October 19, 2006
New Goals of Minister Franco Danieli in
Charge of Italians Abroad Revealed
Luciano Neri, right hand man of
Deputy Foreign minister Franco Danieli in charge of Italians abroad was
interviewed by Corriere Canadese/Tandem.
Some of the goals stated
1. Greater attention to the
"common folk" instead of simply attending galas.
2. Cutting back on the number
of travelling delegates of Regional Missions, making
them less like "junkets"
3. Setting aside the tired
rhetorical tirades and the nostalgic 'pizza & mandolin' approach, and
instead tackling problems instead of denying them. Italians abroad need concrete
answers, rather than pseudo-patriotic sermons
4. Redefining the roles of
5. A lot of reflection
on the electoral law, which could be modified as regards how
votes are cast.
6. Improvement of Consular
7. Electronic passports are
being introduced. Available at end of month.
8. Reacquisition of
citizenship by children of former Italian citizens born after their parents
renounced their citizenship.
9. RAI to redesign its channel for Italians living abroad
10. No cutbacks on Italians
abroad budget
Another Revolution' for
Italians Abroad
Corriere Canadese
Tandem News
By Alan Patarga
October 22, 2006
The 'Copernican revolution' for Italians
abroad, is underway, taking no heed of the old boss of this group, former Salr militiaman-turned- minister
However, substance is central to the action
of deputy Foreign minister Franco Danieli in charge of
Italians abroad, according to Danieli's right-hand
man. Luciano Neri - CGIE councillor, vice co-ordinator of
the Margherita Party abroad, and political advisor to
Danieli - told us so during a visit to the office of Corriere
Canadese/Tandem. He came escorted by the secretary of
the Toronto
Let's begin with the reasons for your visit:
is this a prelude to a Canadian trip of the new deputy minister in charge of
Italians abroad?
"Well, yes, that's one of the primary
goals of this visit: organizing Danieli's first visit
as deputy Foreign minister, next spring. A visit that will be
very different from those that many Italians abroad have grown accustomed to
over the last few years."
How different?
"I'd say radically different. On the
occasion of the Columbus Day celebrations, Danieli visited the
On the other hand, someone - as recently
underscored by minister Emma Bonino
about Region
"Maybe a little restraint in sending out
fancily large regional missions would have been appropriate, at a juncture when
many Regions are protesting for cutbacks."
In other words, too much
appearance and too little substance?
"The course change must begin from here:
setting aside the tired rhetorical tirades and the nostalgic 'pizza &
mandolin' approach, tackling problems instead of denying them. Deputy minister
Danieli is among the youngest members of the current Government [Ed. Note: he's
50 years old] but he is well acquainted with the problems of Italians abroad,
due to the fact that he was one of them, as a young man in Switzerland, and for
a previous mandate as undersecretary of State for Italians abroad. He knows
quite well how Italians abroad need concrete answers, rather than
pseudo-patriotic sermons."
Which concrete actions have been undertaken
over these first few months in order to begin this course change?
"As regards the representatives of
Italians abroad, the role of
Could a reform do away with the much-vilified
mail-in ballots?
"It would be nice, cutting to the core
of the controversies on alleged irregularities. Alas, despite how nice it would
be, it is sadly impossible to put polling stations all over the world:
universal suffrage in person would require enormous sums."
Where else to intervene?
"No doubt, on consular services. In
order to decide what needs to be done and how, the Ministry has launched a
'mapping' of the Consular network, which is under stress for more than economic
resources. For instance, the kindness of the staff does not depend on cash
available to the Consulate. That is also something we must work on, because our
citizens living abroad are entitled to the best possible service: for this
reason, in addition to asking for opinions from the various diplomatic offices
we have also asked the various
What novelties are to be expected, at least
in the short run?
"Electronic passports are being
introduced. They come with a digital photo [Ed. Note: these passports are the
only kind that will allow their bearers to enter the USA without a visa] and
will be available from the end of October in every Consulate; and a deep
revamping of the Consular registries, in order to prevent the recurrence of problems
with the voter rolls that plagued the last election."
What else is in Danieli's agenda?
"The deputy minister is very well aware
of the issue of reacquisition of citizenship. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs
and of the Interior are discussing the timetable and procedures for the
long-awaited reopening. I can't be specific on the time frame, but I can
confirm that there will be a reopening, also in consideration of new needs such
as those of children of former Italian citizens born after their parents
renounced their citizenship."
About RAI International: someone says, like Gino Bartali
used to, "it should be redone from scratch." How true is that?
"Very true, so much so
that the government has decided to withhold the renewal of its convention with RAI
International that entails a payment of 35 million per year. The sooner RAI will redesign its channel for Italians
living abroad, the sooner those funds will be unfrozen."
A drastic decision indeed. Isn't that linked to the general cutbacks in the new
budget law?
"There are no cutbacks
on Italians abroad; expenditures on this sector are among very few not
downsized with this law. The government - except for surprises during the
parliamentary debate - intends to earmark 14 million for this year, within an
overall expenditure of 42 million within 2009, for the needs of citizens living
in other countries. These needs include, first of all,
those related to social integration and healthcare."
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