July 06, 2007
Who Lives Better? Italians
or Americans ???
and Columnist Timothy Egan after seeing Michael Moore's "Sicko" has to re think what Americans take for
granted, that Americans Live Better than anyone else.
was particularly impressed that the
a Debate with Italian friends he had to agree that Italians
on health, family and food.
But, what about LEISURE? Americans Lunch
averages 31 minutes. And the
Most Americans don’t even use their allotted days of leisure. The Italians take 42 vacation days a year - No. 1 in the world. The average American takes 13.
quarter of Americans receive no vacation at all. And it’s not like we
don’t need it: one in three are chronically overworked. We even work
100 hours a year more than the Japanese.
President Bush has it figured out, with his month off at the ranch. But for a profile in clueless, Bush set the mark when he lauded as truly American some citizen who told him she had to work three jobs. Ain’t that something?
What about TAXES? Europeans pay more than we do, to fund that free health care. Take that, Euro-trash. And yet, our tax system is approaching Gilded Age disparity. Warren Buffett, the third richest man in the world, last year was taxed at 17 percent, while his receptionist paid nearly twice that, at 30 percent
to Prof
A National Gut-Check: Who Lives Better?
By Timothy Egan
Guest Columnist
July 5, 2007
of the memorable scenes in Sicko, Michael
Moores latest cinematic provocation, comes from
But its not just
stipulate that
With Independence Day just passed, a good nationalist shouldnt be afraid to answer those questions. So, who lives better, us or them?
Italians won on health, family and food. The
health care, the anecdotal often carried the argument. One day, a tenant farmer
named Sergio, our neighbor, woke with a terrible eye infection. He was full of
pain, unable to see. Sergio got world-class care in
he showed up at any American hospital poor, no insurance well, good luck.
Especially in a place like
But even with insurance, Americans are stuck with what may be the worst of all systems: one that lets a handful of corporations make life-and-death decisions, with incentive to dump and deny.
wonder that the
If our system doesnt kill you see the infant mortality and life expectancy rates, bringing up the rear it can put you in the poorhouse. Medical catastrophes are the leading cause of bankruptcy, and most of those are people who have some insurance, clinging to the frayed edge of the middle class.
O.K., so what about leisure? Americans spend nearly a third
of their disposable income on good times, baby. But we cant relax. Sorry no time. Lunch averages 31 minutes. And the
Most Americans dont even use their allotted days of leisure. The Italians take 42 vacation days a year No. 1 in the world. The average American takes 13.
A quarter of Americans receive no vacation at all. And its not like we dont need it: one in three are chronically overworked. We even work 100 hours a year more than the Japanese.
President Bush has it figured out, with his month off at the ranch. But for a profile in clueless, Bush set the mark when he lauded as truly American some citizen who told him she had to work three jobs. Aint that something?
Ah, but what about taxes? Europeans pay more than we do, to fund that free health care. Take that, Euro-trash, while lying on the beach. And yet, our tax system is approaching Gilded Age disparity. Listen to Warren Buffett, the third richest man in the world. Last year, he was taxed at 17 percent of his taxable income, he said last month. His receptionist paid nearly twice that, at 30 percent.
By contrast, nothing made me prouder than telling Italians that I came from a place with an African-American mayor and a Chinese-American governor. Or that I grew up in a big Irish-American family with little money.
A patriot should not be afraid to have this debate, vigorously after a nap.
Egan, a former
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