January 05, 2007
"Apocalypto" gives an insight as to how un tranquil,
cruel and gruesome this so called "
"faux" Indians like Ward Chamberlain start their "rant"
against Columbus, it would helpful to point out that in the Western Hemisphere,
wars vs neighbors, with raping and pillaging,
slavery, and all other of man's inhumanity to man was as prevalent as it was in
the rest of the world, BUT with the addition of Ritual Human Sacrifices!!!!!
Misinformation Crusade vs
only should Italian and Italian American Kids be "Permitted" to see
"Apocalypto", it should be REQUIRED
Maria Sanminiatelli
Associated Press
January 5, 2007
ROME The blood and gore in Mel
Gibson's latest epic "Apocalypto" are
suitable fare for children, Italy's cinema review board has ruled, bucking a
trend to impose age limits on the movie across
"The film is probably very beautiful and well done," Carlo Rienzi,
president of the Codacons consumer group, said in a
statement. "However, minors must be protected more than the economic
interests of film production companies."
Rienzi added that the consumer group was not advocating censorship but would
seek court action to have children younger than 14 banned from seeing "Apocalypto."
"Apocalypto" "produced, directed and
co-written by Gibson for Disney " depicts a
Mayan kingdom during its decline and is filled with gruesome slayings and human
sa c! rifices.
It is scheduled for release in
"Apocalypto" opened in the United States
last month with an R rating, which allows those younger than 18 to view it if
accompanied by an adult. It earned a Golden Globe nomination for best
foreign-language film.
Most European countries that have rated the movie set minimum age limits for
viewers to 12 in
"Families must not be left [to decide] alone" about children viewing
"Apocalypto," Family Policy Minister Rosy Bindi was quoted as saying by the ANSA agency.
Adriana Medici, secretary for the Italian review board that rated "Apocalypto," said the panel, usually consisting of
parents, industry experts and a psychologist, decided Dec. 19 to allow people
of any age to see it. In
"It's a work of art. ! It's a beautiful movie
that tells the story without hiding anything. Wars are a part of life,"
said Gian Paolo Cugno, an Italian director who was
among the board members who voted in favor of not giving the movie an age
"We are used to being subjected to images like the hanging of Saddam
Hussein in all the newspapers," Cugno said.
"I don't see what the scandal is just because we see a bit of blood."
Culture Minister Francesco Rutelli urged the film
distributor in
Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" was also controversial for
scenes of graphic violence.
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