of the American Spectator, a contributing editor of The New York Sun, and an adjunct scholar at the Hudson Institute.


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