Friday, August 24, 2007

Italians Avoid Taxes - Good for Them !!!!!!



To Avoid Taxes is Legal. To Evade Taxes is Illegal.


It is a tortuous distinction with a myriad of loopholes written by special interest groups, passed by legislators, awash with lobbyist "contributions".   In the US, in Italy, most of the world.


Michele Salvatian  Economic Professor is advocating that Italians meet their civic responsibilities by paying their taxes.


Italians are apparently more cynical and skeptical about politicians motives than naive Americans are, and care not to be  


I oppose Prof Salvati's suggestion, and rather suggest that he spend his time more productively by figuring out how to make the Politicians perform HONESTLY.!!!!!!!! not selling the Public's interests down the river, while slurping at the public trough, and being paid off.


Then and only then, should the Italians step up to the plate. Until then, they need not act like mindless sheep!!!!!



Michele Salvati Calls for More Civil Responsibility in Italy


Courrier International - Paris,France

August 23, 2007

The Italian professor of political economy Michele Salvati considers that "Italy is a rich country and has its place among other western countries, but it has always suffered from a distinct lack of civil culture. ...


Nowadays, not only do moralising thinkers regret this absence of civil sensitivity, but so too do economists and sociologists, who have discovered that an adequate 'social capital' is a powerful motor for development.


Indeed, the sense of civil responsibility, faith in institutions and the capacity to cooperate honestly are indispensable. ... The programme of a genuine political class should have as a priority the resolution of this 'old Italian problem'. ..


We therefore need zero tolerance of illegal behaviour. .. With time and rigorous policy, the behaviour of Italians can be changed and the sense of civil responsibility and legality will become an intrinsic part of our mentalities."



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