Saturday, November 11, 2006

Immigration: Walls or Bridges? -- From Italy 100 years ago, From Mexico Today



Should the first act of any Immigrant be breaking the law by entering a country illegally????


The excuse, that all the "illegal" wants is economic opportunity, is Very unpersuasive, because there are about 5 BILLION people around the world that would like that SAME opportunity, and wait PATIENTLY in Line!!!!!


Does a GOOD Neighbor ignore the boundary line between your properties, play catch on your front lawn, swim in your pool, raid your refrigerator, move into a spare room?????      


Why should you object??? They are just trying to enrich their lives!!!! :) :)


Let’s Build Walls Instead of Bridges

Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D.

November 10, 2006


Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D is a 14-book published author and writer for such major magazines WOMAN'S DAY, US, PEOPLE, PARADE, MOODY, and many more. She is also a columnist for online publications, and hosts two radio shows on two different webcasts. Her first show is "New World Order Disorder" at at 9:00pm,EST, Wed. nights, and her other program, "End-Time Apocalypse--ETA" is broadcasted at 7:00pm, EST

PART I of III; Article 1 of 11 Articles;   The Problem 1

....Let me say right off, lest someone go off half-cocked when reading this, that what I am discussing here is not meant for LEGAL immigrants, legal Hispanics or other minorities who have immigrated to this country to become legit Americans. It is not intended as immigrant-bashing either; instead, it is meant to bring out the serious problems we have and then offer some ideas on how to fix them. But for those who are in this country unjustly and against our laws, I make no apologies for my thoughts here on paper.

I do thank and praise those immigrants who are in America rightfully and are just as aggravated as the rest of us over the usurping of this once wonderful nation. And I congratulate those who are here striving to become legal citizens; I do not begrudge them salaries for services rendered because our country is a nation built on immigration.

No, this article is directed at illegalread the word again: illegalaliens, meaning unlawfuls, meaning criminals. If you react spitefully and vow revenge over reading this piece, then you likely belong to the very category I am addressing, or youre one of those allowing, even prompting, the incursion of aliens into our country....

I keep asking myself, Why cant these border-crossers enter our country legally like the thousands and thousands and thousands before them? My father did it; my aunts and uncles did it. They all came to this country from the various parts of Italy with sponsorship, jobs awaiting them, a place to live, schools to attend, and willingness to learn English and become Americans. Each of them, within short order, had become citizens, and all my uncles and father fought for this country in WWII, with my father even entering the depths of hell in Borneo alongside the Merrills Marauders.

Each of my foreign-born-turned American citizen-relatives paid their taxes and their bills, partook in community events, and assumed responsibility for their presence in this country. They wanted to be Americans! Our parents and relatives did not teach my brother and cousins and me Italian, though it was spoken fluently among our parents. However, each one of our adult relatives learned English quickly and smoothly out of the strong and urgent desire to be like every other American in this country. This was their dream.

They did not have the advantage of walking the halls of American schools where Italian and English signs were posted; they did not have the benefit of teachers who learned Italian to make their lives easier and give them preferential treatment; they did not take jobs under the table and not report taxes or not make their other obligations to this nation; they did not have directions in their native tongue on how to do something, assemble an item, or fill out an application. In fact, in 1906, knowledge of English in the United States had been made a requirement for naturalization.

My parents and aunts and uncles did not have a single television or radio station structured around their culture and spoken in their language as the Hispanics have with their multi-media accessibility; instead, they learned English. They worked hard to study for, take, and pass their citizenship tests, and they celebrated with hoopla when they were pronounced American citizens. My family is proud of its roots and heritage, but we are, first, Americans, and secondly, of Italian descent, of European roots. My husband (he is of Irish/English/German heritage) and I teach our children how to be good American citizens while enriching their lives with the culture of our roots. But above all, we all stand honored to say We are Americans.

This is true not only for the Italian immigrants; other nationalities as well have worked hard to assimilate into our Western culture and become regular ol Americans..... If immigrants are coming into our country and really want to join the American cause and culture, they can achieve this, but if their desire is to suck Americans dry and get whatever they can without giving in return, while they obviously can do this, too, as seen in what is going on today.

The Legal Way

The legal immigrants of the 1920s, 30s, 40s and even right up to the 1970s and early 1980s went through the ordeal of being processed, many having to make their way through Ellis Island to be prodded, yelled at (processors behaving as though foreigners not understanding English meant deafness), and often donned with new namesall to avoid confusion, the spread of diseases, unemployment, and homelessness, and to introduce the American way of life. Those immigrants rejoiced over this Americanization, kissed the land their feet stepped on. A record exists for every foreigner who ever came to this country back then to become an American.

[RAA: "Processed" meant "checks" for Criminal backgrounds, for Contagious Diseases, for a Sponsor, Economic Resources, or Skills that will assure that the Immigrant will NOT be a burden on  Society. Also "proportionate" immigration to perpetuate diversity, so that the US is NOT "overwhelmed" from any one source. ]

It is not like today where illegal immigrants make their way into the United States by hiding in the back of trucks, jumping trains, flying-in unnoticed, floating on rafts, tunneling underground orworst of allwalking right across our southern borders, leaving litter, slaughtering animals, bringing third-world illnesses, only to overcrowd our educational institutions, demand and receive free medical care, and consume our assistance (welfare, disability) systems. Its notable that Social Security and Medicareearned by Americans--will soon run out, and yet the illegals put nothing into it, and most Americans will never benefit from it. Social Security will be depleted entirely by 2040, if not sooner, and Medicare will be gone by between 2012 and 2015. Guess whos getting funds we labored for?

They do not come here to become Americans; rather, they come to workwith many not reporting income taxes so that they can send more money back to their country and enrich their economy. They come to use our sophisticated medical carefree of cost to them, while honest and legal immigrants and Americans cant get any medical care without paying high insurance rates. They come to wring the guts out of our schools; they come to bear their children so they instantly and automatically and magically turn into citizens, receiving all the benefits Americans pay for; and they come with their criminals and felons, dumping them in our motherland. Read all the articles on illegal aliens at, particularly Lynn Stuters who profiles the hell American families go through to get medical care while the illegals are upfront and personal with doctors, ERs, clinics, and pharmacies.


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