Thursday, November 16, 2006

Nancy Pelosi Elected Speaker Today: Her "60 Minutes" Interview



Today, The House "Officially"  and unanimously voted Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.

She However does Not take Office until January 2007.


Pelosi got off to a "rocky" start, however because "her" choice for "Majority Leader" John Murtha,

of Pennsylvania, an ex Veteran, and a powerful lawmaker on defense matters who gained national

prominence last year when he called an end to U.S. military involvement in Iraq, lost out

to long time Pelosi adversary, Steny Hoyer, a  Marylander and 25-year veteran of Congress, 

by a vote of 149-86.


"I was proud to support (Murtha) for majority leader, because I thought that would be the best way to

bring an end to the war in Iraq," Pelosi said after the vote.

Pelosi and Hoyer, 67, have long had a difficult relationship. The two ran against each other in a

leadership race several years ago. Pelosi won, but Hoyer rebounded more than a year later

when he was elected the party's whip.


This wasn't really about politics or policy. It was personal, about power and loyalty. Hoyer was

the longtime No. 2, with strong support and widely expected to move up. But Pelosi doesn't like


Hoyer's margin of victory reflected support from moderates, veteran lawmakers in line to become

committee chairmen and more than half of the incoming freshman class  the majority-makers

whose victories on Election Day gave the party control of the House.   "Steny was more where the

mainstream of where the party is"


Pelosi publicly campaigned for Murtha, a leading voice against the Iraq war who has been

more loyal to her over the years. But other Democrats considered him less loyal to the party,

and more willing to side with Republicans when he could get something for his district.


If you missed the "60 Minutes" Interview with Nancy Pelosi prior to the Election on October 22, 2006

you may see the Transcript and Video:


Go To "60 Minutes"

Click on  "60 Minutes"




To Go To "60 Minutes" - CBS Online

Then go to the Bottom of the Page. At this Time, it is the Last Story.

If it isn't there.  Drop down just a little to: "More Stories Inside This Section"




To go Directly to the Nancy Pelosi Transcript and Video:


Dems Nix Pelosi Choice For Majority Leader

Steny Hoyer Wins Race For No. 2 House Post Over John Murtha


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