Our good friend Larry DiStasi sent us the following Report, and Requests
a Solution to the Problem posed. I respond with a very general, and then a 
specific Short term and Long Term Response. 
Larry DiStasi wrote:

We had a Sopranos Syndrome Seminar last week in Oakland.

FYI, it was clear at that meeting that there is an untapped reservoir of
discontent and frustration in the Italian American community about the media 
bashing that is symbolized by the Sopranos, and numerous people WANTED TO 
KNOW WHAT they as individuals COULD DO about it?? 

We are talking about trying to formulate a POLICY or some sort of ACTION 
that people can take. If you have any ideas from all the posts you get, it might 
be helpful. Seems to me if we could even generate a letter-writing campaign, 
it would aid in things like the lawsuit to show that there is a mass of people 
out there who are p***ed off. That's what has to be conveyed somehow. 
I reply: 

Larry, Generally Speaking, The Internet can be the Italian American's greatest 
and best weapon in waging the campaign to educate our community about it's 
culture, and to protect the community from defamation and discrimination.

'Snail Mail" is as outmoded as the "Horse and Buggy".

The Internet:
**** is an easy, low cost way to STORE information. 
**** is an easy, low cast way to ACCESS information
**** is an easy, instant, low cost way to DISTRIBUTE notices and info via 
**** is an easy, low cost way to MOBILIZE people for events 

Use of the Internet in political campaigns has matured. In 
1998, Minnesota's governor Jesse Ventura declared that he 
couldn't have been elected governor without the Internet. And, 
in 2000, John McCain raised over $6.5 million online.

In the Short Term, I would recommend that anyone who is "fed up", 
Join Italian American One Voice (IAOV), they have been one of the most 
effective voices against I-A Defamation. (Info at bottom)

In the Long Term, the REAL Answer is to develop an I-A Internet PORTAL,
very similar to the one that I have been working on for 4 years.

It is ONE Place, Where ALL I-As can go to FIND Anything, and Everything 
Italian American (and Italian). 

Not only can one FIND anything they would want to know, but it would serve 
as a catalyst, to MOBILIZE I-As to action when, and where appropriate.

The I-A PORTAL would be much richer in content, and structure than the 
PORTAL for the Asian Community, called "Asian Ave.Com" .

In it's abbreviated form it has 2 MILLION members, with a population 1/3 the 
size of the Italian American Community!!! There is NO reason why the Italian 
American Community could not have 6 MILLION Members!!!!!

Can you image that if we were to send out a clarion call to the I-A Community
"for a call to arms", and only 1% responded, we would have 60,000 Emails 
INUNDATING any recipient/transgressor!!!!

Does anyone out there have a better idea????
