Thanks to Geoffrey Claroni, Esq. of H-ITAM

Presepio for the FDNY

The Camera di Commercio Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Napoli
is donating a replica of a traditional 18th century Neapolitan Presepio
to the FDNY, Fire Department of New York, as a gift of friendship and

It is being dedicated to the 'heroes' of the World Trade Center tragedy.

It measures five square meters and is enriched by 110 diminutive figures.  

As a symbolic gift of sacrifice, the Three Kings present a gold FDNY fire 
helmet to the Baby Jesus.

The Opening Ceremony, Reception, and Display to Inaugurate 
"Il Presepe Della Solidarietá"  (The Crèche of Solidarity)
will take place at The Church of Saint Michael,
424 West 34th Street at Ninth Avenue, Manhattan.
Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 1:00 pm

Contact:  (212) 563-2575.

The Presepio will be on display through January 6, 2002.