October 31, 2006
Love, Italian Style: Part 5: Why I Fell in
Love with an Italian Man
This is Part 5
of a 6 Part (for the Moment) Series written by journalist Francesca
Di Meglio, a frequent writer on the Italian and
Italian American Experience, for Italians R US, and reprinted here with the
kind permission of the author and Anthony Parente,
the Publisher of Italians R US . http://www.italiansrus.com
Italian Style
Part 5: Why I Fell in Love with an Italian Man
from part 4
This is the
fifth in a series of stories called "Love, Italian Style." Occasionally,
as part of this column, I will write articles to help you understand how
Italian beliefs about dating, marriage and sex influence your life -- even if
you live abroad and even as Italian attitudes about love evolve.
I've taken my own
advice - and fallen head-over-heels in love with an Italian man. Antonio Gerenini, 33, is a native of Ischia, an island in the
He is
Although I happily noticed when he left his hand on my lower back as he led me
out of a busy bar in Ischia Porto the first time we met, I never gave ?us? a second thought. First, I thought he was too beautiful to
ever want me. Second, we live on different continents. But he wrote to me every
day - and then started calling - after I returned home from my Ischia
vacation last April. He kept this up even though he knew I had a tough
battle ahead of me because I had to recover - and am still recovering - from a
very serious knee injury that I incurred on my vacation. Then, he came and
spent a month with me and see
He makes me
This may sound like a clich?.
But from the first time I met him Antonio had everyone around him rolling in
the aisles. He says that he feels like it's his duty to make people near him
happy. He certainly succeeds with me - from his bawdy jokes to his charming
second personality as the tickle monster. Smiling is good for your health, so I
think I should keep him around.
He makes me
Tears rarely fell pre-Antonio. But I cried when he returned to
He dreams with me
and about me - and that's all I should have to say.
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