I am transmitting the following message from John DeMatteo.
John, made no Comment, nor did he voice an opinion, but was merely pointing 
out three items for my attention, and I believe for my reaction. 
I will respond after, and will hope that Larry DiStasi will correct me if I'm 
innaccurate in any aspect. 

(1) There was a distiction between the Japanese, Germans and Italians 
(2) This "Treatment" EXTENDED to Latin American Countries.
(3) FDR was advised against "Treatment" for these three groups, but did it 
to pander to "Americans" hysteria.
From John DeMatteo:
The following is taken from a recently published book, 

Roosevelt's Secret War: 
FDR and World War II Espionage

by Joseph E. Persico.

"Only recently recognized, after more than half a century, is the treatment 
of two other ethnic targets of the Alien Enemy Act.  Over 11,000 Americans of 
German ancestry were held in custody or moved inland during the war.  Over 
11,600 alien Italian and Italian Americans spent part of the war interned or 
relocated.  However, a sharp difference distinguishes the Germans and 
Italians from the Japanese.  In the case of the former, some basis in law, 
however flimsy, was employed to declare an individual potentially dangerous.  
But the Japanese, including American citizens, were relocated en masse for a 
reason having nothing to do with their loyalty, but only for the color of 
their skin.

The paranoia reached beyond the U.S. borders.  In one well - suppressed 
episode the President allowed the American military, abetted by the State and 
Justice departments, to pressure sixteen Central and South American countries 
to round up Germans, Japanese, and Italians residing in their lands....."

The author notes that the three top intelligence gathering agencies, headed 
by Bill Donavan, J. Edgar Hoover and John Franklin Carter respectively, saw 
no threats by these groups, however, there was political pressure to intern 
these groups.  Roosevelt knew his actions would be (justly) criticized by 
future generations, however, as a wartime politician he choose what was in 
the best interest of the country.
Response from RAA:

(1) Re: << a sharp difference distinguishes the Germans and Italians from the 
Japanese.  In the case of the former, some basis in law, however flimsy, was 
employed to declare an individual potentially dangerous.  But the Japanese, 
including American citizens, were relocated en masse for a reason having 
nothing to do with their loyalty, but only for the color of their skin.>>

(RAA Response): I reject Persico's "racist argument" TOTALLY. 
Of the three countries, ONLY JAPAN had ATTACKED the US, and then, 
WITHOUT a Declaration of War, i.e., a SNEAK attack.

Japan DECLARED WAR that same day, AFTER the ATTACK, on December 7. 
US declared War on December 7 against Japan, AND Germany and Italy.
(Actually FDR said a state of War "exists", since only Congress who met the 
next day has the authority to declare War.)

Japanese, Italians, and Germans Aliens in the US were ARRESTED December 7th.

Italy and Germany did not declare War on the US until December 11, reluctantly, 
and only in response to the US Declaration. 

Italy began Armistice Talks with the US and Britain shortly after Mussolini 
was deposed in July 1943, (1 1/2 years after the commencement of war Vs the 
US, and 2 3/4 years after the start of a very Unpopular War in alliance with 
Germany), and Italy Declared War on Germany in October of 1943. Germany and 
Japan fought on until virtual annihilation, or the threat thereof.

Therein Lies some SHARP Distictions!!! Saying it was "racist" is PC, and "au 
courant", but Totally Inaccurate.

(2) Re:.. "sixteen Central and South American countries to round up Germans, 
Japanese, and Italians residing in their lands....."

(RAA Response) John thanks for reminding me of the Latin American "Treatment".

(3) Re:<< ...the three top intelligence gathering agencies,...saw no threats 
by these groups. Roosevelt knew his actions would be (justly) criticized by 
future generations, however, as a wartime politician he choose what was in 
the best interest of the country.

(RAA Response) FDR was a hero in our house. Nevertheless, that is not reason 
to "gloss over" mistakes, and not point out "finger to the wind" politics that 
genuflect to hysteria. 

I understand, and agree with the concept of "Martial Law", (pertinent to 
Title 50 of the U.S. Code, based on the 1798 Alien and Sedition acts) and the 
suspension of "Civil Rights". I am also familiar with the Grave Hesitation to 

The "Treatment" was Not  Applied SELECTIVELY, Nor with CAUSE.

The COVERUP (Resistance to access to Government Documents for 50 years) 
COMPOUNDS  the Greviance, and the Unwillingness to COMPENSATE for Confiscated 
Property, and Damages, is the price a non Unified Community pays.
Una Storia Segreta: When Italian-Americans were enemy aliens  