Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Italian Fans upset over TomKats Failure to Acknowledge Them



I could argue Both sides of this dispute.


The Cruises, probably were advised that their Wedding  was already enough of a "circus",

that keeping a "low profile" and "private" would be best.


But perhaps a wave from the castle would not have been untoward.


But then people would have complained that they were "looking down" on the "peasants".


And if one Celebrity waved, then they would be "upstaging" THE COUPLE, and opening others

to criticism of Not waving. So PR  advisors suggest that No one waves.


And those poor people who camped out???  Get a Life!!! :) 


Italians Upset Over Tom Cruise's Wedding

United Press International (UPI)                                                                                                                                                 


November. 20, 2006

U.S. actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have flown from Rome to the Maldives for their honeymoon.

The couple's quick departure from the small Italian town where they were married has the locals feeling resentful, Britain's Telegraph reported. The inhabitants of Bracciano, Italy, said they are upset neither of the couple or any of their celebrity guests acknowledged them at all.

The only sight of Hollywood stars the small group of residents who camped outside the Cruise's wedding was through the blacked-out windows of limousines as they arrived.

One disappointed local said, "I waited outside all day and virtually all night.

"They could have got out of their cars or waved from the castle but instead they didn't acknowledge us at all." ...



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