Wednesday, September 26

Too Many Italian Women Doctors?



By 2017,in one decade,  only two doctors in ten will be male, according to FNOMCEO, the federation of  Italian medical associations !!!!!


Today's article in Corriere Della Sera reflects an opinion previously expressed  3 YEARS ago in Great Britain by BBC News on Tuesday,  August, 3, 2004. (Both articles Below)


Incidentally,  I disagree with this Italian Doctor TOTALLY.  If someone is going to be fondling my Genitals OR sticking their finger up my backside to massage my Prostate,, I would prefer it to be a young lovely FEMALE, than my crotchety old Male doctor!!!!!!   :) :)


Thanks to Pat Gabriel


Too Many Women Doctors


Corriere Della Sera

26 settembre 2007



In 2017, only two doctors in ten will be male. Surgeons and urologists dwindling. Federation of medical associations warns that countermeasures must be taken


ROME – Can you imagine a man letting himself be examined by a female urologist? In a couple of years’ time, this will be a situation that many men who are currently reluctant out of pride or embarrassment will have to accept. Italy’s medical profession is rapidly changing sex.


Already, some 60% of the students at faculties of medicine and surgery are female and forecasts predict that in the next ten years, as many as eight white coats in ten will be worn by women. The topic will be on Friday’s agenda at a major conference organised at Caserta by the FNOMCEO, the federation of medical associations chaired by Amedeo Bianco.


Dr Bianco’s warning is based on figures collated by his deputy, Maurizio Bennato: “We have to address the future differently, otherwise some specialisations, especially the ones that today are single sex, will be facing a crisis. I am very much in favour of women doctors but I do admit to a certain concern. We have to design a system that will ensure quality and potential without reducing supply”.


Hospital roles will be turned on their heads with beskirted doctors and nurses in trousers. For there is also a new trend in nursing. Once, nurses were female but nowadays the profession offers more promising prospects for men. Nursing is no longer just about care and has acquired a managerial, coordination-oriented focus. In other words, old-style ward sisters are on the way out.


In the world of medicine, the fields traditionally denied to women are now more open. These include prestigious surgery specialisations like neurosurgery and cardiosurgery, not to mention those that deal with diseases of the intimate regions. Vincenzo Mirone, president of the Italian society of urology, reflects on the figures. There are only 173 women out of 2,200 urologists in Italy. Let’s be frank. We men are never going to let a female examine our prostate nor would we be happy if a woman prescribed us with a drug for impotence. I mean it’s not nice to hear a woman telling you that you need Cialis or Viagra”. Dr Bianco suggests a way to offset the impact of the female invasion in hospitals and family doctors’ surgeries, where numbers of women have tripled. “


There’s a danger of a shortfall in surgery or orthopaedics. People think, wrongly in my view, that only men can operate because they are stronger, cooler and more courageous. And there are also objective difficulties. For example, operating theatre hours are hard to reconcile with a family. We need to rethink shifts and maternity conditions”. The FNOMCEO president is not in favour of quotas that would set aside jobs for the sex that continues to be stronger, at least on the management front. The medical profession may be undergoing a sex change but most heads of hospital departments and top managers are still men.


Lorenza Sassi, a dental surgeon and member of the Udine medical association council, stresses that a change of culture is needed. “A lot of people are still suspicious of us women”, she says. “Patients call me ‘Signora’, not ‘Doctor’. If I have to extract a tooth, their attitude becomes negative. They think that you need to be physically strong to be good, and that women don’t have that strength. In short, it’s going to take time before men get used to going to a female urologist without embarrassment, the way women go to male gynaecologists.


Margherita De Bac
English translation by Giles Watson

Are There Too Many Women Doctors?


A top female doctor has warned the medical profession's influence could be damaged by the number of women choosing to be medics.


BBC News

Tuesday, 3 August, 2004

Professor Carol Black, president of the Royal College of Physicians, said that feminising medicine would cause the profession to lose its prestige and 'power'.

She said she believed female-dominated professions such as teaching no longer saw themselves as "powerful".

She added: "We are feminising medicine. It has been a profession dominated by white males. What are we going to have to do to ensure it retains its influence?

"Years ago, teaching was a male-dominated profession - and look what happened to teaching. I don't think they feel they are a powerful profession any more. Look at nursing, too."

Women doctors are expected to outnumber men within a decade.

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