Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Rocky Balboa" Rocky VI: Heartwarming Winner



Sylvester Stallone wisely makes Rocky's comeback fight a colorful Footnote to the sweet but nonromantic relationship that develops between Rocky and Little Marie (not so little anymore as a single mom living in a hard patch of the old neighborhood) and gives the film much of its soul.


Geraldine Hughes' performance as Marie, the lonely young woman who believes life is a lost fight, is touching and authentic.

Adrian, Rockys departed wife, only appears in the photo Rocky keeps by his bed and fleeting black-and-white flashbacks. Adrian is not physically in the film, but her spirit is still a powerful presence in Rockys life.


Rocky son.doesn't hang out with his dad much, but Rocky won't let a little estrangement keep him from his boy.

The film has depth, complexity, and of course, Heart!!!



Rocky Proves to be Heartwarming Winner

2 The Advocate

The Advocate and WBRZ News 2 Louisiana
By John Wirt
Advocate movie critic

December 30, 2006

Hey, you mugs. Sly Stone’s doing another Rocky movie. Yeah, hes 80 years old. Sly slaps some old man in a match at the old fighters home.

Not exactly. There is a new Rocky movie and Sylvester Stallone enters the ring again, 30 years after his Rocky debut. But forget that cynical stuff about old Rocky going his latest round in a wheelchair.

In Rocky Balboa, the sixth film of the series, Rocky battles another seemingly unbeatable opponent. But the big match in Vegas is more or less a loud footnote in Stallones new Philadelphia story. Like Clint Eastwoods films about men past the bloom of youth, Rocky Balboas portrait of present day Rocky is genuine, moving and not self-aggrandizing.

Told on a mostly intimate scale, Rocky Balboa finds the series scrappy hero living modestly and alone in Philly. He runs a nice little Italian restaurant. The menu should include mention of complimentary tableside fight stories from the ex -! Italian Stallion.

The aging Rocky is a simple guy, a nice guy. Hes not bothered by fans who yell hello or stop him for an autograph.

Grace is not a word that applies to millions of Americans these days. Were busy rudely rushing around, rolling through stop signs and yakking on cell phones while driving dangerously.

Not Rocky. This former fighter is a gentleman. His vocabulary aint too good, but the man has grace.

Familiar faces other than Stallone also show up in Rocky Balboa. Burt Young returns as a gruff old Paulie. He works at the meatpacking plant. But Adrian  Paulies sister and Rockys wife  only appears in the photo Rocky keeps by his bed and fleeting black-and-white flashbacks. The departed Adrian is not physically in the film, but her spirit is still a powerful presence in Rockys life.

Of course, every character from the previous Rocky films is older, including the fighter's son. Milo Ventimiglia (TV's Heroes, Gilmore Girls and American Dreams) co-stars as the grown-up Rocky II. He doesn't hang out with his dad much. But Rocky I won't let a little estrangement keep him from his boy.

Rocky works his charm on another face from the past, Little Marie. Only she ain't so little no more. Marie's a single mom, living in a hard patch of the old neighborhood.

Irish actress Geraldine Hughes co-stars as Marie, a damaged soul who keeps her defenses up. In the ring and out, however, Rocky is good at breaking defenses down.

It wouldn't be a Rocky movie without a climactic fight in front of thousands of fans. Make that millions of fans. The match is an HBO pay-per-view special.

The best thing about the big fight, though, is Stallone as writer-director not taking it too seriously. The fight sequence is more tongue-in-cheek than glorification. That's fine, because Stallone and his cast earn enough points before the match to make Rocky VI a heartwarming winner.

Starring:Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Milo Ventimiglia, Tony Burton, James Francis Kelly III

Crew:Director, Sylvester Stallone; Writer, Sylvester Stallone

(Running time: 1 hr. 42 min.)


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