Report to the Congress of the United States
A Review of the Restrictions on Persons of 
Italian Ancestry During World War II"

Franco Giannotti, the Publisher of the "Italy in St. Louis" Web Site, (this site) as a Public Service to the Italian American 
Community has downloaded the above cited Report to his "ISL" Server, 
and it is accessible from "Highlights", under the 4th Column, on the extreme 

I advise the longer "Scenic" route above, but the Shortcut is :

The Report will remain on the "Italy in St. Louis" on their server 
PERMANENTLY, and there is therefore no chance of The Report being 
removed, modified or expiring, as it might on Congressional Site. 

Due to its size, (243 pages), The DOJ Report needs to remain in PDF
format. Instructions given in the second screen explain the usage.

The Congressional Site, for the moment is:

This Report should silence those "Doubting Thomases" who claim 
"Restrictions" (Evacuations, Internments, Curfews, etc...) on Italian 
Americans during WWII  "never happened", or those who cavalierly 
dismiss newspaper articles, as "pulp fiction".

The I-A Communities deepest thanks to Franco, not only for completion 
of  this Project, but for creating and maintaining the Premier I-A City Site 
in the US.