Monday, November 27, 2006

Italians Quarrelsome ???? Who would have thought!! :)



Out with one Stereotype, in with a New.


We long have been told that  the Italian Family was ruled with an "iron hand" by the Patriarchal head !!  

Well Apparently, the family unit is far more "democratic". Actually, it sounds like it is in constant "revolt" :) :)


We Must  keep in mind:


(1) To Italians "Arguing" is a "Sport".

It's like pick a subject, any subject, and then pick a side, and I'll take the opposite side.

It's akin to being an Attorney and knowing your client is guilty as hell, but you are going to argue their innocence!!


(2) To Italians it is a Matter of Pride.

To agree with another is to "follow". To disagree is to be "independent "!!! 


(3) Italians are FAR More Communicative than practically any other nationality that I know of.

When there is more communication there is more "opportunity" for disagreement.  

Nordics, or North Europeans are So Uncommunicative. Tough to argue if you don't open up your mouth !!             

        Drunken Fighting Irish, or English Hooligans are an ENTIRELY different topic!! :) :)


(4) Romantic Love has replaced Arranged Marriages, creating more expectations, and more disappointments.

(5) Men are from Mars, Women from Venus. Perspectives and Issues of Importance are far DIFFERENT! 





Today in Italy

Special service by AGI

On behalf of the Italian Prime Minister's office

Rome, November, 27, 2006 


Italian couples are the most quarrelsome in the world and Rome is the capital of couples that live in constant fighting.


This emerges from a survey conducted from the singles club Eliana Monti in Rome, Milan, Turin, and Naples. The study shows that one-third of Italian families fight everyday and almost half at least 2 times a week.


But in Rome the rate of fighting beats all records: in the Capital only 4 percent of couples are pacifist; or rather they fight no more than one a month. This percentage doubles in Naples, where the survey reveals that 10 percent of couples are "pacifist" and rises even more in Turin (24 percent) and in Milan (32 percent), where couples are much less quarrelsome.


But why do they fight? The Eliana Monti survey highlights that the main reasons why couple's fight in Italy are the upbringing of their children (34 percent), having forgotten an anniversary or birthday (25 percent), dirty laundry left all over the house (20 percent), stress from work (15 percent) and the excessive time dedicated to TV (6 percent).


"Today people get married for love much more than in the past," commented Eliana Monti, who deals with love issues for over 8 years.


"But if on one side searching for your soul mate is based on spontaneous affection and on the relationship's quality, on the other side long-term plans appear uncertain; because today, unlike in the past, a thousand factors - from the lack of time to social and work pressures - prevent us from grasping the other person's messages, thus generating a short circuit in communication."


What are the solutions? "Men and women think differently and speak different languages and for this reason similar behaviours can have opposite meanings for men and women."




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