Friday, May 04,

"I'm Illegal -- So What?" - The Italians Did it the Right Way



Recent demonstrators wore tee-shirts that loudly proclaim, "I'm Illegal -- So What?"


Well, The Italians like other Immigrants did it the Right Way,  They were Admitted Legally, Registered, had  Health Check Ups, had Criminal Background Checks, Have a Financial Sponsor, Required to Pay Taxes, and keep their Address updated.


During those times there was No Welfare, No Free Health Care, No Rent Subsidies , No Food Stamps, No Scholarships, or Worker Protection.


The Statute of Liberty (“Liberty Enlightening the World", 46 meters high) was given to the US  by the French in 1886 as a gesture of friendship between the two nations, and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy, NOT as a commemoration to Immigrants.


Bartholdi's design was in fact is said to have drawn inspiration from "Il Sancarlone" (Statute of Saint Charles Borromeo in Milan Italy, 23 meters high, on a plinth 12 m. in height), the  "Colossus of Rhodes" (34 meters high, atop 15 meter pillars)  and his conception of the Roman Goddess "Libertas". 


Bartholdi's design  was originally inspired by the project of the Suez Canal which was being undertaken by Ferdinand, Vicomte de Lesseps who later became his life-long friend. He envisioned a giant lighthouse standing at the entrance to Suez Canal and drew plans for it. but the project was never commissioned.


Bartholdi was awarded U.S. Patent D11,023 for the Statue of Liberty. This patent covered the sale of small copies of the statue. Proceeds from the sale of the statues helped raise money to build the full statue.


"Give us your tired and poor" was a poem Emma Lazarus wrote in 1883, prior to the gift. Lazurus poem was not affixed to the pedestal as an afterthought until 1903.


That was when the US NEEDED IMMIGRANTS when US population in 1880 was 50 Million. Now we have 300 Million. Start counting them on the freeway on your way through gridlock each day.


Besides, the Statute of Liberty is facing Europe Not Mexico, and Ellis Island is not on the Rio Grande


There are an Estimated 12 million ILLEGAL Immigrants in the US, besides the Millions that were given Amnesty under two previous programs.


This is an INVASION, not Immigration. It is what Santa Ana couldn't do by War, and take back not only the Western US for the Spaniards, but the entire US.


Push 2 for English!!!!!!


The Shepherd's Heart/

Illegalration, Not to be Confused with Immigration

Thursday, May 3, 2007


That's right. Illegalration. It's what illegalrants do. They illegalrate into our country and demonstrate in the streets while wearing tee-shirts that loudly proclaim, "I'm Illegal -- So What?" They proudly display their status as illegalrants.

Seemingly gone are the days when immigrants came to this country, registered as immigrants, and worked hard to gain their citizenship while learning our language.

I grew up in a predominantly Italian neighborhood in Kansas City. The folks up and down our street were old-country immigrants who were proud of their heritage and even prouder of their United States citizenship, which did not come easy for many of them.

They spoke their native tongue when in their own homes and among those who understood. They also had the decency to learn English so they could speak to their neighbors who were not of Italian descent, or talk with the produce manager at the local grocery store, or offer condolences when a family member of one of their non-Italian neighbors passed away.

They were immigrants. They came to our country -- like many folks from across Europe, Asia, and the British Isles -- looking for a better life while understanding they would need to orient themselves to our culture and language. They respected our nation enough to "pay the price" to go through the proper channels to gain their right to be called Americans.

As I write this column, news agencies around the country are reporting on massive marches and demonstrations that have taken place around the nation today. The illegalrants have once again taken their demands to the streets in hopes that the government will enact what they call "immigration reform." Translated loosely, that means they want the government to grant them amnesty (pardon from the crime of coming here illegally in the first place) while continuing to allow many of them to stay on the welfare and public health care rolls.

The Bush Administration offered a good "legalization" program last year when it suggested illegalrants should pay $3,500 for a work visa, go back to their home countries to apply for citizenship, and pay a $10,000 fine. Of course, the shouts of "unfair" and "inequitable" were loud and many. And why not?

Why should we impose our language, laws and expectations on those who are here illegally? Why should we disrupt their lives? Why should we ask them to do things the "right way?"

I have been to other countries. I wouldn't want to live anywhere but in the United States. But I can assure you that if I did want to take advantage of whatever they might have to offer -- rampant poverty, high crime rates and corruption in high places -- I wouldn't be able to go to Guadalajara or Moscow or Kiev or Peking, find a job, rent a house, and send my paychecks back to the states via Western Union. If I refused to do things their way, I'd be jailed in the blink of an eye, never again to see the light of day.

It's not a race issue.

It's simply a matter of right and wrong.

Sort of gives the old "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses " a whole new meaning, doesn't it?


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