Further to yesterday's Report titled "Italian Catches Up With Ojibwe! ",
wherein it reported on the First High School in Wisconsin to offer Italian.

I commented that: 
"I would like to congratulate that organization that donated the $25,000."

I received the following response from Dona DeSanctis, Director of Research 
at NIAF, and therefore do Warmly Congratulate NIAF. I should have known. [;-) 

Please note Dona's Appeal for those of you who care, and who shouldn't (?),
for us to contact High School Principals, who now offer Italian, to encourage 
them respond in the affirmative to the Survey they are about to receive!!!!!! 
From: Dona DeSanctis, NIAF:


"It was the National Italian American Foundation that committed $25,000 to 
help establish the AP program in Italian.  We gave a grant to Chris Kleinhenz, 
chair of the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI), who picked 
a committee that developed the proposal which was sent to the College Board 
last year.  

The College Board is now considering establishing the program in Italian, 
but it needs to get a healthy response from high schools around the
country that offer Italian to see if they are interested in it.  [It costs
about $1 million to set up a new AP program].  

The College Board is sending out a survey to these principals this month. 

Now the NIAF is working with AATI, Matilda Cuomo, the Sons of Italy
and the Italian Embassy.  We are collecting mailing lists of these schools
and writing to the principals to tell them about the survey and their need
to respond immediately. 

If your network activists live in near a high school that offers Italian, please 
urge them to call the principal to tell him to please fill out the survey and 
return it immediately to the college board.

We are at a good point, but the battle is far from over."